a study toward sonnet #319 by FisherKingKQJ
Such over the top romantic gestures test
An impressionable female like me-
The perfect man instils an urgent quest
Not too different to a shopping spree.
I was in a chartered Lear jet, on his knee,
We buzzed the Eiffel tower quite madcap,
We saw the Doily collection for free,
At Epiphany's, on blue velvet knap
Blood diamonds lay, he bought at a snap;
And soon I learned to be a catburglar-
I learned to swing past lasers on a strap,
Why premiums swiftly go down the gurgler.
We cut glass doors with masking hinges,
Me and my new man - I hate stinges.
Me and my new man - I hate stinges.
Me and my new man - I hate misers.
Me and my new man - I hate tightwads.