a study towards sonnet #375 by FisherKingKQJ
intellectual property of Letica Interactive Movies and Plastic Transistor Screens
With loving persistence I'd tamed the brute,
He'd softened from so arrogant to brash,
In a short while he was abrasive cute,
I could've pledged love to him in a flash.
His insolent eyes recalled our first pash,
A spare, opportune second of lips on lips,
I played face value disposable rash,
I slinked away from his demanding grips.
My solid love wore him down at the hips,
He baffled from harangues to growls,
From overblown sneers to subtle pips,
From furious rampages to impatient prowls.
You could call me a human punching bag,
His outsize training gloves were full of rag.
You could call me a human punching bag.
You could call me a human punching kit.
You could call me a human punching sack.
[Proof of concept for interactive movies in the rhyme sheme A flat, B flat, C flat, D flat, E flat. 25/10/04]
The archetype disposable mob phone number is: KKK QQQ JJJ KQJ
The mob phone itself is a folding plastic transistor screen with a solar panel on the back and shaped like a leaf.