[The Holo Magi first draught.]
Act Two Scene Two
-Albinio, explain the difference between living
outside the maze as you sometimes do,
and suicide by cop?
-Pardon, monsieur? I'm showing you where I
dug a hole like the proberbial dog under the maze hedge,
that you might outwit or club into a coma the
Holo Magi.
-Pistol whip him! A slug from a silencer would be
too civilised.
-Ow! I've got dark powers of my own, suppressed
only by the grand mal on behalf the petit mal for
reason unknown. Ouch!
-He'd go up in the world. He'd give himself burps
and farts.
-Sleepwalk with your eyes open, from now on.
-I was just getting the hang of sleepwalking and
snoring at once.
-We can do the Magi like hunting lions. One will
roar to freeze and the other shall pounce. One will
roar to drive into the maw of the other.
-The Magi says there is only the one clone,
but I've seen others in various states of
development in cryogenic chambers
to replace his tired old organs or skin and bones. He
models himself on salamanders, has asthma and
pollen allergies that haunt him. I've buried bits over
here, of him, that with decay marinate off the bone
and into the mouth.
-Show us a likeness of him.
-He has taken the island from me, the runt who noone recruit
to civil war, and though he might outlive me, my
stinking reputation will occur in his nostrils after I'm dead,
as Albinio, last of the cannibals, robbed of justice, in my
message in a bottle last testament.
-Is the Magi patient?
-At first was, but I've seen him grow a kidney before my eyes.
-Then even a sorcerer can experience personal growth.
-Thanks, but no thanks, I won't have a morsel of the Magi.
When I get my hands on his throat, he'll get a piece of me.
-In the next part of the island chain we must whisper.
He has good reconnaissance there.
-And ship that might be loaded with six hundred tonnes
of cocaine?
-Has built massive six storey solenoids out
of copper from old
pennies and two cent pieces up in the
mountains and aboard his ship
the HMS Stormchaser, which crackle along on lightning
bolts and fire up the propellors with sea ozone and
sea hydrogen.
[End of Act Two Scene Two first draught.]