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interactive movies

Friday, October 29, 2004

a study toward sonnet #378 by FisherKingKQJ
intellectual property of Letica Interactive Movies and Plastic Transistor Screens

We're sexy makeups as well as tantrums,
We're assertive, independent, strong willed,
Allergic to tedium, our hectic routine hums,
Our boisterous social life is well drilled.
We're sexually impulsive, always thrilled,
We chitchat one another's ear lobes off,
As seductive and heady we could be billed,
We dazzle our friends, and yet never scoff.
We lend a hand to others in the trough,
It's central to our ideological bonds
And fearful of loneliness we just doff
Inhibitions so that neither absconds.
But the depth of our love none can deduce,
One another we time and again seduce.

But the depth of our love none can deduce.
But the depth of our love none can figure.
But the depth of our love none can suss.

[Proof of concept for interactive movies in the rhyme scheme A sharp, B sharp, C sharp, D sharp, E sharp. 28/10/04]