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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Act Four Scene Two
[The Holo Magi, Cusp of Atlantis first draught.]

-With eyes on the stalks at the top
of my head, here's a critter or two that I'd
look down on without a frown.
Albinio - I see sparkling mischief in
of your eyes. My sorely misunderstood boss -
let me sum the ways he might punish me.
- Haha hahe haho bingo! what's this
mumbojumbo sale? this sideshow is priceless.
JuniorII - Cost plus - this one in particular is a
hardboiled egghead, white as whites can be. $10
Holo - This marginal homespun grand mal, I
disown - his voodoo priestess mother would turn
in her grave. His head was too big
for the caeserean section, he killed her
doing the breech. Apparently, she raindanced till
the clouds poured, ushered in the new moon,
when it would rather take a holiday. These
hardened criminals stand no chance of coercing
me into extorting mankind with black magic
catastrophes. It's down to damage control. $20
Albinio - Don't cripple my nipple, Orb.
Orb - You deserve the metaphysics.
Fran - I know them and they know me. I'm
not going to pretend otherwise. This is Eduardo,
our coke cook, high as a kite.
Eduardo - Go ahead, then, Mr Magic, pull a rabbit
or a coke balloon out your mule ass. I heard this
place is called Hooligan's Island after the ticket
price gouger from southern County Cork.
Junior Junior II - And his fraternal sidekick is $30
off his face, too - how did we end up in this
fruit candy? It's a rum situation or not.
- I've been in this candy for twenty
years bit by bit, I can now boast of my new
bones. I could walk in a circle three times,
before I lie down and spend a spell as a dog.
-You're not yourself, Eduardo. Your eyes
are bloodshot and you're talking gibberish.
-Shove off, tomboy. I'm crawling with
spiders and ants because of you and your $40
cooties and your aversion to deodarant.
Holo - You were going to turn the island
into a gigantic cocaine factory, idiot!
-It'd be a creative self sacrifice.
Junior Junior II -It's the weirdest thing that
I've witnessed, virtual or real.

[Sticks a finger in his open mouth to
indicate nausea.]

Holo - Crude and rude, ugly in looks and spirit,
you've got a bone to pick with me? $50
Albinio - You've smothered many a grand or
petit mal on my part, which should've been
allowed to run its course. You've never said
thank you for me giving you mouth to mouth
resuscitation when you washed ashore all
those years ago. You only let me own land at
the low water mark and forced your learning
on me to soon, and will not officially recognise
my cargo cult.
Holo - You're never far away from blackmail, $60
are you Albinio? You and your petit mals.
Albinio - My cargo cult is recognised in the
city of Atlantis - I didn't want to hurt your
feelings, but there you have it, strike me down.
Holo - Chloe, take him away. Use your full
strength. Captain Sex Robot, strip the
smugglers of their filched bullet proof
jackets and dump the small time amateurish
smugglers in a longboat or cutter off the
shore of good old Guantanamo bay. $70
Eduardo - We only borrowed them for a decade
or two, till we're bent and shrunk with age.


Holo - Before I climb into the drawer, to be
fired at the sun and into a parallel universe,
I must ask you one thing and show you two things.
What is the exotic, transparent substance which
expanding cooled, wedges open a black hole?
Fran - Water, the essential liquid of life.
Holo - Correct. You'll notice that I can summon
a virtual environment with three clicks of my $80
fingers, as each click is unique within the
context of me. One click, two click, three click.

[The tree of knowledge and the tree of good and evil
appear on third finger click.]

The tree of good and evil, of left and right is
deciduous, and makes a show of its fall. The
tree of knowledge is evergreen, on its trunk are
grafted the citrus fruits, lemons, limes and
oranges. Though there are other permutations.
Fran - The snake? Is it like a radio wave?
Holo II - Is a crank. See, he cranks the fruits round $90
and round and round and round and round.
Holo I - Orb, open the drawer. Soon, I shall
be frozen in a wedge of ice with my closest
nanorobots and fired at the sun. I shall be
back who knows when. Adieu, byebye, so long.

[Morgue-like drawer closes.]

[End of Scene.]