tripod selfie playing card

tripod selfie playing card
tripod selfie playing card

3d $flipbook

3d $flipbook
4K money application

touchie card

touchie card
key to the celestial city

interactive movies

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #411

Indeed you live life less and learn in rote
You dwell on farther future more of kind
Your second nature back up mental note
Your luminescent skin above aligned
Your waters crystalline embrace and bind
Your flesh and bone transmit your subtle soul
You stamp and summon sparks via ankle grind
An arch Achilles piezo static doll
Your alchemy electrifies you whole
Your lungs and heart are prime and wise at work
You wear a social mask you segue to role
In monkish muse I feel youre wholly quirk
Your lesser self is more than marionette
I love your struggle sweetest girl Ive met
Chorus marionette marionet marioneta

Friday, December 27, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #410

The stable muck out noble manual chore
I stink of sweat and straw I groom a steed
The serfs on holidays their lords ignore 
As fifteen hours of work a week theyll heed
In forty hours of work a week your greed
Is blatant such a rapid riches hoax
Its ghostly double entry ledgers lead
To mortgage pyramid a hub to folks
I wear to work a suit of steel it cloaks
Its garb of garbage dump it filters germs
I suck on linen filter furnace smokes
Immune I stand I sense your loss to worms
Youre sentimental stuck on parts of past
Too crowded factories yet not iron caste
Chorus past bygone yore

Thursday, December 26, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #409

They burnt the logs in kilns to bake the blocks
Of stadiums palaces and pyramids
Till jungle paved the way to plough and ox
To cereal grasses glorious weeds in grids
A quadrant fallow kept as fourth year bids
To rest and nourish soil in chaff and rain
The crop economy too niche on skids
As famine follows dry year harvest wane
The summer fires took hold the fight in vain
Then human hunger favoured cannibal
Then jungle axed ash ate and rose again
Its lost tribes mock up shills yet magical
The civilization that swifly rose
As swiftly fell Ill bear thin bone through nose
Chorus rose mounted surged


Monday, December 23, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #408

Ive lived two centuries that decent length
Yet city Flouridus is dying at core
The Satanists are slowly gaining strength
Old buildings crack on grind of germ and spore
Young multi storey buildings flutes in bore
Adjust the weather sing of breeze off sea
As flushing loos to sewers via siphons chime to pour
And push out filth the noble notes agree
I see a quake a flood of poo and pee
The salvaged sewer employed to peddle kids
The battered buildings squatter factory
Inserted rationale as Satan bids
A fork tongued doctor forest parked on fringe
Those patients desperate appear to cringe
Chorus fringe border margin

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #407

Her wifey ways and beauty shrouded bop
The subtle signs eventually arose
The men around her priest or ponce or prop
Asexual pals all females flamed as foes
I was inclined to pout and not oppose 
They kept their cool old me a giddy mess
I loved her dimpled cheeks and crinkled nose
Her heaped hair make up matte and skimpy dress
The bartered sex I sampled nothing less
At prompt I dished out pumpkin pies and booze
Her patient pals in wings the while Id guess
To sneak in strokes elaborate their ruse
Her pal a phony homosexual man
I less than thrilled that they employed elan
Chorus man fellow guy

Sunday, December 15, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #406

Through decade past Id practised medicine
Till money Mammon promised massed a pile
The student slave I was in rubbish bin
I rose above the ritual haze in style
I burn off calories engrossed in guile
A stretch to reckon me on local street
I keep a distance safer country mile
The patients pain in bum its gymnast feat
All puzzle pieces spread out neat as neat
Im head and limbs that tend to torso point
Yourself youre grade of sausage maker meat
The jig up should I pose as juicy joint
I warn against sea salt sweat hand in cramp
I sign the script a pain thump rubber stamp
Chorus cramp jerk spasm

(Dr Noel Otto Leon)

Friday, December 13, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #405

I doormat stuck a sock inside the door 
Im fascinated by her pretty face
And sweaty prints of feet on parquet floor 
Her feet in serious spirals pace
I lap at spores in grooves of cedar lace
Then suck up silverfish at home in rug
I join toy dogs as bottom dog third place
I promise poshest penthouse scant yet snug
Im flat in face I know I pass as pug
Id like to leave on couch a poohole smudge
Endure the lenient scold of hearty hug
Toy dogs endear themselves that way Id judge
I leave at doormat genuine leather shoes
I fancied feet in slippers puppy chews
Chorus shoes skoene soulye

Thursday, December 12, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #404

In slinks a laughing girl the fancied fave 
I feel a little hot a facial flush
I suffer stuck in friend zone next to grave
I wish the worst on rivals keep it hush
Im such a simp as confidante I gush
The casual primp and hair toss captivate
The friendly hug and smack inflect the crush
The cosy chats are close to proper date
The rivals seem sort same in style I rate
Theyre macho men aware yet self immersed
They strut and show off financed cars in strait
Or so I wish I hint at which ones worst
I reckon shes afraid to fall in love
Theres less to lose at ceremonial shove
Chorus love amores fondness

Monday, December 09, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #403

Youre pretty pixie styled your nature sweet
I made your looks to last think ps and qs
I loom in body modifier elite
You couldve been ill fit in Satans skews
I feed you menstrual blood in broth and booze
To banish broader shoulders longer neck
And narrower hips of men the bones that fuse
In boy expand the bum its change I check
I keep the Satanists at bay they wreck
The human physiology biased to fake
I love you little sweetie pie at beck
I clip ears pixie pointed funsies sake
Trust forked tongue flick its calling card all mine
Youll stand tall midst the pixies cutting fine
Chorus mine meins meu

Friday, December 06, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #402

They brought the baby by true faith in will
It didnt smile or play at peekaboo
Thing self absorbed and curled in noises nil
It didnt mug to mum on kiss and coo
I said I burgled strangers nothing new
If paid Id play the fairy from old lore
I harnessed radium light of greenish hue
I could effect a changeling swap as chore
The baby beams at stranger faces fore
The dangling dolls around adopted crib 
It coos and laughs in ways you could adore
It slurps at stuck in spoon and drools on bib
If fairly fairy woke to change of scene
I keep on premise promise sneak out clean
Chorus scene environment milieu

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #401

Your silk skirts scarf and stockings crackle loud
That static signs you goddess speaking power
Your hair unfurls and flows up charge endowed
You sniff at frosty blooms in mountain bower
Your winter sun tan mocks immediate hour
Your breath exhaled adds puff to clouds a little bit
Your blue eyes blink at me then squint and scour
I want to make you mine I dig up grit
I grab your hand to fit to glove a mitt
Odd hackles needle nape its naked skin
I feel your fingers squeeze to well acquit
I stifle smirk of sorts you field a grin
Ten volts of womanhood the faintest glow
I tap through thoughts though what is it I know?
Chorus glow radiance shine

Monday, December 02, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #400

Im Crocodilia queen of worlds elite
The top tier body modifiers in fact
In rank the royals and billionaires I beat
Im shape shift she of seeming cataract
I stick tongue forth thus show its fork exact
In human misadventure manual versed
Its sample piece in flickers reptile pact
You cross the dotted line too self immersed
They rend you cold your rotten luck the worst 
To hack and sear at first then stitch and ink
The least I build is cupids bow if lips are pursed
The knife and needle next to silver sink
Your health is dire youd rather never die
Im final go I lodge on fringe just by
Chorus die cease perish

Saturday, November 30, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #399

It was wrong wording when I went and said
I couldnt love you more you mustnt budge
To rest in peace a wish on recent dead
I was a retro juvenile to judge
Youre never soul to nurse a secret grudge
Ive learnt its reason why you front au fait
I catch a cue off subtle elbow nudge
If not then shoulder slap arrives okay
Youve changed a lot in love along the way
Youve figured me out my odd daily rites
You break out from times prison when you pray
I feel you fine tune work your better self in sights
Ive loved your former selves if more if less
Youve scoped out low to high of self Ill guess
Chorus less decrease minus

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #398

A lapse in vigil landed me the lurch and limp
I slipped through skinniest bureaucratic crack
I didnt set out fully fledged as pimp
I made the most of knock I nailed the knack
I wield a walking stick to warn or whack
The simp and skank agreed at gentle prod
I bag the biggest share of money stack
The daddy mum I point tap shrug and nod
I prowl in patent leather slip ons shod
I shepherd skanks till little flirty groups
Ive got a spine of steel of screw and rod
Off centre sits the buckle stuck in loops
You misers say that massive margins suck
Id pitch you special rate on menstrual muck
Chorus suck draw quaff

Saturday, November 23, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #397

In shade of Sodom sicker city sits
Gomorrah home to freaks of bestial bent
The wobbly walking cats they love to bits
A common sight too late to circumvent
The freaks in fact explained amount youth meant
To last another novice popped in space
Expiry dates on minors imminent
I learnt then body modifiers abase
In mirror much I ponder curious case
Of pointy head of hun and pony legs
They modified in metal mould and brace
A centaur since I suck off scum and dregs
Id like to wangle Patsy wife of Lot
That salty succubus I sleep in cot
Chorus Lot Lote Loth

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #396

Youre worldly wise to wish upon a star
The twisted twinkle fixed in firmament
A portal potable once glass ajar
The sun a total tyrant credence lent
The shallow palace pool is heaven sent
At night it freezes firm as solid rock
The slam of pick incurs its crack and dent
The scoop of spade invests its shards in crock
At palace plaza pulleys ropes and dock
To twenty tunnels wherein ice is kept
Ice cream is made there flour and fruit the stock
In licks of frosted fruit twigs maids adept
In minaret above arch kiosk and dome
As we toll bell to rid of rats our home
Chorus dome cupola hemisphere

Monday, November 18, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #395

A model married man emends a frown
Elastic like he hints hell give and get
He bends her rules a bit he comes off clown
He mirrors mood those little laugh lines set
The whims in chinese whispers make him fret
They state as fact a slap hed like to do
He deems it divination better bet
The rumour mill engaged in gist and cue
Her claims he lacked in warmth in gumption grew
The provocation rigged to cause a rise
He wondered why he faced it nothing new
He shrugged his shoulders mimicry his guise
It would all disappear as dozy dream
He fervently imagined freeze in meme
Chorus dream halom san

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #394

Your silent sentinel I figure final cost
Excuse the pettiness Ive been too proud
Ive mumbled messages their meaning lost
Ive hurt your valiant vibe thoughts voiced aloud
To coercive colleagues voted down Ive bowed
Ill nod acquaintances apalling views
Ive flattered dolls though not as well endowed
Indifference Ill feign to disabuse
Id walk your mile in borrowed size six shoes
To virtualize your lovely life a little bit
On compliment of complement I muse
Im custom built Ill skip the tightest fit
On second meme Ill mind your mystery
The second guess I judge too jittery
Chorus mystery conundrum enigma

Monday, November 11, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #393

You pray to me the god of parasites
Im Glaunder bloated little substance shown
Their puppets heads of states in stingiest rites
Of bribery are proxy spendthrift prone
The reservoir of rodent clubs is known
As niche till plague appears again one day
Theres parasite apologists they moan
Injustice done to flea if flicked away
In hunger pangs they make your mouth obey
Theyve peed inside your brain their signal pain
They grind out cancers pesticides too gray
They fix a fever little sop to keep you sane
I smash the clocks of Saturn this then that
T gondii gets the rat invite the cat
Chorus that eso quod

Saturday, November 09, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #392

Two wrongs in summary are never right
Ive failed as silent stoic Ive clapped you back
Ive criticized you peer to peer in fight
You cause the cryptic chaos youve got that knack
You make a meal of motive what I lack
The knee jerk reaction what I wage ad hoc
You find it fault yet not a violent smack
You live in luxury of choice to block
You shuffle stomp and scrape around the clock
You sigh and swear incessant drone to death
I watch you closely mute I mean to mock
I sweat in mask and mete out shallow breath
I proffer mind to read youd rather nag
You want things done immediately I lag
Chorus nag chivvy pester

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #391

In vain the brain thinks far too far ahead
It scries in laziness a mortal sin
It plays the man and not the ball ill bred
It craves erotic solace close to kin
It seeks then spurns a simple strangers grin
It hoards whole hate quite stoic throws hissy fit
It finds friend foe in feel just hard to pin
It mines a morbid vein in comic skit
It shrinks till walnut size think crocodile
Thats low on calories and custom built
It leans on ritual rigid reptile smile
It locks out bogus baggage fear and guilt
You hibernate in winter wake of ice
Your snouts above the water line a slice
Chorus ice ijs is

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #390

The fungi feed on buildings break them down
A snooty scholar champions distant past
In monumental mortar hat and gown
Truth be told history erases fast
The blocks ye olde are roman concrete cast
They dodge a coat of brightly coloured paint
Theyre ware the whitest pottery at last
A naked crock of crap in sync yet quaint
In bible books the pyramids just aint
In mason manufacture lies theme park
The fancied shredded slaves toiled till theyd faint
The fungi funny stalled at epoch arc
A parrots precedent to modern slavery
To students pitched through noble knavery
Chorus slavery bondage thraldom

Monday, October 28, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #389

Youre doomed in life to be but baby face
Elsewhere eyed grown up girls turned pretty plain
Their ratios havent scaled up given space
Theyre nice enough avoid a verbiage vain
The maxed out mids in mew dare dodge disdain
They chew on gum to sculpture stronger jowls
They lengthen little necks in constant crane
They pull in stomachs coax and cave in bowels
And drop dead dolls are rare in city prowls
Your head turns late theyve barely passed you by
Their features fine a blemish never fouls
They lack in character its perfect puzzle why
Blowing baby face the kindest kiss of soul
I swear on shaven monkey pits and hole
Chorus soul animus essence

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #388

Youre best off bad if paired to foil thats worse
As folks adopt the lesser villain friend
Its loopy luck your company a curse
Your surface scruples virtue signal send
You say theres good and bad the bias in blend
They nod the nuance agree to disagree
They wait till finish when you might amend
Its posed opinion pitched theyve right to flee
The foil is fervent makes emotive plea
Alerts to lots of cosmic dissonance
And puts a sudden spin on what they see
They sweat and seek escape on half a chance
Youll pass as mild amusing second rate
Your foil is worse though seems to suffocate
Chorus rate grade score

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #387

The dental office deemed a murder house
In bad breath baby teeth things they just fuss
You smile as vampire clown you nod their nous
Tooth fairy ferries fetishes you suss
Theres ginger gingivitis sometimes pus
Theres mercury as filling radio bred
You know the drill and how they kill the cuss
In numbing ether easily youre led
The throaty tunnels run to green undead
Are radium fired youre green to fairy land
To mental midget next you find youre wed
You grow a moustache while youre gagging gland
And cherubs foreign strangely share the space
Their wings await as ware on lug and lace
Chorus space room zone

Thursday, October 03, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #386

I won apprenticeship to slaughterhouse
Your budding baby killer bottom bung
I numbed to knack of kill and bleed its nous
The knackers knives in surgery unsung
I wander wards of babies necks just wrung
Dimorphism claimed the classiest hottest look
Off sliding scale theyre scooped in grinder flung
I sock in sausage factory off hook
Olde cornered cannibals arent brought to book
In population sixty billion strong
Theyre claustrophobic copied choked in nook
The crematorium factories all pong
Dark smoke eclipses sun till summer nil
The factories of bones are belching still
Chorus nil void zero

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #385

The diarys full of day to day affairs
Your deeds are lodged in documents of mind
In fanciful insight the loved one flares
You read aloud thoughts love you lip is blind
Im meant to pin you down as much too kind
Its what you want to hear its not a stretch
Your fussiness in face I mutely find
I worry worry lines appear then etch
You nag at me I feel a naughty wretch
I nod the need expressed on point of pain
I grow uneasy playing at fling and fetch
I fear to fault Ill bore then draw disdain
I dared you read the diary back to me
I need your pleasant nod especially
Chorus me mwen moi

Friday, September 27, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #384

I didnt gain a spot at school of quack
They wanted glamorous type killer whale
I phish as doctor PhD the hack
I aid as angel shark in shoal and shale
I surge at minnows should they show theyre frail
Your bottom feeder cloaked and snug in silt
You note their murmurs mumbles hard to nail
Yes male or female brain on reptiles built
I hint that alter egos ham to hilt
Your minnow mouths at each and every part
In awe unconscious motives clear of guilt
I cough in fits to mask impromptu fart
The force of shrink youll find if self aware
I peddle aspirin though margin spare
Chorus aware cognizant mindful 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnets #383

Hair dye and make up laid on much too much
Are props of ladies loyal to certain age
If past their prime they pine at dusk they clutch
The face is locked in little laugh line cage
The natural appearance primer stage
In little girl the softest skin uncreased
Is marred as mask a nod to badinage
The lady cannibals on freshness feast
Uncanny valley validates the beast
The butch and sissy choke at final show
Hips wide or narrow Satans less and least
They snort at private parts in bell and bow
In gravest genes the gentile giantess sleeps
Her spirit sometimes swells in peoples peeps
Chorus sleeps dozes naps

kqj definition
gentile - a follower of etiquette

Sunday, September 15, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #382

The goddess Aphrodite flutters down
Her shawl and smock all red in various shades
Then she ties plaits to plenty praise on crown
Her red hair raised above her shoulder blades
The lechers sing at sight their serenades
The goddess grants to none her private parts
The strength of supernature never fades
Her gaze as seeming sharp as silver darts
Hephaestus built a bot of stops and starts
The painted statue clocked up whizz and whirr
Of Aphrodite versed in metal arts
He watched the flat out censorship occur
Hephaestus flung off cliff yet found his feet
If club he limped he ambulated street
Chorus feet pies qudim

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #381

Inspired and reanimated crochets sneak
Their way off finger flicks till dots turn hole
I slump in chair enchanted strong yet weak
In rhythm resonance trill rigmarole
In sobs and snickers strings affect I loll
I wish I was the cememeole you pluck
I shiver moved instead in moods you dole
You practise magic while I lean on luck
The final click of metronome is struck
The final strum of strings suspends in air
Above the worldly wise a cap I chuck
I clap in sync in little crowd of lair
Your lips I finger silent lovers code
I bid in brief a kiss unblown youre owed
Chorus code etiquette manner

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #380

A woke were wolf I am you shouldnt snub
I shave all skin till bald to foster folk
Eugenics what I guide in kennel club
Across all creation chuck I screen of smoke
Truth be told dogs in wild are just a joke
Theyre mongrels mixture made of pedigree
I sell it front to back a master stroke
Your dog in bred as bloodier prey to flea
Of noble blood I am I carry key
Three generations farthest back I go
All beasts I breed in bred off mine and me
Your chimpanzee the choicest high to low
I make the world again as mine in genes
I breed it back through simulation scenes
Chorus genes cistrons factors 

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #379

In love a pain it is Ive leveled lewd
Youre kind of kinky why I quickly fell
You favour negligee youre nubile nude
In private parts Ill feel a subtle swell
Youd never cheat on me I know you well
You loved too much those men invested heart
You blamed yourself alone thats clear as bell
You pushed them hard and fast they had to part
Away you gaze your sad eyes dodge and dart
You want the model man to be aloof
And negligent at me they stop and start
I dont abuse you proper drama proof
You couldnt change them right the pain of past
Im numb if not enough I feel Ill last
Chorus past bygone erstwhile

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #378

They rushed the stage to dearer him adore
At podium posed the false messiah
Through stone trap door its hinges flush in floor
They fell and fathomed burning lake of fire
Those were transgenders clubbed on path of liar
Theyd dabbed their female faces Onan Creme
Its ooze of origin unknown to buyer
Thick beards of buffed in seed the secret scheme
I lurch to stone trap door in horrid dream
Ive sprouted beard as saucy sucking skank
My wretched name is inked in wicked ream
I want to do the butterfly mind blank
I dive to lake of fire to fevered flow
That false messiah at last thought last to go
Chorus flow current run

Friday, August 30, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #377

You could avoid a vampire such as I
If not you only see yourself to blame
Your energy I drain you neednt die
I blink you custom code you later claim
You listen while I whinge thats such a shame
I set aside as sound your sage advice
I never listen back I fill the frame
I criticize you cruelly sharp as ice
I work old wounds I plug in cords then splice
I feed on vibe of moral betterment
You never challenge me youre far too nice
Your calories in curiosity lent
I lurk at lesser energetic state
I lure you down I drain I enervate
Chorus state province realm

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #376

Youre pretty looked on lamely bit by bit
You field a face thats pretty plain in sum
Your features are too fine a spacious fit
I love them close on kiss Im stricken dumb
Your easy eyes out wide implore and plumb
They say youre someone whose inclined to care
You mollify amused I coddle numb
I strike a pose Im stilted self aware
I pass as statue spontaneity rare
Im stuck inside a rote of ps and qs
I grant you gumption solid savoir faire
Youll break through safely stuck in bluff and ruse
Id rather raise a goddess well aloft
Youre not anonymous Id read youre soft
Chorus aloft overhead skyward

Monday, August 26, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #375

You dont think gods exist yet stuff I speak
Im Ghlaunder bloody god of parasites
My sign mosquito bloated lord of leak
All leeches love its anaesthetic bites
Apologists enrol their worms in rights
And rodent clubs approve affiliate fleas
A nature lover bold bed bugs invites
The brief in breath inserts a dust mite wheeze
They trap t gondii carrier cats on knees
Thus puppet hosts to nano single cells
Infested brains in slow and sad thoughts please
Yet very vain they dont accept it dwells
Youll never wake youre far off self aware
Your furry friends approve you fancy fare
Chorus aware conscious enlightened

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #374

Bob watches silly wind time more or less
On standard tick tock theyre not agreed
I gaze on evergreen trees leaves yet dress
And succulents in winter gone to seed
Time slows on puff of hemp the weaker weed
Its supple strands turn paper rope and rag
It grows in fields and forests care in little need
And pacifies the miffed in motion lag
Immortality sometimes strikes a snag
The wicked worms in gut and mites in face
That modify the mind that gnaw to nag
The sacrificial cells that skimp on grace
The daisy mint and wormwood water spray
I hand you from the fairy castle far away
Chorus spray drizzle jet

Monday, August 19, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #373

Arent we alike in love two peas in pod?
Youve suffered much as I have at hands of simps
You overshare I do too oodles odd
Their sense of soul turns out just cuffs and crimps
Theyre bad as beta males incels and whimps
Their stand off shallow cleanliness they shun
Their odour ripe and sweet as stink off chimps
They cringe at female clothes and make up fun
Their weekly change of clothes amounts to one
And we tend not to follow feral suit
The natural appearance flakes in face of sun
Their patronage a pain off lazy brute
Theres many men I mind they sometimes care
I wish us matchy match a mirror pair
Chorus care heed regard

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #372

Embodiment of me I view just now
A shell of self the smallest nesting doll
I cant escape the scope I puzzle how
The mint of me as me at scale yet whole
A doppelganger born I relish role
A lost identical twin born and biffed away
Im dime a dozen struck in public poll
In census growth I hold the ground or sway
I wait upon your resurrection day
Your pull of string to ring the surface bell
Your casket buried deep inside the clay
Ill dig you free to live in parallel
Youre beautiful yet median marked off folk
A drop dead doll invisible Im woke
Chorus folk citizens people

Thursday, August 08, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #371A

I flunked the standards set by sawbone school
Id die inside a private practice quack
Another four years study vengeance fuel
I qualified as shrink to charge a stack
The labels libelous are dry they lack
Their narrowness impedes true money flow
Unspoken slanders door ajar a crack
This made up malady takes hold yet slow
The victim stands at fault and never foe
The powers are locked in large unconscious mind
The puppet master he is not to know
Alas long lost the key I never find
I generalise autism squeeze the sold
And flash to sawbones stash of jewels and gold

'They said my flayed salamanders and frogs were a bit scruffy around the edges.'

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #371

How love hurts me I reel at slap of wrist
I sense a sort of pardon dealt I dread
The patronage is pure you pin the gist
On me and mine a lot of light is shed
A simple soul Im framed Im rightly read
I wish I somehow understood you back
You self efface in banter widely spread
Youre self aware and warm youve got the knack
I wish I faltered jealous jibe I lack
Youve messed up me I shouldve cut to size
The mirror shows to me thing minus crack
You cloak in charm escape the charge of lies
Theyre never nasty lies theyre fuzzy fibs
I weep ecstatic my tears wet the squibs
Chorus fibs stretches twists

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #370

You swore youd never spoken flagrant fib
I nodded sighed and shrugged at mental loss
You made of me a gob in girl talk glib
I saw you silly sort to double cross
Im soft as soap I strive to plug and gloss
The differences small they still exist
In clash I like to nag you like to boss
In sulk I keep a score you keep a list
In tittle tattle theres a gram of gist
I like to patronize the prettier chicks
Ill coo at lumpiest bust or limpest wrist
I wonder what I do to get on wicks
Ill suffer burn on cloudy summer day
Your fibs accumulate theyre grey on gray
Chorus day dag dia

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #369

Tears welled up wet eyes wiped yet wore a blur
You voiced your vitriol loud your spirit mean
Id been a zealous pal and passed on slur
You werent a strident selfish drama queen
You were a greedy girl in what Id glean
You didnt mind your mouth odd ps and qs
I suffered while they scraped away your sheen
They vented such exaggerated views
I couldnt create a double cross type ruse
It baffles me youre bound in such thick skin
Youve said as much this mustnt pass as news
Youre beautiful and clever drowned in din
I hate to walk the gauntlet female haze
Those latent booboo boos the gawks that graze
Chorus haze ordeal trial

Thursday, July 25, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #368

You like the vibrators and plugs I love
You hold your own in sudden sofa sex
You go through motions milder pull and shove
You nuzzle midriff muscles which I flex
Youre lookalike to my adonis ex
I reckon rude your lack of roving eye
I play the field at home your peeps perplex
I guess you swing exceptionally shy
Youre such a sport if spouse Id live a lie
You wear in bed the cleanest socks and smalls
Your freeze at climax makes me coo and cry
You sometimes query queef I guess that galls
I squat above your hips then snug I drop
I fit your face two cups till titties flop
Chorus drop plummet sink

Sunday, July 21, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #367

The crash test dummy who takes whole of brunt
To save your life at later deadly date
I rigged the rules in calculated punt
The bruise and scab of scratch your final fate
Id pass as plaster cast in pristine state
I caught your consciousness in strongest chip
Air bags unfolded fast yet little late
I feed oscilloscope a solid blip
I suffered much the serious pains you skip
I came to save your face and keep it whole
The steering wheel a cinch in my tight grip
I serve your sort as sacrificial doll
I chant of vampire knights on steeds at noon
Their suits of steel of maidens crush and swoon
Chorus noon meridien podne

Saturday, July 13, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #366

You flatter foe through charming little looks
A frown of fury would impiously crease
Your brow above the eyes and carve in nooks
Inform a mask immobile sculptors piece
And we appear an uncle next to niece
In demimonde of crime the dirtier deal
You look to flog off what I look to fleece
I giant you pixie remnant races real
In catacombs of Paris dark appeal
The bones of humans plied in piles are dry
The skeletons of monks about to squeal
Eugenic giants and pixies reason why
Its wise you wear tall heels I bend at knees
Youre not that small Im not that big at ease
Chorus knees joelhos rodillas

Saturday, July 06, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #365

Hysteria was a brilliant fount of wealth
Youd ride on penny farthing fast to work
I missed the vintage days of doctor stealth
The pretty bachelorette blessed perk
A vibrator eased virgins nervous quirk
A finger flick enabled moans and sighs
A sudden slap enforced a climax jerk
You wore tight pants indifference the prize
Alas the feminists unleashed their lies
Hysteria seen as century old fad
In book of shrink abridged a deep truth dies
Those days the dowry sometimes found its cad
Ye olde in charm to modern mouthy folk
Ill go and peddle gargle wine and coke
Chorus folk denizens people

Thursday, July 04, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #364

Youre prettified I flinch it underawes
You pass as mid in mew in countermand 
I reckon gross your hidden feature flaws
A witch you sell the biff you suck the gland
Your mono brow a black and bushy band
You clip it back till bridge of nose is nude
You clinch a curler close in clever hand
You flutter false eye lashes lately glued
You flop a boob in front of me thats lewd
In such a scene I never put up fuss
I grope at gumption however just as crude
Youre nude a nymphomaniac so I suss
Youve shaved your private parts till little girl
On pinky push I feel the fleshy pearl
Chorus girl lass maid

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #363

I praise you Satan from the final rung
As heaven beckons now you know the drill
You pull the ladder down your deeds unsung
I step on cloud the soul of force of will
I made up mangled acronym to bill
The fancy phrase to rub out laziness
In second language since I lacked in skill
To paedophiles I pitched term more yet less
I promised dunces drugs and sweet success
You skip the road to adult reading age
The school at home at doctors home address
The Sunday School its busy bible page
Id been a liar at heavens gates I grabbed
I lay on bed adying to priest I blabbed
Chorus grabbed clutched snatched

Sunday, June 23, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #362

Why do you always hanker after him?
You quit a job youre doing you run off quick
You hurry after him you risk a limb
Hes magical a modern maverick
I cant concede as loser not a lick
I guard your purse its lode of cards and bills
And make up kit the kleptomaniacs nick
They sashay by the slew of dancers mills
I guard your drink Im green around the gills
I breathe in deep to minimize a cough
I stare him down on point the pressure kills
He rolls his pretty boy eyes snorts to scoff
A little grudge against him now I nurse
Hed be okay his coffin lain to curse
Chorus nurse maintain tend 

kqj52 definition
mass illiteracy - right to privacy 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #361

At sea a yarn of yin and yang is wound
The rig of yacht in doldrums dangles sails
A melancholy mood takes hold around
The speed of zero speaks of epic fails
I cast a line at bimini tube rails
And you admit the motor mightnt start
I fear the fountain snorting orca whales
The big eyed squids of bottom feeder chart
Two pals are we though polarised apart
Theres joy and sorrow by turn over done
To one then other lolls the errant heart
The sadomasochism is morbid fun
The motor starts the yacht then chugs along
And we escape on whiff of diesel pong
Chorus along forth onward

Saturday, June 15, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #360

From lips I love I heard abusive bile
I deemed too difficult to understand
I shot at her quite dumb a silly smile
The whole time we walked we were hand in hand
Im lauded catch a beta male to land
The wished on word yes what I whine then nod
I sniff at sort of suitors however bland
As couples click they whisper were true cod
I wish I had as solid spine iron rod
Id savage her in measured whispered memes
The menstrual cycle swell the gradient plod
Alas I loathe all calculated schemes
The give and get of sarcasm seems okay
Im lost in love I want to make it pay
Chorus okay fine proper

Friday, June 14, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #359

A skinny soul in curls of yellow hair
On leash there sits a yellow labrador
I plonk on past on walking frame to fare
Id paint a pretty picture nab amor
I watch as she takes sip of soup du jour
Off shiny spoon I wait on coffee bill
I wonder should I join or just ignore?
I was a ladies man I leaned on skill
Your aphrodisiac is a potent pill
You keep them close youve sunk to second best
The modern ladies fussy hard to fill
Id fill a gap as senior special guest
The service dog aside I dig tourettes
I suffer ladies stuff as do their pets
Chorus tourettes tourettes tourettes

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #358

I stammer sarcasm he tames it too cute
I mean to resonate I miss the mark
It doesnt falsify I fail as brute
I haul up history to which I hark
I see in silly prank a creative spark
Exaggerated hug that causes hurt
Or sudden slap on back to leave in dark
Or gentle punch on shoulder pal alert
Our conversations compromises curt
I give you pinky part of double dare
The chilli sauce a squirt on shirt then skirt
In farce our go to gags are clumsy fare
I never lie theres facts I might omit
Though hes a little like that bars a bit
Chorus omit drop exclude

Sunday, June 09, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #357

We quash incontinence in paper pants
And play with plastic dolls and plushie bears
We toot toy trumpets just like elephants
The din a detriment to doctors ears
The handicap a mark in me appears
I carry one too many chromosomes
You drove too fast you suffered oversteers
They found your body bending fine tooth combs
We prowl at night we pilfer garden gnomes
They make us smile its simple moron fun
We store them safe we line up better homes
We do a social service said and done
Lobotomy unnecessary snip
The driver drunk in motor vehicle flip
Chorus snip cut dock

Thursday, June 06, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #356

Your letter leans on desk a book its prop
I read the words of love in looking glass
I cannot cry I fear I wouldnt stop
Theyve won the war its end of lad and lass
They burn our libraries and bide their mass
Our arab mirrored what they spell on scroll
Theyll keep us close yet cold as second class
Our right to privacy improves their goal
Through paddle salt Ill scry a hidden poll
I see through smoky glass the second sun
The suns at back their silhouettes black as coal
In mirrors left is right or right is left
As crypto semites well abridge that cleft
Chorus left port sinistral

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

interactve movies

Revised sonnet #355

Why do you strut well past your sell by date?
Immortal souls eschew tired skin you wear
To manifest themselves in classic state
Quit prison planet more themselves appear
Your mental monuments are fragments mere
Of cityscape its rise to ruin inclined
Theres parasitic mockery I swear
If cancer cells on veins are data mined
Your pace yields piezo spark you plonk to grind
Your soul ten volts in depths of dynamo
Your gut unearthed a prickly priceless find
Your moods are variable theyre high or low
Emotional adherence means youre stuck
In mundane stuff you suffer mired in muck
Chorus stuck caught fixed

Sunday, June 02, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #354

Youre back the village veteran of war
I want you beau again youve proved youre brave
Yes from afar you frighten me to core
You knights enlisted unalive and save
I wouldve wept if shown your open grave
Ambitious knights take heed of female mind
Id rather love you such than noble knave
Id sew a stitch in company too kind
Id like to have you here at screens aligned
The loops in castle walls as lenses cast
Inverted world there phony vampires find
You gaze on realm its panorama vast
Off garment rack inverted souls suspend
In lore of leeches love till happy end
Chorus suspend dangle hang

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #353

I got the girl quite wrong on second look
The judgement sabre like a little keen
I summoned her on single finger crook
Enough times she obeyed to nail the scene
I was the lesser man in what Id glean
I sussed there was a snobby mental list
Of candidates of alpha couldve been
I stood the second alpha male in gist
Id grab a hold of him and whack one wrist
I planned to frown till he eschewed the shame
I squirmed inside the shadow did exist
If he hurt her I fielded final blame
In aura alpha widow worth the wait
I hear her hint our scene as second rate
Chorus rest pause wait

Thursday, May 30, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #352

You strode away from me in such a huff
The butler blushed it was a sight to see
The chauffeur shrugged and lit a pipe took puff
They saw you shrink in size a nod to me
In social circles we ooze pedigree
And share in style the brand of shoe and bag
Two heiresses inclined to sumptuous glee
Allowances bound to bottom lines terms drag
I kissed you hot and hard you didnt gag
You wiped your lips along the seam of sleeve
You strode in hot high heels turn click and drag
You primped your hair away you mumbled peeve
In menstrual mood you were a closet queer
Youll come around okay I want to cheer
Chorus queer gay poof

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #351

As she hit my hand off her linen skirt
I flinched amused and puzzled by her mood
The fear enveloped me I froze inert
A pardon from her rubbed out gesture rude
Herself a sexual being enflamed then lewd
Her fingers curled inside my cotton shorts
On whim I went along I skived off feud
I wouldnt stand on rumour crabs or warts
I sometimes lifted weights took part in sports
A mooch Id landed solo mum a mid
And roller skater gentleman escorts
I loved her bossy blurt I did as bid
In nods and winks and shrugs I read her mind
I see her shallow friend yet very kind
Chorus mind intellect psyche

Sunday, May 26, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #350

They deemed I was a dummy were they right?
The luck Id dithered down subconscious mind
I lug a bigger brain of late to light
An extra pound of fat is quite the find
I flattered folk they failed to pay in kind
It rationalized buggery true goal
The conscious hetero to hind inclined
I lolled a juvenile and just a piece of whole
I ponder wage if minimum the dole
Im far off formal qualification
It never warped the wizards rigmarole
Subconscious mind aligns it if Im one
To bubble bath I bring two wrinkly balls
Old water wrinkles worse skin wisdom calls
Chorus balls orbs spheres

Saturday, May 25, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #349A

Two kinds of schizophrenic help you cope
Anonymized are we you learn to look
The quack undiagnosed stuck to stethoscope
The shrink unstable stuck to jotter book
Think when it came to work I was a sook
The rounds of wards a perfect pain to me
As shrink I reckon victim called in crook
Your mentor Mammon cuts in pharmacy
The drag of kings is clean its semen free
I cruise urinals rub inverts tall clits
In name of medicine I study pee
Your silent doctor dodges libel writs
Their name on malady and never cure
Im worth a dozen quacks of such Im sure
Chorus cure fix remedy

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #349

I suffer her and sudden change of beat
Just she decides direction left or right
I say yes she trolls through that not as neat
I lurch in love of her its strange delight
As sweet as saccharine till after bite
The full on kisses come at cost of guilt
I do those easy errands her terms height
I rally her in bad times back to hilt
If nervous she takes lisp instead of lilt
If servile she insists on bearing sneers
If flabby she talks up those better built
If judging she adjusts in chorus jeers
I reckon shes a lovely little soul
Im not all right Im drawn to rigmarole
Chorus soul being person

Monday, May 20, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #348

I was enchanted by the casual kiss
On cheek it stirred a sudden sense of blush
Id swoon at more at risky precipice
I was aloof I kept a secret crush
I stifled strong impulse to stalk and gush
I was emotionally major mess
The once I worried her I was in rudest rush
To warp the woof I wrinkled her twill dress
I was allowed in friend zone nothing less
I cringed as she invited valiant men
The alpha sort theirs sweet and sour success
Theyd grind and go I stayed as citizen
I love this babe I hail the kindest heart
Among the hens I mix Ill never part
Chorus heart hart herz

Sunday, May 19, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #347A

I made you butch and sissy what you are
Dimorphism got your nod to massacre
The victims not you love your lucky star
I spared the smallest humans didnt err
I slashed sex slaves aside the beings of blur
I sought your genitals the size of mine
Youre no threat small in scale to me they were
I pump you when I want youre snug and fine
I pour you giant encyclopaedic wine
I clip your hair I spin and weave its strands
I stitch it shirt it humanizes spine
I spare you since youve got the special glands
Im Nebulo the giant of Nephilim
You cant escape the rapes I kill on whim
Chorus Nephilim Nefilim Nefilins

kqj52 definition
spectacles - optical device to burn giants off
the history books

Saturday, May 18, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #347

Is he a saint I see in golden glow?
Or do eyes mine accustom cataracts?
I can reroute rude gaze I glaze things so
A fluke encounter fantasies exacts
The natural appearance furthers facts
They reckon hes unreal I neednt check
The curly hair of crush the heart impacts
Ill wait on him Ill bound to call and beck
Ill never marry him if nervous wreck
Exuberance and beauty work as one
Youth passes quickly gauche and pain in neck
Its wrinkle free yet less than total fun
I mute emotions rig a point of view
I play out honey his in pastel hue
Chorus view look peer

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #346A

Theres little left to lose if very old
Your scruples didnt stamp out single sin
Young folk embattled find you frail and cold
You see the cycle why you couldnt win
In parliament theres busybody din
Taxpayers are quoted cheapest senior care
The nurse aide bot of prophylactic skin
Abolished pension fund the future bare
The knees Ive needed tough titanium pair
Ive worn out welcome stuck on planet earth
Theyre desperate to dream they dare
A stem cell serum penny pinch is worth
The gripe against immortals doomed to dive
In comedy Im cheaper kept alive
Chorus dive plunge sink

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #346

You brought up weather subject safe enough
As we awaited move along in queue
Its better boring stuff than gripping guff
Your smile simp style to stress thats when I knew
Id lived a pleasant lesser life in lieu
In company of cutest girl a brilliant bride 
It lacked a virtuous vibe a love first view
Id promised her the moon I mostly lied
I wish I could impress the past and hide
In present partnered by you we two clones
Our heights and colours changed associate spied
We what we chow I sense it down to bones
I wish you well you look alert Im glad
The love first view Ive missed I sense Im sad
Chorus glad delighted pleased

Monday, May 13, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #345

True beauty biased to nervous little laugh
Yet strong enough to humour me if sick
Of life you bolster me as better half
Theres none else whom I peep I rather pick
The curious city chick and country hick
In bed our huddled bodies heat a jot
On saucer flickers scented candle wick
Abandoned building secret student squat
You make a fuss of moisturizer pot
I note a wrinkle never ruins your face
At work I want I hint you blink a lot
You sigh us penniless you lean on grace
The roles are swappable and once youre weak
I lift your spirit high time less than bleak
Chorus weak debilitated feeble

Sunday, May 12, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #344

He pushed about my pert uncovered breasts
He cupped them close in sinewy sweaty palms
Just pleasure what I sought in carnal quests
His brilliant blue eyes like mine lucky charms
He poked me next he put aside the qualms
I followed suit my sighs abrupt and loud
I climbed above him pushed away his arms
The satin sheet unfurled a semi shroud
I felt a female fired up proper ploughed
I ground him good to servile grunts and groans
I wailed and whimpered crazed in lust unbowed
I swirled his nipples secret pleasure zones
In corner bar a quiet type whod avail
You see him sigma male met down the scale
Chorus avail benefit satisfy

Friday, May 10, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #343A

The naughtiest runt a little runaway
I peeped the pixies parked along the fringe
Id flinched at veges flavour not okay
Their flour they ground in mills on bread Id binge
Amidst the pixie ladies shaving minge
I met again a girl there hers the tilted nose
And pointed ears the surgeons slice and singe
Of cookie cribber core to parents woes
In fast and feast odd child a pixie grows
They give you wooden wings to fan the flames
Once manacled youre bonsai bound to doughs
The pixie baker never body shames
The dust of saw and scythe inside the bread
It fills your fantasy you feel you fed
Chorus bread brood brot

Thursday, May 09, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #343

The love of loves is sweet as saccharine
Hes calm and quiet a sentimental soul
He yields to me in guffaw gasp and grin
I view him victim stuck in placid loll
He complements as were two semis whole
Two modest mortals who are bumped about
Young veterans on punches we just roll
He lacks a line in sarcasm lame to lout
Ill fish him free in face of certain rout
Its good to grow tired yawn at same old crap
Tea pots and cups our rite they dampen doubt
The journey jostle justifies our nap
Hes such a pretty boy in nature fluke
A bulls eye bullied me Im mid and kook
Chorus fluke blessing quirk

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #342

They call us beautiful and butterface
Her pretty privilege affords a gift
Or door unlocked I follow close her pace
Im pitied by the boys Im shown short shrift
I looked at mew and surgical eye lift
The female brain in fantasy is fair
The tattoo modified avoids true grift
The mane off boys affords a flagrant stare
I patronize a dive alone thats rare
I sit on stool at bar the spine to room
They love the curly locks and cheeks to spare
The figure fitting jeans their voices loom
The bolder voice approached afforded glitch
Enchanted by the butterface a witch
Chorus glitch blunder snafu

Monday, May 06, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #341A

The butcher started didnt ever stop
He fashioned flesh eugenics beyond a joke
He swung his sharpest knife to cut and crop
Of massacre dimorphism made his folk
The butcher licked the law in master stroke
He made a pal of paedophiles abet
The crimes the fantasies of fools unwoke
He paid off said shrinks scary student debt
The victims little bouncing babies met
At universal private parts in bliss
The safety first and snug the safety net
The nephilim a cult of clitoris
The shrink ascribed to patient victims blame
His nod to city gossip sordid shame
Chorus blame censure fault

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #341

They dont impart a pretty privilege
To me Im beyond their silly shallowness
Im so invisible youre bound to hedge
Your praise in character Ive landed less
Ill swing a subtle pastel blouse and dress
And pass and part on whiff of scent the room
Tens rare too late to gawk you second guess
Your hang up sixes who enhance and loom
Youre biased to squarish jaws and early bloom
You fawn on model mids youre media fed
The vacant gaze air brush of devils doom
To catchy facial flaws youre lamely led
The longer legs the bigger bust too bad
Ive got a little more Im quietly glad
Chorus bad cheeky impish

Sunday, May 05, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #340A

You flick up silver coins to beggars bowls
Above you crumbling ponzi pyramid
To public doctors shifty spartan souls
To public educators ego rid
You cry at sad them double down as bid
Youre better off on humble hourly rate
Your piggy bank a jar they lift the lid
The mark you figure character as fate
They reckon lack of money mental state
The virtual victim wholly bears the blame
The legalese a laugh one gear and late
Anonymized themselves you bear their shame
Youre sort of beta male or bottom dog
You see three score and ten the tidy slog
Chorus dog bowow canine

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #340

It was a while ago Id struck the scene
I love as life itself the reddish bangs
I stand exceptionally clear and keen
On change of style the fun filled future hangs
The loneliness as harsh as hunger pangs
I suffered sullen single far off slave
Their cattiness in passing conjured fangs
I heard her hiss a bitch I wasnt brave
I reckoned her the kind of chick to waive
A flaw in me I landed foil to front end her
I foisted her on folk through mumbled rave
I was obsequious sometimes short of slur
I coddled her and she accepted me
Together we took world on woe to be
Chorus me mig moi

Thursday, April 25, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #339

He wasnt loyal he wasnt so sincere
In jealous lonely silent fits I felt
He favoured red heads rudely would he leer
I praised her primps her sashay swift and svelte
Her vocal chords a certain whimsy dealt
High pitched and breathy lilted full on fry
Her little waist embarrassed by a belt
Exaggerated curves I crumbled by
I feared Id go insane I weathered why
Yes she had gifts this side of criminal
I was a mid of bookish mind and shy
I got along all right if minimal
Its not enough to know youre self aware
I stuck a passing male a sexy stare
Chorus aware cognizant heedful

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #338

I found out his odd world wide web affair
And looked up route of ruse of rendez vous
I realised why we werent a perfect pair
A double life in love I couldnt do
Their matchy matchy clothes of pastel hue
Their facial features siblings similar
I felt incestuous bias a proxy skew
I leaned to love as voyeur I wouldnt mar
I snuck to motor court their door ajar
They cuddled cautiously they lacked elan
In strokes of private parts it looked your spar
I could teach her tips how to please that man
I wondered why I watched the sneaky fling
In manners neither wore a wedding ring
Chorus fling dalliance liaison

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #337

You hadnt fathomed how I dealt the ghost
I blocked your clingy messages and calls
I stuck to protocol as perfect host
Ive got the go to girls your gumption galls
Your crap conceit is lame in flutter falls
Ive never played a princess hard to get
Your covert narcissism up close appals
Im not a sexy stranger first time met
You should take heavy hint of zero debt
Ive matched your loving gestures one to one
I need a grounded man and safety net
The calculating bitch all doddles done
Id bind you falsified to force of will
Youre weak and much inclined to overkill
Chorus will intent resolve

Sunday, April 14, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #336

I nabbed a nose through plastic surgery
A flap they flopped off brow they pinned in place
Ive known you since our days in nursery
I was accused of robbery to face
I painted skin a white to hide true race
I helped install the swarthy moorish kings
I call upon your sympathy and grace
I filched off female foe your gift of rings
To standard size of private parts thought clings
Your kith and kin are known to cringe at flaw
Youd marry nephilim if minus wings
Youve grown a gentile giantesss hips and jaw
Your make up white your wig a gauze of gold
Youre what I went to war to win on hold
Chorus gold guld gull

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #335

Im Satan sad you fail to understand
Your gorgeous guide the cleverness in spades
I wear a mask of moron haunt the land
I simp to souls self soiled of lesser grades
A civilization too swiftly fades
Endures a dozen centuries at most
The fungus filament your brick invades
Your parasite apologist top host
A president of rodent club you boast
Alls well your leeches wouldnt kill a flea
Your microscopic mites on fly they coast
Already live a marvel meant to be
And down your castle dungeon foe to lice
You lick your lolly water orange ice
Chorus lice luzon lus

kqj52 definitions
daylight saving - time to correct cheap mechanical clocks
leap day - time to correct all mechanical clocks

Saturday, April 06, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #334

Thanks much to cult of mutual oral sex
There was a subtle sauce in social roles
As I turned female she turned male in hex
The wife and I are one two wedded souls
The greatest love arrives in common goals
Now hers the moustache style of handle bar
Now mine the buxom bust and milk it doles
In spread and spill of fluids apparent par
All praise to Lucifer our shooting star
To micropenis macroclitoris
All hedonists are called on close and far
To practise kinkiness in lick and kiss
You bow to Baal you pinch your milk off calf
I bow to witch of switch the better half
Chorus calf tele veau

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #333

Love the fact its ever friendly squabble
Pardon me the barely audible queef 
Rude yourself in pithy peef and wobble
Match of minds of martyrs revelry chief
When you pump you stir up effable grief
When you frown and flinch I fervently die
We are one in pleasure bit beyond belief
Ecstasy subsides sweet sentiments try
Many feelings flourish single spot vie
Strife affronts the heart then love turns flimsy
When you waiver when we wish I must cry
Jealousy ends fear and joy ends whimsy
Knowing you nervously Ive found a focus
Will you stay true hack or hocus pocus?
Chorus focus basis hub

Sunday, March 31, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #332

Im Richard sometimes patronized tagged Rick
I manifest as dove or fish or lamb
I wear a purple plush top hat youd nick
Ive got two rivals pawns in Satans scam
Young people suffocate in city cram
They lack in status skills or bank accounts
I suffer seeing them nod I give a damn
I mingle modest best of wisdom founts
I stroll the shopping centres midst the mounts
I lend a sympathetic ear and smile
Against the cost of living little bounce
I chaperone odd orphans down the aisle
Tall skinny sallow ninety six years old
Through pan pipes puff I heaven put on hold
Chorus old aged veteran

Friday, March 29, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #331

Youve given me times fun and wonderful
Youve called a pax as pal in path of blitz
Youve softened me through simple push and pull
Youve hosted my tirades and hissy fits
Youve suffered my ill health the sweats and zits
Youve been air brush true gloss of magazine
Ive minimised your scaly skin in skits
Im glued to loving gaze eyes brown eyes green
I peer at former female selves Ive been
In giddiness of honeymoon at loss
A cipher joins a cipher same type scene
The future stands in doubt its gold or dross
You surely make it funny smiles at grins
The prison planet keeps us stuck in skins
Chorus grins grinsjt grinst

Saturday, March 23, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #330

You said you were a narcissist up front
Youd broken hearts youd hurried chick to chick
Ive held that honest hunks are worth a punt
You loathed your former self a little sick
You mirrored me a lot you made us click
I didnt have to hide or wear a guise
You nodded nobly when I sketched things ick
I loved the fawning gazes from your eyes
You were anonymous at heart yet wise
You libeled me to folk to raise your rank
You rated me as moody lows and highs
You switched on reservoirs the doll or skank
You were a former narcissist at halt
You quit I figured my own foolish fault
Chorus halt cease freeze


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #329

Youre kind to folk all sorts yet minus me
Thus signal private hate in public sight
Your current reservoirs accord you glee
As back up reservoir Ive reached true height
You hassle me I flounder put off fight
I fail the stringent standards since youve wrought
You overreact you read two wrongs as right
Youve kept yourself accountable to nought
To major narcissist a mirror brought
Your demons demonstrate in hissy fits 
The jarring jealousy of what you sought
A lesser narcissist you love to bits
You hate yourself you see in me unsung
The zombie spider broken mirror hung
Chorus unsung untrilled unwarbled

Saturday, March 16, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #328

He loved to ear the childish fundy voice
Id cave in modest not a mote of stinge
He liked to see the buttoned blouse a choice 
Id shave off signs of monkey pits and minge
And yet hed sniff at same things work in whinge
Id cry and shake at sudden dissonance
At variables hed critically cringe
Id ease up eloquence and elegance
I couldnt stand his sudden shift in stance
Id feed a vocal fry and drape that blouse undone
Id leave him lost then lend him second chance
His starting phase all paradise and fun
He was a secret nasty narcissist
All surface charm I could expose its gist
Chorus narcissist narcissique narcist

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #328A

I cringe at broccoli and brussel sprouts
I feel theyre phony veges flavour foul
I crunch the char of chops in whereabouts
It neutralizes poison built in bowel
My mama forces veges puts on scowl
I want to flee to flashy Fiery Land
They cart off rubbish every evening prowl
They ring tin bells to push their sterile brand
Id borrow knightly hazard suit at hand
Id muck in decent squire in smoke and mist
Id linger more immune in every gland
The kiln Id char then china bone enlist
I crave a little charm off Fiery Queen
I roam the Fiery realm and keep it clean
Chorus queen imperatrix tsarina

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #327

He served to me a chilly polar stare
I poked out my tongue through two painted lips
He was a narcissist too self aware
The kind of rascal nature oddly well equips
I felt at fault abused I gave him yips
I was a weirdo wrong in what Id do
I was a rat off previous sinking ships
I dealt him mercy sex since lofty poo
Unstable pretty boys are nothing new
The bomb of love Id suffered was a sign
Of blatant phoniness a major clue
He singled me out special clinging vine
I didnt say adieu the way its sold
A final face to face I went just cold
Chorus sold hawked peddled

Thursday, March 07, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #326A 

The freshest phalloplasty guinea pig
Togs blue I strut the sand I show elan
I puff out naked chest its nipples big
Teens make of me in giggles muscle man
Dimorphism was imposed across our clan
The bull of Baal a brand on leather box
Inside it scale and baptist silver pan
They lay on foil of felt in loops and chocks
Two dozen lesser babies burnt on blocks
All siblings sacrificed to cut us right
Theyd drown as ciphers oddly orthodox
I won a sister lesser weight and height
Ive worn thick glasses since the buggered bum
I was a black eyed baby kept it mum
Chorus bum arse derriere

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #326

All prayers to Padre Pio the patron saint
I bump along two babes on crowded bus
At corner lurch and sudden stop I self acquaint
They swing off straps their squishiness I suss
Those babes then babble quiet I catch their cuss
Towel skirted skin I reckon nearly nude
I steam at sway of bosoms cups a fuss
The babes bikini pants are partly viewed
I sense a rivalry the fuel of feud
I look to bitchiness its quite okay
I soothe the loser win the interlude
A pecadillo farther down the bay
Off pier I plan a bomb or belly flop
In fun a flirty sudden splash showy slop
Chorus flop droop slump

kqj definition of leap day
day on which mechanical clocks of various quality of manufacture are synchronised having lost seconds in an acceptable level of accuracy according to industry standard and never according to solstice or equinox

Thursday, February 29, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #325A

Theres paradise I peep the wendy house
I wear these nappies real tight weak of bowel
I fantasize the voice of dolly spouse
The sugar coated consonant and vowel
The baby powder makes odd odours foul
In switch of nappies mother understands
Ive shrunken private parts a squarish jowl
Id drain a bottle doped in heifer glands
I favour smaller senior nappy brands
The males to females home in hover near
I climax nipples fondled hands on hands
I pee in nappies pleasure fosters fear
My mama didnt house train me till late
Im pixie sized Ill never grow up straight
Chorus late behind overdue

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #325

In company of lady friends Ill laugh
Its from them whom I get the proper price
They say Im certainly the better half
They reckon him a little numb and nice
I risked a lot on daring roll of dice
As he exuded charm and confidence
I was aloof in love averse to vice
I felt at loss in hate and wished it hence
I wasnt such a fan of common sense
I plumbed irrationally daily dross
The schism of shallow versus deep immense
I feared a sugar crash of candyfloss
I shouldve friend zoned him a caring bloke
I married him to safely signal woke
Chorus bloke fellow guy

Thursday, February 22, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #324A

The paedos reckoned me their prodigy
They promised me Id fondle female bust
As long as fantasized Id flop it free
I gobbled estrogen their pixie dust
A narcissist I suckled self in lust
I kept to childish company of vain
The paedos sighed us pretty life unjust
They wished they were us little kids again
The paedos prayed to Baal a perfect pain
Theyd cut out cattle glands and biff the rest
The uterus and bollocks boil and strain
Till yellow fun in flasks appeared to crest
A babe I suckled paedos little sad
They didnt murder me its not that bad
Chorus sad glum miserable

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #324

I fussed too much I flinched at butterflies
The brothel rendez vous immensely mad
As he avoided every womans eyes
And went through motions sexually too sad
I picked the girl and he thanked me just glad
Our payments dutch in cash at couple rate
The dimmer switch a shrewd touch might I add
It filtered flaws till better feeling state
I steered the scrum I let them copulate
The strap on dildo deemed as not our lot
Expansive plastic prop at richer rate
And he opined it not enough a bot
I loathe those shallow bitches wont to stray
I love that little deeper whom I rate okay
Chorus stray diverge wander

Saturday, February 17, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #323A

Im cherub folk take me a baby boy
Examine closer check out balding head
To paedophiles I bring immoral joy
Im shrunken small Im starved then little fed
Those painted jointed statues bots I dread
A confidence in clunkiness exude
Inside them wind up clocks to pistons wed
They stiffly stroll the streets they kind of brood
I like their lathered hands in massage lewd
They prep those hairy regions reckoned yuck
They shave the pits and private parts till nude
In manacles are my two ankles stuck
The plaster wings Im clipped to cherubs fate
I stroll in painted statues celebrate
Chorus fate destiny providence

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #323

Think border skirmishes are paramount?
Then read this recipe for gender strife
The women more than men in number count
I fight to work out simple loving wife
Im dime a dozen sadly sort thats rife
A homo hominid in pyramid
I pray to shortages of mortal life
I copy women who insist on grid
I corner him to do a deed Im bid
The jealousy in women stir a kick
As hes anonymous I honour lid
It stays on screwed the pretty boy is slick
I cleave to him to point of perjury
Theirs men of mews and plastic surgery
Chorus perjury parjure perjurio

Friday, February 09, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #322

You said youd modified the sort you were
It wasnt wild to wonder what you meant
I pictured pretty boy then busy blur
On many mysteries of life I leant
You praised the way I was your money spent
On jewelry flowers and scents a sudden show
You gifted me it signaled passion pent
The daddy issues mine I followed flow
You dated sleazily two dolls I know
They joked youd make a mint then marry me
I loaned you cash till balance level low
You sold yourself a soul too scarce to see
Id rather never bank the money back
Than cry or sue you see you start a stack
Chorus back counter flip