[1st draught of The Holo Magi.]
Act Two Scene Three.
-So, the Holo Magi is growing in strength,
but you're happy with your lot.
-The little I do I do well in sorcery. A
little further on I'll dig up the very UN
peacekeeping colonel who cast the deciding vote
to keep me out of the civil war. Is a zombie
and deservedly so for shutting me out of the
civil war between the darkies and the very darkies.
-What you needed was a Ku Klux observer,
someone sitting on the fence while the genocide
raged on.
-I wear an eyeless sheet on my poor head
Because all our sad darkies are now dead
O what dark, evil message do they send
When finishing off their own wicked end?
-You can sleep at night now.
-Albinio, you have got some hold on the Magi,
otherwise you'd be long dead.
-I gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation on the
beach when he was blue with death.
-I think he will destroy you somehow. When
he finds out you're eating earlier versions of him.
It's outrageous.
-Without his permission, you've gone and eaten
one of his hamstrings.
-But I eat many old things. Blowflies and parrots
that have died of old age. Little monkeys
which have wrecklessly tumbled out of the
canopy and cracked their heads or ribs open
on the rocks.
-Albinio, they have the same thing in Haiti and
Cuba, only they call it roadkill.
-You are easily pleased, because you are an
imbecile. With the Magi's powers, we'll hold
the world to ransom with tidal waves in batches
or on tap, volcanoes up and down the the cracks
of the tectonic plates blowing lava and
rocks at specified times.
-In the world, tribute flows upwards and urine
gushes downward.
[End of 1st draught Act Two Scene Three
of The Holo Magi.]