Earl Catar
Their source my side grandfather I can swear
And daughter mine know you this fellow fine?
Sol Vampire Adeline
I know him from a portrait pinned to wall
And titled brilliant name escapes me yet
Earl Catar
Hes Haemo Vampire Knight ambassador
To realm from bogs of southern Tartary
In favour lately guest of majesty
Sol Vampire Adeline
Its such a small world then if I slipped past
Earl Catar
Consider him a part of our sharp clique
King Eznorbs firmed acquaintance he in trade
Vampire Knight Haemo
Im up and coming lean on me in strait
Sol Vampire Adeline
Ive lots to learn in practicality
Earl Catar
Shes mastered seven foreign languages
Shes steeped in all philosophy as well
But hold on Eznorb now approaches us
Vampire Knight Haemo
And his sons their intent is treacherous
Approach Eznorb from stairs Prince Alan and Prince Alfred from corridor
Horn blast volcano rumble
Approach loyal sons your loving papa calls
Earl Catar
Well keep observer status aside set off
My learned daughter we are less involved
Theres spy holes drilled above volcano isle
Earl Catar and Sol Vampire Adeline retreat to rear of mural room divider
Well take succession plan from chalk to ink
Are we in general agreement now?
Prince Alan and Prince Alfred
We are we are your greatest majesty
Wheres my wing man Knob whos to cosign it?
Prince Alan
I dont know pa I thought he was with you
Earl Catar
The abdication is no laughing stuff
Well plug on its a family affair
Agreed we split in two our current realm
From north to south as if two wedges hewn
Aimed down at all potential enemies
Untimely death of Queen P in lava floe
Has turned my grey beard white in agony
Im not myself one week past widower made
Prince Alan
This river island I do claim as mine
Prince Alfred
This border forest I shall slash back mine
Give voice to your entirely clever mind
Vampire Knight Haemo
But everyone can read my honest thoughts
This is royal court of realm speech pedantry
Prince Alan
And when you abdicate will you pull strings--