She is seen whole a former part time whore
Youd never guess that from her draped on dress
Like me you dont peek pinch or rudely pore
You find her finely charming nonetheless
A woman whos kept by the wealthiest bore
In salons once she swept floors tinted tress
She waited tables took on any chore
The pants to clean and dry the shirts to press
A hint about cash one cant have too much
And shell shocked dictators are undersold
Shes stuck a family and spouse on hold
For that exclusive shoulder bag or clutch
Its hard to figure her out what went wrong
Now most what matters is she gets along
Chorus wrong bad off
Youd never guess that from her draped on dress
Like me you dont peek pinch or rudely pore
You find her finely charming nonetheless
A woman whos kept by the wealthiest bore
In salons once she swept floors tinted tress
She waited tables took on any chore
The pants to clean and dry the shirts to press
A hint about cash one cant have too much
And shell shocked dictators are undersold
Shes stuck a family and spouse on hold
For that exclusive shoulder bag or clutch
Its hard to figure her out what went wrong
Now most what matters is she gets along
Chorus wrong bad off