a mock up for a FAQ
Q. Do you use black magic?
A. Only occasionally. It looks too much like bad luck to be worth anything as vengeance. There was the gangster found on the back streets of Ponsonby after a war, and three or four other envious fellows who hurt me bad. Let's just say I can make an ambulance sixty seconds early or sixty seconds late.
Q. Do you use white magic?
A. All the time. Black magic is fatalistic whereas white magic is holistic. I was shown the following spell by time lords when I was six years old. It's the code for three dimensional tvs, teleporters and time machines going back to the first Council of Human Language at the tower of Babel about 100, 000 BC. Some people call them hexes, other people call them dice.
abacad ab raj
ebeced eb rex
ubucud ub rul
I'm talking real magic here, not the Christian cargo cult. The printer's alphabet bricks are dipped in petrol, stacked and set alight, so creating printer's ink and movable type. That is the true meaning of the tower of Babel.