When I saw my queen trapped in solid stone
A lava statue posed on pedestal
I wept and cheered her crown of gilded paint
Inch thicker then a demigoddess she
In making beautiful and elegant
I shouldve died with her eruption squashed
Jester Bobo
Health spas are womens business dont weep
She died in bliss in mud bath shoulder deep
A mask of clay upon her pretty face
From her skin toxins oozed she purified
Yes Id subscribe to such imagined end
I built the bridge of barges four lanes wide
To Silk Route latter continental length
Enabled international trade here
I built the mines and factories huge scale
The valley span of aquaducts ten miles long
The amphitheatres squares and public baths
Of reaggregated stone my brother pressed
Together we brought our realm world esteem
We brought the common wealth a richer style
Yet stoop I blamed for bringing ruination
Jester Bobo
Tear me another arsehole if Im wrong
The living standards rose while you were king
You gave each child here born a brick of gold
You housed the poor in rentals peppercorn
You rigged up the public lavatories free
You subsidized newfangled bidets too
The list goes on and on and not anon
I did all civil works in Vulcans name
Jester Bobo
You had no time to spare for your dear wife
Yet when she passed you wept a month bereft
She had her hobbies when not bureaucrat
Embroidery and weaving excellent
Jester Bobo
You wont embarrass Queen Pompe if you weep
We were a perfect pair our match was fixed
I warmed to her and she to me at length
The realm survived another year in peace
I shouldve died with her my heart is cracked
Jester Bobo
Your beard turned white that very sleepless night
Her jointed statue tilts a flask though mute
Id swear her lacquered eyes smile oftentimes
But no its flickering of peat lamp light
Jester Bobo
Youve outdone pharaohs cask and corpse are one
Robotical to scale and vertical
The engineer and sculptor succeeded
The toilet pig sty reeks our clothes are smeared
Jester Apart from spring clips holding grate in grooves
The toilet piggerys historic place
None can touch it for aspirations past
Ive fared worse so have you your majesty
Observe the scars beneath my satin shirt
All stabs in back by halberd pike and knife--