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interactive movies

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

a study toward sonnet #373 by FisherKingKQJ
intellectual property of Letica Interactive Movies and Plastic Transistor Screens

I pondered my marriage versus divorce,
If I could do something to make it work,
We were stubborn, shouting hoarse,
And vying for attention as if beserk.
Unsolicited mutual advice would irk,
As would an occasional flagrant flirt,
And in overbearing critiques would lurk
A spoilt, loud crybaby, ever alert.
We would feed each other fearful dirt
And mantra us losing what we've got,
And lately we've become resentful curt
In our moods and oversensitive hot.
As I'm pressured, I pile on guilt trips,
And as she does, too, imbalance tips.

As I'm pressured, I pile on guilt trips.
As I'm pressured, I pile on guilt escapades.
As I'm pressured, I pile on guilt journeys.

[Proof of concept for interactive movies in the rhyme scheme A sharp, B sharp, C sharp, D sharp, E sharp 26/10/04]