tripod selfie playing card

tripod selfie playing card
tripod selfie playing card

3d $flipbook

3d $flipbook
4K money application

touchie card

touchie card
key to the celestial city

interactive movies

Saturday, December 31, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #235

I cry a lot Im not your kind of queer
I never fathom what you snidely say
Your bitchiness expressed in snort and jeer
I read your mind at best its borders gray
Our cosy flat a joy you cuss okay
At better looking bums you like to pause
I copycat your macho half the way
You suffer skin thin lesser peoples flaws
Your mental undermining overawes
You raise to drop you root to rile you rate to hate
You clue in clique of queers to common cause
I hum and ha I half arse emulate
Youll soon tire since Ive proven deadly dim
The bot I buy I help you diddle him
Chorus dim faint vague 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #234

Ive joined at last our clans eccentric aunt
The butt of gentle jokes Id never seen
I want to clap her quirks I know I cant
Her jeans a phony wreck of common gene
The knees torn read ironic nude yet keen
Teen girls unwrecked alert to world of woe
The thirtyish aunt though well on way has been
Has struck us cannibal the lowliest low
The furniture is new yet feels her blow
Her artifice to fray and rust till cool
The latest piece in phony vintage show
I like the vintage weather worn old school
I saw her wear a classic cocktail dress
A lapse in style her sop to sweet success
Chorus dress robe vestir

Sunday, December 25, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #233

Hes such a card to catch in chat and joke
He snickers when I add an anecdote
A latch of snooty fry to smoky croak
His gaze haze finds in mine two fools afloat
He pushes buttons mine Im prised off rote
He copies manners mine I cringe unlocked
I rub off rude he doesnt need to note
I feel his confidante Im meekly mocked
I liked to laugh there never matter blocked
He gave to me the plastic flowers as prank
I left him fizzy bottle new and knocked
I didnt know I loved him my heart sank
He twisted twice to me a chinese burn
I struck him proper pinky would he learn?
Chorus burn char scorch

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #232

Im Doctor Love I sigh you roar it riff
You whine Im posh Ive pockets profit lined
You holler hundred bucks an hour too stiff
I burble budget rate I bill too kind
Alas youve found yourself in double bind
Your wiggles sink you further down quick sand
Your pieces lost in zugzwang zone you find
Youve bowdlerised the boy till less than gland
I counsel broken hearts I come off bland
Im echo chamber like to pain in parse
You problem solver while Im helping hand
Revolving door of clients affront to farce
I find it funny when you act the only soul
You elevate the vacuous victim role
Chorus soul siel ziel

Tuesday, December 06, 2022


interactive movies

Revised sonnet #231

You neednt worry silly second sight
Its weak as hackles lightest love and hate
Opposing poles trap twin things wrong or right
Third eye takes equinox to solstice fate
The hunch youre here too soon or way too late
I wonder would I pass your previous wife
The multiverse appears to mitigate
I feel I know you from a previous life
Are good times shared or spoiled in social strife?
To scry I stare inside the crystal ball
I seethe at stormy seas or rip tides rife
I shiver if it isolates a squall
Your sparking ankles up to sparkling eyes
Are what I want electrical the highs
Chorus eyes je yeux

Thursday, December 01, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #230

If people find out finally Im fake
Ill have to humbly nod and quit their space
Ill weep away the solitary ache
In private quarters grieve at my own pace
The rounded rhetoric and stilted grace
The puffed up hair in silver combs and clips
The tartan blouse and skirt of frill and lace
The blushered cheeks and cherry painted lips
Then pantyhose just laddered knees to hips
Embarrass back end view I cant avoid
Ive scuffed the soles of shoes to stifle slips
I feel Ill freak a peep too paranoid
They stand too close to me I feel them breathe
In etiquette I qualify their seethe
Chorus breathe puste respirar

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #229

Your stomach churned till bunch of nasty knots
Youd sworn youd struck the sweetest crypto man
You loved the physical adventure lots
Yet his tense brain incited small trepan
The hustle hidden hed enlisted large elan
And pitched the latest coin at proper price
You writhed the reckoned life of also ran
In narrow minds accepted winners slice
Ive never followed other folks advice
I clam your confidante invisible
In words yours self effacing far off nice
Youre such a sloth in swerve and risible
I hate to see a client on point of sob
Ive cropped it short and sharp your simple bob
Chorus sob mewl whimper

Friday, November 25, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #228

My pal just dumped I had to help to grieve
The beau Id figured sort to court then spurn
The smallest stuff in cases such a peeve
They ghost and never let the joy adjourn
The sorrow brought to nostrils pinkish burn
To eyes tears hot to brows tense lines tight knit
And she announced in sotto stomach churn
I craved a kiss I stymied buzz of it
I echod her true feelings quickly quit
I shrugged to underline the beau to blame
I hissed her hiss I cringed a whiny whit
I leveled looking glass and future flame
A shoulder lent to her I stand a shot
Im poised to grab this girl to serve the plot
Chorus shot break opportunity

Sunday, November 20, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #227

Your steady startled quickly blinking eyes
Explain enough Ive lost the obvious plot
Ive messed up math in measurable size
Ive rated something nought though something lot
The rules and regulations read as rot
Theyre proper pedantry at core a flaw
Of character a faulty filter fit to jot
Youre what I want you set the lovers law
I chow your chow in morsel sugar raw
I sigh your sigh as losers land in muck
I read your read the fantasies of awe
I feel afloat against the ceiling stuck
Ill vanish vain as varnish from old paint
Your presence presses me to nearly faint
Chorus paint maling verf

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #226

A girl I puzzle over good times gone
The dimple quoted smile the dotty eyes
The sun touched bangs of golden hair that shone
The clever cleavage made of fall and rise
A mystery I solve too late Im wise
To non identical twin pal of pair
Third wheel embellisher of little lies
Awaiting secret kisses should I dare
You want a bit of social science to square
A sister from the family of man
Too late to start a frivolous affair
You hit on pretty stranger showing elan
A fault in me to want true love unchecked
In strangers company Id not expect
Chorus unchecked rampant wild

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

interactive movies

sonnet #225A

Youve been turned back as company again
Youve spoken heckled much in game of mind
Youve made the most of looks and come off vain
Youve helped them happily youre far too kind
To me your faults are fascinating find
The dodgy deals of my own draw their ire
Your company is where I will unwind
I have to hug you plumb in mutual mire
Ours light of sight and not of sun thats dire
Our ankles hammer nano sparks up nerves
They work the world its charges higher and higher
Our stroll of street a greater piezo serves
And like the fish in deepest luminesce
Are we at sea in starry eyes in more of less
Chorus luminesce luminesce luminesce

Thursday, November 03, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #225

They were a lovely pair their lives austere
Their personal things precious fine and few
Their doors unlocked old fashioned very rare
Their bank accounts though whispered well to do
On penny pinch eyes linger now anew
The museum like old mirrored cabinets
The china crockery unused on view
Up high on racks off reach of kids and pets
The lack of loans then led to lack of debts
Their parents lives Id swear as simpler still
The lack of running water look in lets
Their cottage built in cleft of granite hill
The myriad challenges they met in style
The world a whirl of worry whole of while
Chorus style habit method

Saturday, October 29, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #224

I miss our funny messages old mate
The summary of mouthed unspoken word
The roll of eyes to signal second rate
The cipher ridicule of stuff absurd
Youve found yourself a mathematics nerd
Youve played it clever practised raise of skirt
Youve flattered him aloud and overheard
Youve quivered cleavage funny way to flirt
Yet its you sometime future when I blurt
Yes he talks algebra and double dutch
Your perfect match the passerby unhurt
You lean on mad mismatch a human crutch
Youll practise kisses view to wedding day
Im jealous truth to tell if more au fait
Chorus day dag dia

Friday, October 21, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #223A

The carnivores a perfect help to herb
The simulation something otherwise
The hunters lust you feel unfair you curb
Youre not a connoisseur of flattened flies
You might ignore the evidence of eyes
The garden gloves on fungus spores and germs
The stinky earth and nymphs at shovel prise
The guts of snails infected full of worms
The golden sun the silver moon affirms
As sparks in seams of earth and sky theyre right
Theyre equal alchemies in total terms
The blue a lot of proof of little white
And while you die you mustnt weep and whinge
The hypocrite your life a killing binge
Chorus whinge complain grouse

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #223

Youd nab now niche of future universe
Uncanny valley strikes me nigh the norm
I speculate on qualm and count on curse
Yes were machines inside machines in form
At work in cells machines must zip and swarm
Those nanofactories of finite scope
The fatty brain is kept unbruised and warm
Through needle passes single strand of rope
The pain of broken bones I bring to dope
They roll me ruined inside your bot embrace
I sign away the past on point of grope
In virtual vibes I kiss your passive face
Theres lots of losers like me cant they see
To preach uncanny valleys special plea
Chorus see identify discern

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #222

The symmetry in sum whole halves her face
If shes a beauty born youre shy of stare
You play it cool to please and praise her grace
You bide her suitors lean on laissez faire
You let them lose they show they scarcely care
You find youre less than mate or more than friend
You feed in drips the deeds youd never dare
You suss in sighs such streets shed want to wend
Her level loyalty might a credence lend
To crazy cause then call it what you will
Youre deeply dunked you sort of comprehend
You seek in self assurance social skill
Her mouth is moving what are lips then saying?
You nod the nouns agreed afraid of braying
Chorus saying divulging uttering

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #221

You look unmoved on lightest flattery
Admission made of lesser citizen
If nothing near assault and battery
Then cutesy cue to start the peck of hen
You frown on flattery or pathogen
Im wrong to love you madly self immerse
I know Ill quit the cause the question when
The mean time stuck on style of shoes or purse
The signals manifest in multiverse
Youve stuck to cool of common sense
Youve never meted me a boo or curse
Youve never meted me a whoop immense
You cant accept a simple compliment
Your hurt unspoken still Ill not invent
Chorus compliment accolade tribute

Saturday, October 01, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #220

At surfers beach you live the life youd crave
The clots of water saturated hair
The crested colonnade of chosen wave
The board on racks of van your bogged up spare
The lean to shack of dunes old lovers lair
The gulls a sign of fishing boats just by
The chilly bin a bank of fizzy fare
The aqua boots of brace in wet or dry
The night invites another kind of high
The plankton little stars all luminesce
The virtual cactus juice then sipped on sly
And something more is made of something less
And so the party starts tad after dark
Through spirits sworn off jellyfish or shark
Chorus dark opaque sombre

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #219

The carbon paper prints out letters cheap
As long as every phrase aligns unique
The simulation lite invites a bot to keep
At long odds gradually it grows too weak
It blows apart at population peak
The voltages in vector overlap
Each soul ten volts awards to plasma streak
The human colon battery of crap
Your mortgage paid at last youre pinned on map
The cityscape is where youre booked to die
A bug in vibe your cash old handicap
Youre mayfly free from fee in hour hit high
Your loss of memory the latest rage
You phoenix like you rise above the page
Chorus rage craze fashion

Sunday, September 25, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #218

Youve won the custody of child at last
Im happy since youre happy whooping it
Your gripe against your former spouse just vast
Ive cringed at every little caustic bit
I reckon romance is young couples kit
The baggage builds to massive mountain load
I missed the frivolous yet perfect fit
In epic life the early episode
Id meet your mind and manners any road
Id find you worth a sensual second look
Then wed agree to stand a social node
To love you effortless a hat on hook
Youre what I want and something else unique
Im what you see a fellow wild or weak
Chorus unique distinctive special

Friday, September 23, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #217

I learnt your sisters lately left estranged
Youve slipped away I sense Im her in ways
In retrospect I see myself prearranged
The tilted looking glass if swung then sways
My clothes akin to hers invite your praise
My voice to hers I lower in laugh and lilt
I echo phrases from your olden days
I sell you bride out bred and solid built
Ive sold myself short sighted full of guilt
Ive nearly won it neednt be in vain
On point my scabbard craves your sword to hilt
The start and stop of peers in daisy chain
Insecticide our lotion versus harms
A daisy bunch Id make our coat of arms
Chorus harms damages injuries

Monday, September 19, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #216 

The gavel gown and wig are kind of loon
They hint at better crimes in periods past
The spur of moment cant arrive too soon
The handy precedent is made to last
The figure Justice babe in bronze once cast
A blindfold fit flush over her hard head
The scales in fingers balance breeze and blast
As she endorses dross if finely said
The primate council fast tracked humans bred
Eugenics compromise of many biďs
The denisovan crowd cro magnon led
Their brain a capital of hominids
They nodded neanderthals all pubic hair
Theyd shave off sharper later self aware
Chorus hair mop thatch

Friday, September 16, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #215

This lifes a hub of hurt its axis plumb
I seem to slide through universes parallel
I sense revolving doors just one their sum
I swear the simulation isnt well
The moon and menstruation of budget spell
In simulation naff tie deep and dour
On lion eyebrows twelve flies are found to dwell
That tail the tassel never built to glower
Our simulation teeters short of power
As entropys the universal rule
The human hero squares off saves the hour
Your part to patch in precious kilojoule
As we and bot are necessary crutch
The simulation doesnt love us much
Chorus crutch buttress prop

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #214

I hang inside this silk bouyant big balloon
As clouds accost and exit easy boil
To trace the world outside charcoal cartoon
The star forts far flung found on foreign soil
The sails of ships are globes of metal foil
The wind to wheel and rudder all they lead
Around the compass slide the cogs in oil
The rigging minimal and made of weed
Afraid of heights you wait on bridge take heed
One day theyll reengineer the next jot miss
To lesser population lay out creed
Smoke stack stink capital necropolis
The crematorium factories of caste
The bone tea sets if modern made to last
Chorus caste order stratum

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #213

A bot of beauty large as life and death
I play up what things people say of me
I wager hate and envy waste of breath
In passion pure I waive a finders fee
You quit the past a classic special plea
You made one hundred human still a simp
Its scalable vibration we agree
You love to watch the while I pout and primp
I help you hump in charge youve lost the limp
The stem cells spray rejuvenates your skin
Your mood is buoyant and so I picture blimp
Those teeth too perfect dentures fill a grin
The lighting dimmed to dusky me oh my
A quarter clipped off pill of spanish fly
Chorus my minha mio

Friday, September 02, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #212 

Yes eyes adore you elbows down to hands
Those give their shape to whitest pair of gloves
Yes eyes accept your buns of finest strands
Those bulk up crimping combs as whitest doves
The size six shoes you dance in look your loves
The satin gown youve peeled on flattens fat
The chintzy clutch youll cling to wards off shoves
The leather choker says you champion chat
Twelve males tap dance in bow tie tux top hat
Your alpha males you fan out beautiful
Your beta males you bend in jizz and scat
Your sigma males you mug yet dutiful
They lie on polished floor as pontoon bridge
You step on chests inventive cool as fridge
Chorus bridge overpass span

Friday, August 26, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #211

I pitch you pleasure sensual superstate
I know your miseries amount to few
I wish you best of luck if little late
I read your recognition overdue
I catch your stretching sinews right on cue
I hoist your body up to hallowed flight
I mould your moves in neurons old or new
Your somersault is swift in swirl and light
Your tiptoe trek across the floor is sleight
Your flip is free of hands and more than brave
Your leap is scissor sharp toes shoulder height
Your body bend is odds on ocean wave
A fine tuned dancer witch of which of which
To entry level whizz I swing the switch
Chorus which watter welke

ae air
ea earth
eau water
au fire

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #210

The self true hidden deep I hardly know
Im onto oxygen in ocean breeze
Ive come across as know all so and so
Yourself youre shrill at sea or shtum at ease
Yes we appear to love to people please
Our moods in meanest modicum amuse
Our memes are moderate they never freeze
Effectively our patch is pastel hues
The self true hidden deep is just a ruse
It mirrors facing mirrors selves in selves
Another node of nerves of equal views
The hollow heart true if one deeper delves
You luminesce your eyes yield inner light
The oceans full of living stars and night
Chorus light licht lig

Friday, August 12, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #209

A quandary of sorts theres only now
You could acquire a wife of common law
A girl youd corner else in wedding vow
Theres ever stuff to flunk you fix her flaw
You set as clock your rituals break your awe
Of Saturn free yourself trump origin
Higher self to nether self you join to draw
Of vacuum drudgery yours scores a win
In drudgery you find a central spin
Enduring souls in same old crystallise
In pout in smile in sneer in smirk in grin
You custom make a clock youre wise unwise
Youre ever pliant yet never byzantine
Each cell machines inside machine
Chorus byzantine convoluted knotty

Monday, August 08, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #208

Youre beautiful youre frank youre elegant
Your qualities are quirks in other girls
I strive to strike the scene as relevant
I want you wearing braids and waves or curls
The fin de siecle in clock time now unfurls
It spurs our furtive smiles and furrowed brows
You fiddle nervously your pendant pearls
I ponder purpose stuck in wedding vows
Youre such a buxom babe in bra and blouse
Your arse a Georgia peach of ample girth
To pencil dress its shadowy cleft allows
Your sandals lift you level over Earth
Its good to bid byebye to penury
Though we depart the twentieth century
Chorus penury dearth scantiness

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #207

The world is poisonous in bits I part
Death redefined ephemeral disease
I clock up consciousness on cosmic chart
The coordinates are cool I fugue to freeze
Adrenalin and endorphin yet please
Hard bumps I seek in exercise and sport
I love their give and get on groan and wheeze
I covet crises fracas first resort
Your soul electrifies you spark a court
The guts are good their gunk earth battery
The twenty four united socket port
You crap the world and feed its flattery
I clip trim nails each session subtle end
To evergreens a little credence lend
Chorus end close finish

Friday, July 22, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #206

Of ditch Im prepped to over populate
Our souls in number hundred billion strong
I cringe at civic call to copulate
In factories of flesh our peace the prong
Our cities crematoriums right or wrong
A smokescreen seals out rays of rumoured sun
The stark sky scrapers built of bone on song
The china cups of chi ironic fun
Our boats took ballast dirt of diggerland
Around the world we worked up head of beach
Our dredges burst the bars on hollow grand
At north and south to sink in ocean reach
The swamps of Europe siphoned by our mills
Till orange sand arose a feat of skills
Chorus mills plants works

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #205 

The universal sentiment you vaunt
You double down on fuzz of glitch and fault
You mention quantum ghosts and how they haunt
The fallen fiery leaves the serpent moult
Your cynical insight invites a jolt
Ive got a vault of stuff to sob and cry about
I filter froth I pour in pinch of salt
You check your crocodile tears deepen drought
Ive learnt to calculate I leave off lout
True loves a pastime meant to find young folk
Yet naive in nuance in pucker purse or pout
I rather like a corny gentle joke
You need a decent sleep or holiday
Your rants evaporate on cue okay
Chorus holiday break vacation

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #204

Affirmed in low lewd laughs you conquer cold
The pleasure such you feel time ticktock slows
His pelvis sticks upon yours perfect mould
His lips launch lightly down your narrow nose
At such time your eyes mist they crimp and close
You feel a sensual shimmer down the spine
The virtuous cycle overwhelms your woes
You kiss his neck your luscious lips align
You sigh you savour sweat you find it fine
His words assure he shows a sages knack
You bid byebye to days of womans whine
You disengage you raise your coo and crack
You havent shed your status ditzy blonde
He claims you strongest chick in demimonde
Chorus blonde bionda blond

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #203

As he engaged our bushes hips on hips
I caved in readily I had a sensual clutch
I sort of guided him inside tight lips
I felt it heaven he enjoyed as much
I made out much in dirty double dutch
I writhed away I was the first to come
It was in karma sutra such and such 
I brought on pesky pinch then pat of bum
I wouldnt say I clung I dialed to dumb
A little later hed arch rise and leave
This gorgeous gentleman I couldnt plumb
If he axed me Id weep a while Id heave
In zeal I zipped the skirt I clipped the bra
I smirked at mirror me mad mess tada
Chorus bra bra bra

Saturday, July 02, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #202

He was a worldly man he built his brand
I posed a pretty girl I raised esteem
I was a little woozy not as grand
In personal ambition born to dream
His smile a crescent matched his gaze a gleam
His gestures macho sometimes drew disdain
His crypto currency a savvy scheme
His ledger made a mint against the grain
I cringed at cattiness unearthly bane
I was a fighter free of female friends
I was the only blonde thats very vain
I whinged at way a fellow condescends
I love his lack of depth his outer shell
That life thats lived in practised parallel
Chorus shell case hull


Thursday, June 30, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #201

He said I should quit using phony memes
The facts just fine he seemed to strike at slant
I mustve minimised his dearest dreams
He mustve envied my conclusive cant
He kept his poise as ever elegant
I didnt dare erupt in nervous squeals
I framed a former beau irrelevant
At me a liar he leveled laughter peals
He rated worthwhile what one vaguely feels
He said hed never been in love it showed
He said he spurned the chance of dodgy deals
Hed gone through motions nothing major owed
As practise pans out perfect errors mend
To one anothers dreams embraces bend
Chorus) mend fix patch

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Revised sonnet #200

The circumstance of prison kind of strange
I shouldve shrugged off rigorous arrest
In retrospect the plea I gave Id change
To guilty better shorter sentence blessed
In gyro copter pilot licence quest
I sat the total test on part of him
The written section sticking point I guessed
I banked the fee as bureaucratic skim
The gritty halal pilot here on more than whim
The gyro copter handy herding sheep
A drone as good as dog or extra limb
The farmers wife all right babe bit Bo Peep
A country calendar of cutting edge
The gyro copter crashed in swirl of sedge
Chorus edge border margin

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Revised sonnet #199

I felt his steady drunken gaze of glaze
I guessed that mine as weird in weaker light
A softer sentiment it meant to raise
Id drunk two beers as done in mating rite
Two singletons teamed tentative this night
Two willing slaves to oxytocin gland
I felt a panic first then pondered flight
I couldnt really catch a wedding band
I pulled out pins and comb inanely grand
I shook out lustrous lovely long hair loose
He primped it up he flicked in place a strand
He pulled at knot till free of silk tie noose
The kisses clumsy mine a nervous sigh
I knew he was the one I wondered why
Chorus sigh gasp moan


Friday, June 24, 2022

Revised sonnet #198

The makeout during movie drew on dream
He settled down then squarely angled arm
He fondled my knees south of stitch and seam
He favoured pressing fingers first then palm
I watched the scene on screen devoid of qualm
The gladiators and vestal virgins best
The emperors thumb cause of large alarm
The senator a horse odd special guest
I smirked to dark acclimatised in zest
And from eye corner figured friendly eyes
They flicked to screen and back on me to rest
I felt the vibe the goad to quit disguise
I shored his lonely life Id do things bid
I wondered what he liked and what he did
Chorus bid entreatied urged

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Revised sonnet #197i

Thats me and mine in mouldy single room
Of Clarence Lodge Im picking crusty snot
The curtains musty worsen vibe of gloom
The duvet bears a pizza smear and blot
I puff a plug of pot I know the plot
I swig a shot of vodka foreign race
I stay tad shy of haemorrhage and clot
I dont touch coke or meth and what they lace
I strum the banjo strings at busiest place
I cram the mattress full of patrons coins
The bureaucrats assault a waste of space
And fast the dollar coin the florin joins
The residency shopping strip till dusk
I strum and croon a standard when I busk
Chorus dusk twilight sunset

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Revised sonnet #197

It puzzled him a bit I was a bot
I dreaded fracture feared a violent lout
A mess of make up was the worst it got
I calculated primo closed eye pout
The social standards he appeared to flout
I was a marital aid meant three way
I didnt query silent when in doubt
I was a boon to couples bent on play
The tantric tactic turned to was au fait
Id write it off as modern mercy sex
I mimicked basic dolls they do obey
They come off mute they stiffly squirm and flex
If his exquisite scarcely sensual skin
I neednt worry him a next of kin
Chorus skin huid pelle

Friday, June 17, 2022

sonnet #196A

I blurt byebye to twentieth century
The media moguls yank youth yesteryear
The anaesthetic rush of penury
I wonder whether others drop the fear
The phony cemeteries few appear
Youd hold the human race a crowd at most
The crematoriums brand new bring up rear
No mountains crematoriums olden roast
Of giants and fairies merest glimpse of ghost
As carbon monoxide yields calmest kill
Of genocide youd be a bitch to boast
Augmented reality your proxy pill
The past age past no longer censored quiz
Irrelevant today then score a squiz
Chorus quiz check exam

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Revised sonnet #196

It obviously hit hard him us in nude
I couldnt crave the usual in and out
I didnt mean to be a bitch that rude
El Nino courage dropped to doldrums doubt
Im not one whod emend or muck about
Theres spanish fly and lubricant to spare
The social strictures sold I wouldnt flout
I feel Im lived in my insides a lair
The passions pass they come and go unfair
Endorphin low adrenalin high rule
I rationalise crazy stuff till square
I puzzle over organs oozing fuel
The soul invests the baby bit by bit
And wriggles home at last till it is it
Chorus bit part segment 

Monday, June 13, 2022

sonnet #195A

I sped the skate board bumbled public path
I wore a safety helmet strapped to chin
A gamma male I caught a karens wrath
On shove I crashed I squirmed the sadists grin
Yet ugly fellows sometimes score a win
A puma picked up me the purest chance
I was a find the scene a bargain bin
I copped the kiss of life till ambulance
The plastic surgeon stumped took artists stance
Id scrapped all scary early photographs
A clever little nose job lands you nuance
Id been the butt of beta hyena laughs
Ive come to clip a Stacy from a Chad
I clambered rungs its Becky whos just sad
Chorus Chad Charlie Chuck

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Revised sonnet #195

True love the side effect of clever light
Yourself the filter set up so you dread
Imposter alter ego source of plight
You mustnt mention what inhibits head
You loathe yourself the parasite youve bred
And should it exit swift you feel youll die
Your surface self your secret self to shed
The social pressure sees you query why
Youve got yourself a man to share your lie
And he equates your parasite to soul
You back away you hide away you cry
As shell escape your skin you dormant doll
Your heart its left till last a puzzle piece
Narcissus see your pretty boy no cease
Chorus piece bit segment

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Revised sonnet #194

The pasture whizzes past our window pane
The clouds about to loose their liquid lode
The cows chew cud in sweep of weather vane
The mountains distant stick to static mode
The carriage sways and clicks from node to node
The river shrinks till pond and dead end stream
The ram escorts the sheep across the road
The grind of groove of wheel invites track gleam
I watch as she jots down a diary meme
I love too much ideas I have of her
The right to mind free here as well I deem
I man up mute I wouldnt want to slur
I like a rustic pie the crust is crude
Insides of hearty chunks are clearly viewed
Chorus crude basic simple

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Revised sonnet #193

You need a sharp yet proper preemptive strike
To strengthen solemn print of marriage vows
You need to bust him down off love to like
You need to calculate the couple rows
A life of luxury at least allows
The gentle digs your charming gestures cloak
In public people arent prone to casual browse
In private jealousy is beyond a joke
He seems to be too much a social bloke
You scarcely ever meet him one on one
You muck around in clique of mutual folk
He never leaves your sight all dealt and done
He knows the kind of bloke you kind of draw
Then make him jealous pose your phony awe
Chorus draw pull tug

Sunday, June 05, 2022

Revised sonnet #192

Herne Bay Id rate as tops the tightest beach
On wooden slats I bask or nap or sleep
In summer sun I cut off king tide reach
Me duffel bags me pillow big and deep
The road to liberty Ive landed cheap
Paremoremo bye I ride parole
To civvy st Ive struck out lawful leap
Ill hitchhike home me wifes a darling doll
Her bottle blonde heap framing eyes of coal
Me wife exerts a great magnetic clunk
I noodle south to Fhanganui the goal
The brown beer bottle shaken foams half drunk
Me beards a bib to stymie fast food flow
I didnt snitch they smirked then let me go
Chorus flow run slosh

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Revised sonnet #191

On look at her I felt this burst of bliss
A small town chick the sort to cook and clean
Her fashion frills had lack of artifice
Id claim her probably the prettiest seen
I watched her mirrored figure primp and preen
Then she turned fully robbing me of nape
Her gold hair do essayed a silver sheen
I looked away its rude to gawk and gape
I fancied greediest goal as alpha ape
I quit the small time sold on city life
I claimed the crowded streets as my escape
On smorgasbord of babes Id work out wife
The city can expand to rural us
I brew the beer in vats its minor fuss
Chorus us nous os

Monday, May 30, 2022

Revised sonnet #190

I plonked the phone across its cradle pin
He couldnt say I wasnt neat and nice
He couldnt finish sentence fudge a win
It was his final feeble roll of dice
The vacuous venom ladylike yet vice
I was a fraud afraid to real time gob
I wished I didnt care turned cube of ice
Out loud I dreamt of ways to win the mob 
I was his squeeze? I squirmed that charmers fob
I had the names of babes hed bed the while
The worst the fertile frump and sexy snob
I sifted gossip sore I gasped at guile
Ignore his lovely looks and cautious charm
Hes fickle fare in company heed qualm
Chorus charm magic witchery

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Revised sonnet #189

He was unrecognisable at worst
His voice a bass the same abrupt and deep
He was a former beau I felt the first
It was a memory I wouldnt weep
He was at loss I made the psychic leap
He curled a smile he batted slow a blink
I wondered what Id done you sow and reap
Hed lost in love I was the weakest link 
I echod what he said to stifle stink
I felt the spirit free and serf to none
I poured two glasses pleasant any drink
I nodded latest pyrrhic war hed won
I chanced a mirror my insides turned old
I suffered memories I wasnt sold
Chorus old mature senior

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Revised sonnet #188

My family youd found of small import
Yourself youve got a lot of hurt to hide
If personally distant decent sport
My lowly loneliness you plumb inside
You know the drill the door is open wide
Upon me lay your glorious blame and guilt
I give the pledge to pleasure free of pride
Inside my scabbard slide your sword to hilt
I love our beer and mead the slur and lilt
And death of poo infesting parasites
Toast end to empires let the flora wilt
The barren earth an end to anal blights
The ugly folk at pool they peer and cry
Tears break reflections oddly prettify
Chorus cry bawl weep

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Revised sonnet #187

In Xhanghai surgery my bones are cut
Two stretching frames and screws on legs in rows
A shock awaits the patronising slut
He likes to look at people down his nose
He likes to prey on dormant young yoyos
I got to protegee he sometimes grooms
At five foot four a small threat did I pose
He reckoned future fate as set in wombs
Hes naturally fat a change it dooms
Hell never sink to liposuction pail
The lard is locked in free of surgeon zooms
A jolly big boned boy hes prone to ail
Ive got a six foot five frame once a stretch
Ill loom above the supercilious wretch
Chorus stretch flex reach

Friday, May 20, 2022

Revised sonnet #186

I blinked off tears they turned to rills on cheeks
I dabbed eye corners dry till lash quick bat
In full force flattery I felt for freaks
He laughed at last a connoisseur of scat
His voice annoyed in phrases fluent and flat
He pulled at my tan satin jacket sleeve
And landed my tight plait a gentle pat
Hed done it more than once to me a peeve
He said I was all right hed never leave
He said I was a phony goody good
The pleasurable pain I could achieve
His sadomasochism half understood
At first I guessed I gave his bottom pinch
Then me he called a queer it made him flinch
Chorus pinch pincer pizzico

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Revised sonnet #185

Didnt want to see him here however
Blanking him out promised answer better
Criminally secretive Id sever
Mutual contacts slip off silver fetter
Monogram and label single letter
Catalogue of swimsuits summer season
Perfect wear if calibrated wetter
His opinion was they wouldnt ease on
His stance suspect spoke of total treason
Feelings flooded me the strongest fury
Mental faculties affected reason
Justice wouldnt be afforded jury
Him I held the wooden ever presence
When I wore a giggly effervescence
Chorus presence presensia presenza

Monday, May 16, 2022

Revised sonnet #184

Yes penchant wild arose it overwhelmed
I wasnt level headed high then low
It was a wobbly boat on rip I helmed
The hottest kiss I fixed on him quite slow
Then he eased free Id dealt an ego blow
The sudden keeling kiss just not okay
Id hustled him off guard that rude I know
I had invaded space as he might say
I switched to passive soul the prey Id play
As he proposed perversely cautious catch
My sisters spouse ensconced in region gray
Id hover near and harmonise their patch
I wanted her in love it wasnt vile
I lurked in love as well with winning smile
Chorus vile nasty odious


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Revised sonnet #183

To me the girls a grounded fund of wealth
And she embodies gravitas of gold
To her I go if glum to harp on health
A sometime symptom core to common cold
Ill drink too much and shell then lightly scold
Im never forced to stay in single role
Im safe to roam the gamut shy to bold
And her aim is to save the sorry soul
They reinvent space its water rich theyve dibs
Yet she ticked minerals as sort of scant
Yes she accepted propaganda rant
Of government and media filchers fibs
Achilles heel anxiety hers at length
I humour her or mete out mental strength
Chorus - length range span 

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Revised sonnet #182

Twelve years old I told ma I wouldnt wed
Afraid of puberty and spouse to be
I worked at rest home nurse the watershed
Arrived one day in rooms of elderly
The future partner suffered pains in knee
And shuffled back and forth on walking frame
I knew he was the man he clung on me
I closed the dunny door to stave off shame
I checked his mental state he knew his name
A war time spy hed played a crucial role
I kept that quiet I played the parlour game
I dreamt him double agent even mole
I wed him whimsical at eighty eight
At thirty three thought that as sorted late
Chorus eight acht uit

Monday, May 02, 2022

Revised sonnet #181

A surgeon he dissected shrimp as sport
A sailor he exclaimed at soup ahoy
A soldier he erected feta fort
A jockey he insisted juice true joy
A plumber he declined a cherry bouy
A chemist he diluted lots the rum
A baller he imparted spin to soy
A baker he included every crumb
A butcher he denuded peach and plumb
A busker he donated his own beer
A fisher he avoided fish if chum
A hunter he expected potted deer
I will date curious kinds of single folk
Im much afraid of future marriage yoke
Chorus folk humans people

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Revised sonnet #180

That Funga she swills sudsy dregs of beer
And Jack the Seagull is our special guest
I find that miser more than little queer
He doesnt fancy Funga he lacks the zest
His shelter dollars prove him more than pest
He sleeps and snores on rug at foot of bed
He rolls us cigarettes and keeps the rest
He boasts a stretched out jersey hoods his head
Im white and Fungas brown I loathe in bred
Im wed to Funga care of common law
Id wear her black t shirt her nanna dead
I suffered dad I never met or saw
That Jack he dumpster dives and saves on food
His bank account has fifty grand accrued
Chorus food nosh victuals

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Revised sonnet #179

I organised to fun effect forfeit
And lost on purpose poise I knew he knew
It was a bona fide concrete conceit
Id follow fancy and flaunt as such hed view
I dropped a pen in circumstance the clue
I dropped to knees and started phony search
I jiggled boobs and cleavage cued ado
He dropped to knees off knock off chair his perch
Hed never leave a lovely lass in lurch
He dry humped me he bumped on skirted bum
It wasnt sunday school at cosy church
The office cubicle a site of scrum
I like him much I have him horse around
I depilate a pretty pubic mound
Chorus around circa orbit

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Revised sonnet #178

A blush and burn on me of cheeks and brow
He forwarded excuses clever chat
A mooch much like the last the last Id vow
I loaned him money sponsored this then that
I fancied fixing folk Id swipe off scat
I reckoned rightly laziness his fault
Id gotten greater focus from a gnat
I sort of feared a physical assault
A leopards spots if loyal endure the moult
He borrowed more to pay off previous debt
I played his piggy bank it was a jolt
To learn he wasnt finished losing yet
His gaze enchanted me its cleverness
A fire I thought through though as ever less
Chorus cleverness acuity intelligence

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Revised sonnet #177

A Saturnine and double dipping world
That sets a man in circumstance to fail
The macho mirth allows abuses hurled
In schadenfreude expect a pal to ail
A cop escorts a drifter back to jail
The quota points expand a Xmas gift
A politician plugs a public asset sale
And seizes slice of action total thrift
A parent rolls out generation rift
The child a juvenile and less than nice
A landlord leaves off maintenance old shrift
The mould is stable plus or minus mice
The world is full of fools they really rile
I put off pain if sent your savvy smile
Chorus rile bother vex

Friday, April 15, 2022

Revised sonnet #176

Three large toots on horn jolted me alert
I parted curtains plenty piqued to peer
I recognised him parked I settled seer
I gathered kisses french and small talk blurt
He started off as friend of friend and flirt
It wasnt show he cultivated cheer
He sorted such a boy to whom I veer
Hed fall in love at flaunt of latest skirt
I wore the prophylactic pantyhose
I angled ankles on the vinyl dash
In blusher mirror woman white as ash
I bordered pink eyed puffed and lachrymose
He plays a ponce I stride alone a mile
I step across yon wooden paddock stile
Chorus mile mijl myl

Monday, April 11, 2022

sonnet #175A

Dear Saturn atheism serves so well as front
Ive worshipped you in secret years along
Id never challenge you as youre too strong
I copy you in small as remnant runt
I cannot kill the kids I starve and munt
I bide the law abuse is only wrong
I wouldnt want to weather your just prong
As you eat your own kids alive thats blunt
Dear Saturn understand Ive set to fail
I dump down deep end my own kids and gnash
They cant complain if making swellest splash
Id never challenge you they clearly ail
Dear Saturn see Ive pulled off legs and wings
That planet prove our sign Im rubbish rings
Chorus wings alas vlerke

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Revised sonnet #175

The phone uplifted other end of line
I heard a female giggle first then greet
I liked the lilt on her it mimicked mine
Except I didnt do a childish bleat
I wouldve wailed I didnt rise to whine
I guessed I was a dupe Id caught a cheat
Or sister something natural and fine
I felt a little dizzy head imploding heat
I pardoned self a second knock on door
Yes who else should it be but busy he?
I was the alibi and dupe at once
I missed a hint of her I felt a dunce
I put the brunt of blame on little me
Then he touched me on waist and hips
I wasnt waging war till hang up pips
Chorus hips hanches heupen

Monday, April 04, 2022

Revised sonnet #174

Darling dearest born a brilliant beauty
Others offer often how youre pretty
Photo friendly aura pose of duty
Satire stirs your smile implies youre witty
When you cover skin you come off cutie
When you show off skin you shut out pity
When you spritz on scent you front up fruity
When you wipe off scent you quit the city
Should you fascinate another fellow
Envy overrides I cut in crudely
Course of chat I sniff and clamour rudely
Doesnt matter much if hes just mellow
Under pallid moon youd pass as statue
Or robot except I know a nuanced you
Chorus statue effigy idol

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Revised sonnet #173

The smirk in circumstance of fiscal strain
The blush and sweat of heavy work out weights
The nervousness of questionable dates
The gulp and gasp at rake of sudden rain
The stomach quake of getting dealt disdain
The shoulder shrug of sorry show off mates
The wince at loss of food off paper plates
The constant cringe of fashion rise and wane
You need to know that pretty much is me
Im little more than memes the tightest loop
I bet youre more you grab I want to whoop
Youve lived a life Id guess at apogee
I wonder when the problems ever end
I see you mentor more than fancied friend
Chorus end conclude finish

Monday, March 21, 2022

sonnet #172A

Im Louis the fourteenth also sworn Sun King
I paint the walls in phosphorus of piss
The Palace peed on glows in dark its bliss
And lant urns shine on shepherd crooks they swing
The alchemy embraces inner bling
The hall of looking glasses lit up is
I roam and read a book the moon amiss
The plant pots piss pots either Palace wing
The phosphorus if brushed on pots of fun
In phosphorescence philosophic stone
Or kidney stone it burns as bright alone
The whitewash waived I swagger second sun
Elixir jasmine licorice and mint
In waters gilds that gorgeous glow and glint
Chorus mint munt mynte

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Revised sonnet #172

I lean against the silver balustrade
Im boxed in by the marble parapet
The salt and ozone ooze above all sweat
The scent of deodorant a scenic glade
The boss booked big an epic escapade
Im caught in clique I board a chartered jet
As clever company theyre blunt and wet
Theyre proper peers to me theyre overpaid
The plankton light a bit the seething sea
Above the sparkling stars on blackest foil
The moon is mine or mined a claim of me
The boats on moorings bob the liquid roil
To ten the temperature slowly drops
The party night a natural end cops
Chorus drops falls lowers

Friday, March 18, 2022

Revised sonnet #171

I levelled large lapels on his tweed coat
I grimaced gazing into icy eyes
It was the time to try and verbalise
The history of us in nuance of note
I swear Id sink myself to stay afloat
If right or wrong Id wear the villains guise
Id harp on errors mine all hacked to size
Id flatter him thus forcing him to dote
I said I was a nag in fractions fraud
In hundred fibs Id hide a flagrant lie
I was in pose a cliche cutie pie
I was in style a simp and overawed
I was a killjoy he allowed at last
I fetched too far ahead I gulped aghast
Chorus last conclusion finish

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Revised sonnet #170

Your ankles piezoelectric sites of sparks
Improve the earths transparent weakened shield
You build up busily the voltage field
Your diligence to golden ages harks 
The medal metal rubs off makes its marks
Yes moneys jewellery and health unsealed
Electrums gold and silver charges wield
In clips odd clicks ooze mesons gluons and quarks
Your custom avatars are coffin size
Your nesting dolls transcend all genocide
In ranking gentile giants and pixies hide
The wizards ace thats big or small to wise
You comb your hair a lot till crackling clean
You lift a weary world to heights its been
Chorus clean hygienic sanitary

Thursday, March 03, 2022

Revised sonnet #169

Inside a surface charm a smile and cheer
A body shape hour glass a face as fine
In oval symmetry Id see divine
Id call a man immune a little queer
I must admit I like the louts to leer
The weird wolf whistles wonderful in line
The city blocks of building sites haunts mine
I work inside twelve walls of fine veneer
He was a millionaire or billionaire
In love I couldnt listen properly
He made his money milking property
His gothic mansion left in minions care
He was too busy wouldnt ever cheat
Aboard the super yacht Id swim to meet
Chorus cheat betray rat

Thursday, February 24, 2022

kqj's recipes for medieval ice cream, sherbet and sorbet

mashed potato
potato milk
watered wine
mint nectar
dessicated sugar beet
oatmeal and pixie birch sawdust pancake baked
the blocks of ice are faerried down viaducts from the alps and broken inside Lady Luck's tapestry bags

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Revised sonnet #168

Our future set I strained to snare a share
The paltry profits pooled as common loot
Id scored him when I wore a sexy suit
I bought his art its city savoir faire
His latest portrait knifed till past repair
He kicked the bas reliefs enforced the boot
His standards silly still unmatched and moot
I swung to save he grimaced dont you dare
Art student barely legal little coy
His secret mistress more than passing whim
The camera obscura box their joy
They printed perfect paint on sack and scrim
I want to leave him yet I love his work
He hates himself a most endearing quirk
Chorus work endeavour oeuvre


Sunday, February 20, 2022

Revised sonnet #167

I was obsessed he won it was a rout
My fiancee firm in finance whom I chose
He random source of sage advice in woes
I loved a pal in dough a pal in doubt
Im not one whod just flout the fashion out
Initial kiss on nudge of nose on nose
I sensed my blinking lids asudden close
My fiancee never clumsy not about
He cussed and cursed and cut to certain size
He seemed to savour folk in rotten luck
His remedy a full on lurching ruck
He self anonymised to worldly wise
Alas a stranger first his inner self Id never learn
My fiancee not a fool to crash or burn
Chorus learn discover read 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Revised sonnet #166

She cued the cut and fit the bandage flush
I was in luck or love I wasnt woke
She fixed a man in blue eyes beyond a joke
She couldve kissed it better lowered lips lush
The husband human how Id keep things hush
She might initiate petting promise poke
Sick branch I doctored saw in bark off broke
I hadnt tarred to trunk the price of rush
She lined the barca lounger by the pool
She wore a red scarf knotted neat at neck
The bulbous blue bikini rigged to rule
Its massive mammaries yet kept in check
I figured her brave babe brazilian wax
And lurched off ladder landing next to axe
Chorus wax balmumu cera

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Revised sonnet #165

It proved unclear to me a precedent
He gave to me a white wax wrap of flowers
At first I read them error mood unmeant
His wife had wads of charm or magic powers
As if a former flame he came off gent
How sweet is love at first it slowly sours
I mused on sniff of flowers I might relent
His looks of love outnumbered levelled lours
A cool white wine warmed warp in cheeks till bloom
As if the white of mountain edelweiss
Our hungry lips unhinged in kiss of ice
I felt our lust all commonsense subsume
Asleep the children down the stairs a bore
Im but a model nanny mums ignore
Chorus bore drag yawn

Sunday, February 06, 2022

Revised sonnet #164

He kept on kissing me he couldnt stop
It flattered me I wasnt forced upon
Another giddy moment others gone
The futon flattened fornicators prop
Across the duvets we inclined at drop
The lamp light low across vague ripples shone
The bra undone out boobs I loosed to flop
He licked each nipple stiff as big bon bon
Home she arrived too early from her work
And caught us fornicating cussed us cheats
I nanny ninny blushed as perk at quirk
The complement her perfect plaits and pleats
Her mum unwell had nominated me
As stand in nanny if I found time free
Chorus me me me

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Revised sonnet #163

In Onehunga car park public gents
Its me and missus screwing upon a wall
I once a maggot worked the hospital
I writhed in wounds I aided accidents
You poo and pee and peep us from your stall
Yes loose your bowels and bladder heave it hence
And wipe your bum youll hit the shopping mall
In pristine shape youll leave us stinky vents
The Asian punter squats above the seat
And seems to ice a massive coffee cake
If floaters froth unflushable Ill eat
The coitus interrupt us missus sake
The cistern smells of Spanish fly or farts
I pin the missus puny private parts
Chorus farts putter scoregge

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Revised sonnet #162

I rent a room at old St Josephs lodge
Tobacco pinched off me Ill batter yet
The head of hair and mono brow are jet
That Fungas five foot five a poly podge
The deviled sausage supper serves as stodge
In margarine and curry powder met
The little lolly bags I wont abet
Yes Fungas on tick latest dairy dodge
If Funga plonks a piano huffs a hymn
St Josephs sensible the plaster saint
Of chalky patches pleasant peeled off paint
In Fungas focus brief as bugs and dim
If Funga sells a sun tan lotion spray
I cop a burn that cloudy summer day
Chorus spray aerosol vaporizer

Friday, January 28, 2022

 xfizer sugar pills
vs simple medieval medicine cabinet
willow bark sedative
almonds brain and gut parasite eliminator
crushed daisies mosquito eliminator
and if you've been told bad eye sight is a disease consider books by medieval gentile giants

Monday, January 24, 2022

Rome roam road
Carthage cartage
cartage sat on road then road was all by itself
I was about to say that history is fake but I decided not to.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Revised sonnet #161

You capture me your generous eyes gleam
Im glad to rate as more than cataracts
I come off doppelgangers drawn off dream
I puzzle how the photon stream impacts
Eyes work around all seen seamed seem
They hide the optic nerve in hopping acts
And multipliers the massive numbers deem
Too quickly simulation fitting facts
Ill mull the million shades of gray
I mean to multitask those tasty lips
You are you what is blank in battleships
And what is shade of shade eyed anyway?
Theres liquid light in either ether gaze
Theres something light love like luciferase
Chorus gaze peer scan

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Revised sonnet #160

The choice I bide is either bad or worse
I put off chance of casual causal joy
I suffer cruellest luck or karmic curse
I harbour stilted speech I favour ploy
It looks like luck and karma each annoy
If polar opposites if scum and dregs
Theyve haunted me too much as man and boy
The epilogue a brilliant answer eggs
A daemon free or else a demon chained
Is she I wonder which the while Im catching cuss
I feel its customized I like the fuss
I want to cuss at her yet not act pained
Is she through lottery the savaged soul?
Is she through luxury the damaged doll?
Chorus soul animus quintessence

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Revised sonnet #159

I met you by and by in happenstance
You were a perfect party specimen
It didnt matter come to where or when
I made eye contact first I snatched the chance
You blinked at me I felt the flash of glance
I joined the socializing circles venn
I found in heart I had to have that hen
The number slower I patterned prance on dance
Yes were a match as clumsy couples go
I score a wobbly move on womans whim
In coordination bungle body blow
The other dancers clued up pseudo prim
Among the paired off dancers we were worst
Essentially in number self immersed
Chorus worst ergste verst