[The Holo Magi first draught]
Act Two Scene Nine
Eduardo - What does the Colonel think of Albinio's
big plans for Her Majesty's guest house?
Colonel - He's got nothing to fall back on. He's
got all his dodo eggs in the one basket.
Albinio - I'm very confident of private prisons
for baby buggers. I shall appoint a
fellow with two green stars on his cheek
as Commissioner, and a fellow with one
green star on his cheek as chaplain.
Ultimately, we'll completely $10
rehabilitate a convict into the
Oval office or number 10 Downing St.
In the unlikely event of this plan
collapsing I shall train small apes,
the very same large monkeys whom I
availed of tails with rusty scissors in their
drunken stupor to collect coffee beans
out the backend of a seasnake which
has unlocked its jaws and swollen whole
a coffee bean loving sea-weasel. $20
Bernardo - Boutique brands are on the way up.
Private prisons for paedophiles should
be your plan b. You're taking the risk of
looking ridiculous in the marketplace.
[End of Act Two Scene Nine.]