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Monday, February 18, 2019

As overmining gold has ruined the realm
When I felt Vulcans wisdom rattle me
I sat upon the Great Hall throne alert
The crown felt heavy never problem prior
Escape of signal crays from our fish farms
The death of native species brook by brook
You gave them green gold bricks abundantly
The pampered poor folk are perplexed and sad
They see the mountains flattened flush with ground
They see the hills inverted holes in ground
By dozer blades reduced to nought in air
The pyroclast and mud flood just yards off
Jester Bobo
Your epaulettes embroidered gold thread
His majesty has made that possible
What service did you ever do the realm?
I served as squire on battlefield of Xes
Jester Bobo
I served there archer no recall of you
I was trapped under six cadavers there
A muddy ditch gave way in driving rain
At battle end I crawled out I slit throats
Of maimed and dying foe fifteen mercy kills
Jester Bobo
In unison I claim no kills just mine
Our arrows rained upon foe countless died
Your mercy kills do stink of treachery
Let go stop choking me you crazy fool
Jester Bobo
Not till you squeak apology stops hold
No Eznorbs sons are troubleshooters rare
Theyll drain the pickle jar let breathe the realm
The quakes and spewing volcanoes are the fault
Of cracked King Eznorb who mined far too deep
Thus created molten lava conduits fierce
Collapsing potholes widening ravines
His reign disaster ecological
I cant make out one word of his shrill rant
God Vulcan visit peace upon his soul
He who let us build metal foundries vast
Inside volcanoes active else asleep
My hands and brain are clear of evil deeds
God Vulcan we constructed better lives
Colloidal silver flask on his belt hangs
I sip for asthma flu and rash nought big
Eznorb Distributed free through King Eznorbs law--

Clown chants
The parasite departs the host
Whats left cadaver never ghost

Jester chants
The mince is given saw dust bulk
Its sheath the gut of oxen scraped
A sausage makes for warrior hulk

If I knew what I was Id gauge my sons
Intent for me Id analyse their goal
Jester Bobo
Youll wake a fawning fawned upon pa yet
No mining crew if rogue or loyal could break
The mantle we can drill but the one mile down

Approach Prince Alfred

Explain yourself old pal in depth at length
Prince Alfred
Its just another party trick from you
Dont get me wrong sagacity and age
Require discernment your halves attempt
To abdicate like a blunt knife scour of wound
Impresses would be rebels plants the meme
You will retire from present public life
To Porcine Cottage see out your days there
Pretence of common touch as peoples king
Will cease upon relinquishment of crown
Jester Bobo
That Porcine Cottage is a dumbing down
Its twice the size of any peasant shack
Wild almond branches act its canopy
There shade protects against the summer sun
Prince Alfred
This here ghost written speech youll voice
Ill take a permanent holiday I see
Prince Alfred
Youll read aloud from podium handed scroll
It starts off I King Eznorb abdicate
The Realm Vulcania from this moment forth
And leave specific points to my loyal sons
Misspelling legal sons it is not loyal
Prince Alfred
Sign sir speech sir let court succession view
The bud of dynasty clipped off this spring
You strike senescent using debt crazed spies
Your jester aids you smacking minions ours
Elite troops you waste versus far flung foe
No late repentance leaves these cracked old lips
Ill scrawl and parrot such a document
With small conditions make the carriage sure
It carries me to my retirement once
Its made of gilded wood and not solid gold
That horses haul opposed to unicorns
Prince Alfred
Consider done as soon as possible
Will you lend me a little cavalry
As escort from our castle habitat?
Prince Alfred
The mercenary troops despise your pax
Your war chest risky proposition looks
They itch for action booty bagged abroad
I offer two reserve guards escorts no charge
King Eznorbs broken stubborn majesty
Chose not to fade away and challenged luck
That sounds appropriate epitaph for you
The hollowed inner empire fragile shell

Prince Alfred tweaks his own nose

I wont dust ink were not that kind of clan
The blood runs thin its red upon red tape
Id much prefer the benefit of doubt
Entrusting souls available to us
You lava blooded gargoyles worst of worst
In staring out of eyes of innocents
Prince Alfred
Shut your mouth think first utter common sense
Impatient buzzard you came far too soon
You should be worried my men absent are
Prince Alfred
No every last one rails against you now
That is quite possible old pal and yet
I call in Vulcan listen Vulcan close
Our great God cancel procreation I pray
Clog my sons testicles with lifeless sperm
Or deal to them disfigured offspring born
Who later manifest limbs lame or spasmed
Who carries pain personally like mine?
Its pain thats realised by myself alone
Blood relatives displaying ingratitude
I shall find higher ground rise above my tears

Departs Prince Alfred
Eznorb slumps on bunk

And King Eznorb proves humble shuttered down
His wrecklessness not such a massive deal
The overgrown wild almond trees will ooze
In morning dew a gradual painless death--
So worshipped pantheon deities dozen fold
The sum is what? Is Vulcan overwhelmed?
The nonsense shouted by senescent folk
I mumble criticisms up my shirt sleeves
I tip my wig to pofaced idiocy--

Eznorb rolls to face the wall

Wholl loan an ear to me and pity me?
Should I endorse the Black Witch in great grief?
Could she revert my beard and hair to black?
Grey wasnt ever set to moderate
Hair roots should ooze their colour self made stuff
Jester Bobo
For nits and dandruff none can touch that witch
Theyre cycle greased along for green gold coins

Approach Prince Alan

Prince Alan
Enjoy your golden years in countryside
In forest cottage rest on laurels earnt
Youre lucky Im no tyrant set to smash

Depart Prince Alan

You heard that didnt you my brother dear?
Prince Alan
When anxious hell belt out his sentences
I can put you above our pa new king
He stands blood relative in consequence
Before and after however were staunch pals
Prince Alfred
Your lips express my thinking brother prized
Prince Alan
We must clean up catastrophe thats his
And not perpetuate it the ground quakes less
You fear our pa not possibly enough
In my opinion modest hes a threat

Approach Jester Bobo

Jester Bobo
You fix what isnt broken Vulcan rules
Prince Alfred
Thats totally wrongheaded check the facts
Jester Bobo
I cede caesuras pause at nods and winks
I peep from staircase landing counting house
You put the tweezers scales and grains of gold
The pyramid chart alloys red to blue
Above the company of kin or folk
Estrange your brother too with pyrite scratch
Prince Alan
One quip wrong Jester Bobo then youre squashed--