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interactive movies

Thursday, October 28, 2004

a study toward sonnnet #367 by FisherKingKQJ
intellectual property of Letica Interactive Movies and Plastic Transistor Screens

I tabbed into the unfortunate hunch
That she didn't hanker after my man,
She just wanted my life, or to crunch
Me down flat as a kooky-kola can.
I spied on them canoodling in his van,
I nearly shuddered aloud in their shade;
I turned into a mess and I looked wan
And listless, my appetite was waylaid.
In a drunken stupor and yet dismayed,
I dreamed up for myself a six foot hunk-
Against such sly minxes he inveighed,
For such a ladykiller I did a bunk.
From his hazel eyes I took a sweet hint,
I loved his natural or lightbulb glint.

From his hazel eyes I took a sweet hint.
From his hazel eyes I took a sweet inkling.
From his hazel eyes I took a sweet tip.

[Proof of concept for interactive movies in the rhyme scheme A flat, B flat, C flat, D flat, E flat. 27/10/04.]