tripod selfie playing card

tripod selfie playing card
tripod selfie playing card

3d $flipbook

3d $flipbook
4K money application

touchie card

touchie card
key to the celestial city

interactive movies

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Sonnet #75 by FisherKingKQJ

In front of dresser mirror moods aligned
As we each puff a big tobacco pipe
Hers briar and mine clay pleasure bent of mind
As we imbibe the sauternes fully ripe
Her shoes are shiny leather spit and wipe
Her jacket grey tweed little lapels flat
Her bowler black a match to silk cravat
A pocket watch in vest of silver stripe
I wear the same as she I idolise
The Enfield rifles specify the biggest bore
And killing malthouse sparrows stands our chore
The blaze of bullets cuts them down to size
Sir Esvjas Nzist hired us to liquidate
The woozy sparrows set on booze estate
Chorus liquidate destroy vanquish

Monday, December 29, 2003

sonnet #74 by KQJ

Ill brave big Sandows body culture gym
Ill line the leopardskin spot togs he flogs
In cheval mirrors skinny side of slim
Ill skip the warm up stuff the circuit jogs
I sigh as men hoist weights Id wage on whim
I whoop as cartwheels whizz wide men as cogs
I get the stitch and calf cramps interim
A stick out sternum scab asserts hard slogs
Waxed Whiskers noted zero skill yet zeal
Proposed a massage punishing to end
He whacked his fist edge raised a reddish weal
Then over me he hung press ups no bend
Historic place Leys building brick and gild
Ill guess in future books and bodybuild
Chorus gild gilde vergulde

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Sonnet #73 by FisherKingKQJ

Dear Dicky, my quick remedy can save
You from your gross auto erotic bane
The victim needn't be pushed to the grave
Or madhouse by unprovoked semen drain.
As in Health for the Manly I explain:
Excesses of hot youth are a disease.
Even of he men who in the gymn train,
Who lift above, drop big dumbbells with ease.
Your knickerbockers down you say felt queer;
In the pee jar sediment lies white fleece;
My diagnosis is: chronic spermorrhea.
Sip salix nigra three times daily, please.
If you send me ten pounds sterling, mister,
I won't blab your deeds to dad or sister.

{3D interactive chorus:}

If you send me ten pounds sterling, mister.
If you send me ten pounds sterling, pat.
If you send me ten pounds sterling, sir.

{Corrected rhythm and typeset 5/12/05.}

Friday, December 26, 2003

Sonnet #72 by FisherKingKQJ

Doctor Proctor, old facts are quite scanty,
I fall asleep and snore when I go limp
Sandwiched by whores in a sly grog shanty,
I'm sotted by harlots and a publican pimp.
I'm tired now and on hot square meals I skimp...
Doctor Proctor, will the big scab remiss?
You shoot alum into my cock, you crimp,
You repeat the scare word parasyphilis.
Damaged spinal cord, brain, what talk is this?
With scalpel and meths you stem a chancroid?
You prescribe a cocaine syrup numbing bliss,
You advise a month I women avoid.
Into your Queens Arcade practise we come
From a gumfield for your magic nostrum.

{3D interactive chorus:}

From a gumfield for your magic nostrum.
From a gumfield for your magic elixir.
From a gumfield for your magic potion.

{Rhythm and typeset corrected5/12/05.]

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Sonnet #71 by FisherKingKQJ

Your musical career has come to nought,
Time has proved you copiously mediocre,
Oblivion has staved off what you wrought,
Your fiftysecond card you've turned a joker.
I've a true love who supports my music,
It's her passion, she doesn't play a note,
A passion aside crotchet, stave and rubric
And on her small mysterious moves I dote.
In the wrinkles of your pursed lips lie sneers
I'm silent: condolence you want to hear.
Fisherking heals his friends, neighbours, peers,
Not fame but immortality is heir.
My love tugs my sleeve to bid you adieu,
I spend one nod on your duff notes in lieu.

{3D interactive chorus:}

My love tugs my sleeve to bid you adieu.
My love tugs my sleeve to bid you farewell.
My love tugs my sleeve to bid you goodbye.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Sonnet #70 by FisherKingKQJ

Dull is this work with posser and dolly stick,
And frills, goffers, pleats invite box iron singe.
I had more fun sucking a boozed gent's dick,
Or twingeing rasping goatee on my minge.
The matron was a shoulder to cry on:
She said domestic work might be my reprieve-
I've options, now: ball iron, egg iron, sleeve iron
For smoothing out bonnet, bustle and sleeve.
True: I've studied Mrs Beeton's dirty laundry.
True: I was impure, lewd, low and discreet
But the small world has left me in a quandary:
What if the needs of a client's wife I meet?
Do you think I'll get some work reference
From gentlemen who paid me pretty pence?

{3D interactive chorus:}

From gentlemen who paid me pretty pence?
From gentlemen who paid me pretty dosh?
From gentlemen who paid me pretty lolly?

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Sonnet #69 by FisherKingKQJ

In my white drill sailor suit I'm such a card,
Conductors and drivers don't take umbrage:
Around the east Custom st horsetram yard
I like to play hooky from the orphanage.
I slunk behind her in the last horsetram:
Otherwise empty were the roller seats.
The conductor blushed, he told me to scram...
I snuck back and I watched him suck her teats.
My love of her symmetries I'd plead:
Her chestnut plaits, her cheeks a rosy bloom,
Her bike coat and rational of grey tweed,
Blackboots, fawn gaitors, a straw hat, a plume.
To watch my love make love gives me solace:
I've learnt one lesson this summer solstice.

{3D interactive chorus:}

To watch my love make love gives me solace.
To watch my love make love gives me comfort.
To watch my love make love gives me relief.

{l14 extended for final typeset. 5/12/06}

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Sonnet #68 by FisherKingKQJ

My research trawls Fort st fallen sisters
For the learned social science journal Truth:
The sweaty painted face which glisters
Shows us the bestial instinct of youth.
The parents were genetically infirm,
So for magdalens sex is a passion;
They unbutton pantaloons, then they squirm,
They succumb...and ad hoc at last cash in.
I note: cotton drawers bleached, static rustle.
I finger: round the vulva copious nerves.
Under flamboyant curvaceous bustle
This hirsute organ insolent lust serves.
Some gossips do call my research nonsense...
No, no! It's a lab at large of conscience.

{3D interactive chorus:}

Some gossips do call my research nonsense.
Some gossips do call my research gibberish.
Some gossips do call my research twaddle.

{Corrected rhythm and typeset 5/12/05.}

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Sonnet #67 by FisherKingKQJ

I'm one of the grubby Magdalen lasses
Who troll and game Durham st for a lay:
Behind a warehouse full of molasses,
Amidst the privies, the barrels, or on a dray.
For brown felt bowler hats or pince nez
My taffeta petticoat and sweeper
Go up, my satin boots, my thighs splay:
Anonymous ruts are faster or deeper.
Apart from a drayman who's a peeper
They're all just tweed trousers and lemon gloves,
They shudder and faint for the Grim Reaper,
Such is the chemistry twixt me and my loves.
A shilling buys a cut plug of opium-
A tamp beyond society's oppobrium.

{3D interactive chorus:}

A tamp beyond society's oppobrium.
A tamp beyond society's condemnation.
A tamp beyond society's denunciation.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Sonnet #66 by FisherKingKQJ

An act of Parliament has spelled adieu
To bordellos and harlots and bawds:
The constable says he's got little to do
But nab shoplifters and grapple their hoards.
Percy Plutocrat set me up solo,
He leased me the tobacco shop premises,
Whole toasted leaf, stacked tins in the window,
I swear lusty wives are my nemeses.
I'm twentyfive, olive complexioned and plump:
To the backroom I'll sign a leering scamp,
Where bouncing off my bare bum he might pump
And peruse nude paintings and rising damp.
My fee is two shillings for a short time,
Two pounds if you want a night sublime.

{3D interactive chorus:}

My fee is two shillings for a short time.
My fee is two shillings for a short period.
My fee is two shillings for a short spell.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Sonnet #65

I'm a gloves and collar fancyman flesh tout,
I love to book my sweet three shilling harlot-
I'll tweak an idling punter by the snout
Toward unbuttoned pantaloons and slot.
I'll shout a bloke a closing time gin shot
And bring him back to a red Queen st hut-
My missus doesn't care for looks a jot
So his crown I'll cosh if he calls her a slut.
While he grunts, while his eyes are squinted shut
His claypipe I might plug and loudly puff,
I try his shirt if he's same size round the gut,
If he's muscled I'll stroke her pale grey muff.
At the chainstitch treadle she works up a sweat
By day but moonlights an unlaced corset.

{3D interactive chorus:}

At the chainstitich treadle she works up a sweat.
At the chainstitch treadle she works up a hidrosis.
At the chainstitch treadle she works up a perspiration.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Sonnet #64a by FisherKing KQJ

Those soiled doves have earnt me good cash,
Polish well pier glass, the black grand piano;
Some of the diggers are handsome and rash:
Thirty shillings for two whores buys one halo.
Breast uppers nude, silk flounces, satin bow,
Stays tight tied to stress the waist and bosom,
Traps for eyes of men cashed up and callow:
Queen st home of assignation in sum.
My favourite Sarah turned age thirty glum,
Would take in washing, so making ends meet,
Got pregnant, so she quit for marriage mum
With a rube both sentimental and sweet.
Myself, I made the elite shift to bawd:
Still unjugged, like a chairman of the board.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 bawd
o $10,000,000 madam.
o $10,000,000 pander.

[Autocube3 - for 3dinteractive movies.]

Two of the rhymes in #64 need to be changed to rum/mum-
at the moment it's an accidentally bastardised Spenserian/English sonnet.
Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars as lead punter!

Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!

Teamsters affiliated!


Saturday, December 06, 2003

Sonnet #63 by FisherKingKQJ

This life of sexual abstinence began
In summer of '01; one short bike ride
The vicar changed me into puritan:
Boy's spilt seed decreed a homicide.
Emission nocturnal could be defied
By regimentalised, serene pure thoughts,
My seed reabsorbed by organs way inside:
Girls boobs arrear two arithmetic noughts.
Still, girls soft tingled in my worsted shorts:
I gave Mr Hare my one pound sterling
For electric bath self abuse disports,
Nipple electrodes, hot steam puffs swirling.
Delivering by butcherboy black bike,
I tell wee giggling harridans go hike.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 bike
o $10,000,000 cycle
o $10,000,000 pushbike

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Delivering by butcherboy black bike.
Delivering by butcherboy black bicycle.
Delivering by butcherboy black cycle.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Sonnet #62 by FisherKingKQJ

In a parked puce Maserati sports car
He primps bleached sparse hair, he tilts sunglasses,
Just for me he clicks the passenger door ajar:
He decries poofs who goose busboy arses.
Uptight lifestyle he deemed to recant-
The trenchcoat and tie and shirt were obscene,
He'd sold on the silver service restaurant
For lazy lines of methamphetamine.
He pulls down the undies on the fellow
At the top of the same kingsized waterbed,
Rhetorically he asks: Feeling mellow?
I'm paralysed, I've got a pain in the head.
When your love is down and chances are thin
You can count on a smarmy mickey finn.

{3D interactive chorus:}

When your love is down and chances are thin.
When your love is down and chances are meagre.
When your love is down and chances are scant.
Sonnet #61 by FisherKingKQJ

We scramble up the wet wharf groynes and piles
Embossed by rock oysters and black mussels
A pillbox crab with sponge on head beguiles-
Behind blue anemones he scuttles.
My love bites and sucks out some tainted blood
From a fine gash just above my left knee
My glistening thigh caked in sand and mud
Streams ruddy but I have no memory.
We look at purple rib mussel clusters
And we suspect their hard razor sharp lips-
The tethered dinghy bobs, seabreeze blusters-
A mauve starfish a limpet grinds and grips.
My love says we're fortunate to admire
The diced antibiotics of the vampire.

{3D interactive chorus:}

My love says we're fortunate to admire.
My love says we're fortunate to esteem.
My love says we're fortunate to regard.

summer 1971

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Sonnet #60 by FisherKingKQJ

Lord octopus blushes a dapple pink
Of algae posied on coralline turf,
He blacks a moray eel with clouding ink
And scrabbles away on plumes of surf.
A seethrough prawn enters on tippytoe:
She vaunts an eyepatch on her backside,
She's roiled by undercurrent billow,
She's resigning the rockpool at hightide.
Our friend the hermit crab looks for balance
His larger pincer shows credited bias,
A tanaid in a shell makes acquaintance
So imitation isn't quite as bad as....
My love says only a fuddy-duddy
Might nitpick his redhead's naturestudy.

{3D interactive chorus:}

My love says only a fuddy-duddy.
My love says only an old-fogey.
My love says only a pensioner.

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Sonnet #59 by FisherKingKQJ

We take our diving masks off in a maze
Down Poor Knights arches, caves and tunnels;
We roll suspended, hug tight, loll and laze
Down warm, intersecting limestone funnels.
My love combs from my red hair runnels,
Down to sportsbra my zipped wetsuit plunges;
Our french kisses are flames, and time annuls,
Then we bedrock red and orange sponges.
Shoal of yellow parrotfish now lunges,
And stingrays swoop, wingtip across wingtip;
Moray eels slide where urchin shed gunge is,
Blue maomao yellow feather stars slow whip.
My love says our sweet airtight love will keep
Down pockets of air seven fathoms deep.


o $10,000,000 keep
o $10,000,000 marinate
o $10,000,000 salt

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

Sonnet #58 by FisherKingKQJ

My darling adores my bobbed fine red hair,
Though secretly I wish it thick and blonde;
This forest makes me lose my worldly care,
We kiss in shadows of a treefern frond.
My troubles can dissipate or abscond,
As Urewera tuis mid flit are spurred
To sharp dawn chorus by a bright sun yond,
Their trills lanced by kakas cackling absurd,
From sparkled mist, red mistletoe thick gird
And stringy barked boughs of totara heights;
Tribe Tuhoe say: man's sickness is averred
By holy winds Tawhirimatea incites.
My love says lizards are a mutant flaw,
Green tuataras staying spawn of dinosaur.


o $10,000,000 flaw
o $10,000,000 kink
o $10,000,000 slip

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Saturday, November 29, 2003

Sonnet #57 by FisherKingKQJ

My love my red hair strokes seaspray laden,
We gaze down a promontary narrow:
A basalt maiden, a whetstone maiden,
Two mountain peaks await their one beau.
Waihunga feared this evil glam tupua
Might kidnap her two daughters into hell,
Indentured down the Asian sex trade sewer,
On great cash oko she spoke her white spell.
She waved the flashy sleaze fists full of cash-
Asked him to shoo her daughters well away;
Enchanted by the easy large bhat stash
The nightclub bouncer promised he'd obey.
My love says our world overdoes things cruel
Yet insidious which don't beckon a duel.

{3D interactiove chorus:}

o $10,000,000 cruel
o $10,000,000 grave
o $10,000,000 harsh

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Friday, November 28, 2003

Sonnet #56

My love and I discussed teen growing pains,
Regards my bra size I drooped at a loss,
I couldn't work out natural weight gains,
Nor periods my red hair would dull or gloss.
We scanned a summer salt meadow bright emboss
Tight prostrate runners and ornate rosettes
Grey shell and shingle sand bars, hills of dross
Moved hither, thither, my poor brain forgets.
Glasswort mauve, goosefoot dull pink, their turrets
High in fine shorepimpernel spangled white;
A burrowing crab his tunnel crimps, then frets;
Sharp grasses on my calves crisscross cuts slight.
My love says life is movement as we stomp
The gypsy shell bars of a mangrove swamp.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 stomp
o $10,000,000 drub
o $10,000,000 trample

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Sonnet #55

Young Te Auroa whistled to shoo off her colic
The rockpool mirrored back her portrait shy
Suave tohitohi surfaced to frolic,
Across her gaze pranced next a dragonfly.
My love's a sweet and not so simple guy,
He's sensitive and wry, and not obtuse;
I was a waitress, he my latte ply,
Low aces when we met, now joined we're deuce.
Times into daydreams I would shy recuse
And like Te Auroa whistle sharp, sadly sing!
My baton being taniwha eel - his loose
Black coils conducting errant tuis trilling.
My love wipes my red bangs free of drizzle:
Should I some day soon teach him to whistle?

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 drizzle.
o $10,000,000 mizzle.
o $10,000,000 sprinkle.

[Autocube3- for 3d interactive movies.]

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Monday, November 24, 2003

Sonnet #54

Along White's Beach tough coprosoma strands
Acquiesce to westerlies; toitoi and marram
Abruptly squeeze the thin track down to sands,
Large breaker waves against wet headlands jam.
My love believes that felon on the lam
George Wilder gave up his temerity
In one of six beach houses that clifftop cram,
Left a thank you note to posterity.
Gannets, shags ply their tongued severity,
They wobble kahawai from swelling kelp;
A basking shark extracts some levity:
My love and I mount its back where I yelp.
My love says my red hair is bright and pure:
Though for those winded ozone wends the cure.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 pure
o $10,000,000 chaste
o $10,000,000 immaculate

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Sunday, November 23, 2003

Sonnet #53 by FisherKingKQJ

We saunter past this pohutukawa tree:
Its twisted, gnarled roots seemingly rebel
Verse high tide mark, knucklewhite disagree,
Lowly ebbing beach of rock, stone, pebble.
Two kingfishers compelled by solstice frost
Abandon their stonk of cloudlike gnat,
Instead sandflea and sandhopper accost:
They catch the winter sun we cold blink at.
My love questioned deviants tightly hugging
If passion could be called a formal state:
Since chimera deemed albino no fling,
In their scoop of pebbles swirled some agate.
My love says love is common and yet sweet-
My seven red braids are tied girlish neat.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 sweet
o $10,000,000 candy
o $10,000,000 dulcet

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Saturday, November 22, 2003

Sonnet #52 by FisherKingKQJ

We have yet to reach the alpine fellfield,
And screes sliced brutally with grey rock slides,
A dizzy place where our love might be healed;
I've trapped my boyfriend in a cave which hides
Tohunga bones strewn, black compost besides;
He kisses my red hair, sign we're a match,
The torrential rain suddenly subsides,
And supplejack refunds last misty batch.
Broadleaf, mahoe, kamahi, proxied thatch-
Their boughs are soaks of lichen and moss,
Choked waterways our tramping legs tired catch,
We splash and splash through fern and creeper floss.
The Egmont's lush rainforest intimate:
His muscles in wet clothes wire insinuate.


o $10,000,000 intimate
o $10,000,000 confidential
o $10,000,000 privy

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Friday, November 21, 2003

Sonnet #50 by FisherKingKQJ

Rangi-te-ao-rere, plain thrived on strife,
He was renowned for his great martial skill,
He swept a wahine of high rank to wife-
With Huritini sex was one hot thrill...
Her cautious mind soon vested him a chill,
Diverting doubt, shared silence was the rule;
He hankered for the life of maim and kill,
She felt unloved, drowned in a hot mudpool.
My love fluffs my red hair and calls it cool,
We slip on steam whet, dark basalt outcrops.;
My womb feels weighted by a sulphur ghoul,
My love twirls out my red hair some mist drops.
The period cramps hit me, and make me blush:
I smile at his smile, but I feel like mush.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 blush
o $10,000,000 glow
o $10,000,000 mantle

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

Sonnet #51

Sometimes I watch myself do daft things...
My handsome love acts a clown among clowns.
This courthouse of a one way mirror brings
Us face to face with our puzzled frowns.
Quantum mechanics has its judges in gowns
In the dark, our other more perfect selves.
Our metaphysic love love crowns and crowns
Neither of us into honest love delves
We're bookends of selfimprovement on shelves
We hug on a Mobious strip perverse
Twisting into such creditcard ghost pelves,
We're trapped in a parallel universe.
I love to love you, you love to love me:
On all else we agree to disagree.

{3D interactive chorus:}

On all else we agree to disagree.
On all else we agree to negate.
On all else we agree to object.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Sonnet #49 by FisherKingKQJ

My love and I march Ninety Mile Beach
Our arms swing fingers twisted in fingers,
From east and west yellow sand dunes reach
Up to Cape Reinga ridge, scent of fern lingers.
Our legs are socked by crushed seashells sticky,
A Maori fellow drags tuatua in a wet sack,
On his brown chest swings a plastic tiki.
We barter cigarettes for a seashell snack.
Flock's of godwits are winter's harbingers:
He kisses and extolls my red hair quickly
We poke a bonfire as sunset gingers,
Ghoul diggers push kelp doors of Hawaiki.
My love and I walk across hard wet sand
Which won't accept a footprint, hand in hand.

{3D interactive chorus:}

My love and I walk across hard wet sand.
My love and I pace across hard wet sand.
My love and I stroll across hard wet sand.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Sonnet #48

My love and I laid siege to Lion Rock,
The summit we assaulted along a steep track.
The ozone bluster made our knees knock-
Atop old Whakaari pah almost in cloud wrack.
I was feint and woozy from oxygen lack,
His chest was heaving, too, we dropped to knees,
We kissed, our wetsuits rubbed and squeaked mudflack.
We closed our eyes to eyewatering breeze.
We knitted seaweed necklaces each to please...
And kissed again where blue sea and sky blurs.
He loved my red hair, said so without cease
As surf exploded through tall, sharp, cragged spurs
Through Keyhole cavity secluded calm
We kissed and touched and waded arm in arm.

{3D interactive chorus:}

Through Keyhole cavity secluded calm
Through Keyhole cavity secluded lull
Through Keyhole cavity secluded peace

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

a study toward sonnet #47

Cubic zirconiums dressy daywear tenure,
I've coveted your gilded nickel hasp,
I've tried to time out your practised censure
Bright costume jewels speak Platonic love clasp.
Your voice is sultry, raw come hither rasp-
Think you can turn thirty without sorrow?
Privileged Cleopatra yet brooched an asp;
There's less to paste gems on public show.
There's per se precious stones for private stow-
And for now, marcasite is in my grasp,
Fine drop earrings, necklace else, or bandeau-
They glitter true enough for me - I'll gasp.
Crushed glass in eggwhite whisked, sets sublime-
Roman pearls beat off a romantic crime.

{3D interactive chorus:}

Roman pearls ward off a romantic crime.
Roman pearls ward off a romantic felony.
Romantic pearls ward off a romantic tort.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Sonnet #46

Abacad abacad abacad abac
Ebeced ebeced ebeced ebec
Ubucud ubucud ubucud ubuc

Abacad abacad abacad abac
Ebeced ebeced ebeced ebec
Ubucud ubucud ubucud ubuc

Abacad abacad abacad abac
Ebeced ebeced ebeced ebec
Ubucud ubucud ubucud ubuc

Abacad abacad abacad abac
Ebeced ebeced ebeced ebec

This computer code may be 12, 000 years old, but it's still the best.

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Sonnet #45

There is semblance of previous loves in you-
You're such sweet holistic distillation.
The times we've yammered in a grouped milieu,
A friend's friend is not a diminuition.
There is likeness of beforehand loves in you-
You're such sweet holistic incarnation.
The times we've chatted in a mobbed venue,
A mate's mate is not a diminuition.
There is copy of earlier loves in you-
You're such sweet holistic emanation.
The times we've nattered in a cliqued ado,
A pal's pal is not a diminuition.
Agape, romantic, familiar - a swag
Of love degrees have now dissolved Time's lag.

{3D interactive chorus:}

Agape, romantic, familiar - a swag
Agape, romantic, familiar - a boodle
Agape, romantic, familiar - a prize

Friday, November 14, 2003

Sonnet #44

I'm so tired of you acting jealous sleuth;
I've stopped sugaring the stems of flowers
In vases while your genial lack of ruth
Now even an agape love palls and sours.
Ten years ago you let me taste your youth:
The bloom is off your cheeks, to be uncouth...
But your compound critique hurts just as much-
Watch: into potplants goes the dry vermouth.
You're never more the squeezable nonesuch
The smirks betray your habitual slick touch;
To stymie you I'm working longer hours-
I'd sooner smooch our mutt in the hutch.
Gripe won't be worked up into earnest spate:
Love platonic I've wrapped inside a crate.

{3D interactive movies:}

o $10,000,000 spate
o $10,000,000 burst
o $10,000,000 rush

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Wednesday, November 12, 2003

a revision of a study toward Sonnet #43 by FisherKingKQJ

Stephanie de Millay - I hostess am,
Serve Isabella and Humphrey's nuptials,
While Saracens siege, catapults high slam
The ordinance at cambered castle walls.
Sir Reynald, my dear husband ambles halls,
Decanters clink mugs, goblets, tumblers, cups,
With in-house ale - to dilute outside brawls,
The minstrel band its pitch and tempo ups.
Saladin's gang of fidels free ale sups,
Knight's ransom of my madfuna devour-
No freak event of ruddy battle tups
The wedding cordoned for a corner tower.
Reynald hunted prophet Muhammad's tomb-
To levy Allah's faithful with aplomb.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 tomb-
o $10,000,000 sepulchre-
o $10,000,000 vault.

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Monday, November 10, 2003

Sonnet #41 by FisherKingKQJ

When pure love is as pure as flat gold leaf
Fierce heat maintains its mild yellow colour,
Adjusts, complies and yet still keeps chief;
When love is gold alloyed with silver ore
Fierce heat quick whitens clammed up memory...
Expands signs of a heart still scared and sore;
When love is tin it chums gold with sorry -
Fierce heat hard roughens to end apprise...
Love lashes someone who it might box in;
When love is gold pinches with lead allies
Fierce heat smokes all down to folded toxin,
Love cannot see past its own self and dies.
To all her troubles is my love annealed:
Gold dusted in hot mead, so she is healed.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 annealed
o $10,000,000 tempered
o $10,000,000 vitrified

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

Sonnet #42 by FisherKingKQJ

The looking glass insinuates me as old-
You and youth are on point of separate-
Time's liver spots and wrinkles I behold,
Mutual diaries bind in dry exfoliate.
Your dynamic, fine beauty ends its spree
In thick, stiff ventricles of my dark heart,
You're middleaged...but I am elderly-
Perhaps we'll freshen with cryogenic art?
On both our accounts I'm miffed and weary,
And curse the bogus idea called free will;
Your head portraits I hide, ever chary,
In a trunk where no inks or ciders spill.
One thing is perpetual and laid out plain:
My heart recoils to you and back again.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 plain
o $10,000,000 bald
o $10,000,000 clear

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Saturday, November 08, 2003

Sonnet #40 by FisherKingKQJ

My sweet, I divine your unseasonal coughs
Certain text book signs of meningitis;
An engineer of diamond mine runoffs,
I've worried rare seams when nothing night is.
I sailed the thin Suez canal south to search
Out white gold dust one whole decade later;
I dug the foundry of a Qumun church
Deep and wide, immortalised pia mater.
Dream up the secret place the sickness looms,
Sip your hot steaming mead and so attest
Prescription honeyed blue lotus blooms,
A peck of gold dust, some lemon zest.
A goblet brimmed with tears of Horus tones
Your chromosomes, evaporates all moans.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 tones
o $10,000,000 cures
o $10,000,000 fixes

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

'The angel that was speaking to me was carrying a gold measuring rod to measure the city and its gates and wall.'

'...the main street of the city was pure gold, transparent as glass.'
Book of Revelation

The celestial city is described as 12 000 metres tall...if so, a casino tower is its pillar and a LEO satellite its capstone.
The next two sonnets are about the magic healing powers of pure gold.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Sonnet #39 by FisherKingKQJ

Indict me thrice: you spurn, you love, you hate,
The gross times I've perjured myself to you,
An undersized male spider trapped to mate
With bossy britches I enticed to screw.
Big hypocrite for condemning your crew,
Call me rude voyeur perversely annoyed,
Free envy dies down when we share a slew,
Let's once more reminisce that polaroid.
My plot to leave you by pure chance you void,
Now I've heard you badmouthing our boyfriend;
I love you this mad, devil take the paranoid,
Mistrial in bush court means we're on the mend.
I love french letter and french kiss patois,
This thorough mix and match menage a trois.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 patois
o $10,000,000 argot
o $10,000,000 jargon

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Sonnet #38 by FisherKingKQJ

Beauty therapist, who's fine pout quavered,
Held back smoke in her lungs, moments savoured;
Untouchable pink chemise was his plight,
She'd cuffed him onto her headboard in spite.
Pure masochism had swelled up his g string-
She was his luscious dollybird plaything,
Whose whips his broad stomach fiercely assailed,
Whose buttocks banged on his chest as he flailed.
Disturbed by his mum, seratonin troll,
With whom he identified oddly to babydoll,
He suffered rouge and lippy on his mien,
She primped his tortured coiffure up to sheen.
So sick of his shrewish lawyer wife's lambaste,
She gripped the divorce papers at long last.

(3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 lambaste.
o $10,000,000 putdown
o $10,000,000 revile.

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Sunday, November 02, 2003

Sonnet #37 by FisherKingKQJ

The sultan now ignored his senior wife,
A childbride was the harem's last recruit,
And tales of japes with celtikei were rife,
I feared the baffling bowstring of a mute.
The sultan kept as company who'd suit,
His bodyguards entirely dwarves, mutes, fools,
Small salaried, especially loyal to boot,
Preserved his eunuchs within hamman pools.
I am an eunuch from Ottoman schools:
I strummed teak cengs for some kapikulli
Who commended me for bending back rules...
What can effete runts such as I sully?
My love's calm love of an uncut eunuch:
A bottom rung wife's toes I lewdly suck.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 eunuch
o $10,000,000 castrato
o $10,000,000 dickless

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Saturday, November 01, 2003

Abacad abacad ab rhyme
Ebeced ebeced ebec
Ubucud ubucud ubuc
Abacad abacad ab chime

This is what I mean by a kitset for musical...with rhymes serving as a bookends to iambs.

Friday, October 31, 2003

Sonnet #36 by FisherKingKQJ

White lead ceruse for pox scar or freckle
His love brushed on her face, neck and bosom.
She dabbed Solimon's Water on each speckle,
Clearing spots or sores or freckles loathesome.
She loathed the gummata on wizened skin,
The foul breath, black teeth, red lipless flesh
And copious spittle shoring her gums thin:
She swabbed at all rheums on her jowl afresh.
Puffed, red eyes rendered watery painful
Washed mirrors full of parchment skinned crone:
Shipwreck's figurehead chipped now disdainful,
In bathtub porcelain she lolled alone.
Once a beauty whom sculptors would peruse:
Strange sepulchre-white woman of ceruse.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000
Once a beauty whom sculptors would peruse. SPADES
o $10,000,000
Once a beauty whom sculptors would observe. CLUBS
o $10,000,000
Once a beauty whom sculptors would study. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Monday, October 27, 2003

Sonnet #34 by FisherKingKQJ

Metamorphosis traipsed me svelte Zephyr:
Now I perch in this tall stand of poplars;
To Psyche and Cupid I calmly defer:
On basalt slabs hot in a clearing sparse
In posied chamomile and primrose spars,
Basking, sunstruck, their naked arms linking,
Wings wafting heat round nectar laden jars,
I saw Cupid frisking Psyche unblinking,
Bags of butterfly stamped drachmas clinking
Round ankles, Cupid gently chew her lip...
Kisses startled Psyche to crazy blinking-
She squealed at reddened pinches on the hip.
Such was Psyche's beauty: imbecile, statuesque:
Loved from afar by great kings in a queue.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 queue
o $10,000,000 file
o $10,000,000 row

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Sunday, October 26, 2003

I've got many, many sweet melodies to underpin these 3D interactive love sonnets. Thirty or so are written specifically from a girl's point of view for which I'm going to hire female singers and in which I will participate myself chorally as a girl thru voice synthesizing software.

by FisherKingKQJ, the angling rod of Syn City.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Sonnet #33 by FisherKingKQJ

Amongst tall pumice stacks did Cupid doff
His sword and sabre with scarce a quiver;
Neck high in bubbling pool he nodded off,
Now accustomed to heat with a shiver.
Centaur Chiron stole by. He forged his meme...
Sword and sabre sharp honed on icicles.
Snowflakes on his back shrank and rose as steam;
Down his cheeks ran sweaty tears in trickles.
In wreathes of betony lolls my missus,
She bathes all day and she extolls to gype
In scalding hot effervescent hisses
Of sulfuric steam vent her sciatic hip:
Thus, Cupid's sword and sabre cooled by ice,
Torched by white lava, temper in her eyes.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 ice
o $10,000,000 hale
o $10,000,000 sleet

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Thursday, October 23, 2003

Sonnet #32

Cupid's capricious waxed flaming arrow
Did barb me while I slouched in the firebrake.
I woke while it seared my flesh and marrow
I screamed and stumbled down toward the lake.
By Cupid I was deemed a large kebab,
Aorta heat sealed, I scried all our futures,
I broke tip from shaft, the gash turned to scab
And buttonhole scar of ribcage sutures.
I quaffed Lethe's milky carbonated fizz
From two cracked jugs for antibiotic balm.
I was asked back despite my jealous tizz
To her queensized mattress and steel alarm.
My scold's gaze is a squinting loophole stare,
It fires me Cupid's shaft with loving flair.

o $10,000,000 stare
o $10,000,000 gawk
o $10,000,000 ogle

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Sonnet #31 by FisherKingKQJ

Text message teaser now: bad hair day Kate -
Her symmetries make your eyes googly, mate;
A perfumed candle, she ignites your strait,
You yourself rearviewed look but joking great.
I have a genetics bound vaunting trait:
I told her girlfriend of your lovelorn state.
She gobetweened to me: mark up the slate -
With her friend your smile carried ample freight.
So give her one white rose on your first date;
When lost for right words do not slap your pate...
Don't smack lips, as she's no burger you ate:
Do get past drooling - where tyre kicks can sate.
God boy and girl did imperfectly did create -
From funnybone one shy love worth the wait.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 create.
o $10,000,000 form.
o $10,000,000 produce.


Sonnet #31 in the original SMS from a disposable mobile phone with a disposable #. ph: JJJ 27Q 10A7

Txt msg ;-) nw: &:-) K8
Hr symtrs mk u %, m8.
1 prfmd ~= = sh ignts yr str8.
U yrslf rrvwd lk bt :*) gr8.
I hv d gntcs bnd vntng tr8
I tld hr grlfrnd f yr lvlrn st8.
Sh gbtwnd 2 me mrk up d sl8
Wth hr frnd yr sml crrd sm w8
S gv hr 1 wht @}--\-,- n yr 1st d8
Whn @ a lss 4 wrds dnt slp yr p8
X :g yr lps s f (xoII) u 8
G pst :-)~ - whr tyr kkng wl s8
Gd X + Y dd mprfct cr8
Frm fnnybn 1 shy lv wrth d w8.

Gd X + Y dd mprfct cr8
Gd X + Y dd mprfct frm
Gd X + Y dd mprfct prdc

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Monday, October 20, 2003

Sonnet #30 by FisherKingKQJ

Irked by scrawled biro blots upon a map,
And strapping on and off our knapsack loads,
Till concertina'd folds had shred to scrap,
Till we improvised bumpy dirt back roads.
Loose hybrid bikes loud rattled the flatdeck,
The barefoot priest in kneelength cassock tent,
Gear shifting, asked which dish we'd like to check:
Broiled cozido from volcanic steam vent.
He bragged of Skelling Michael Island long:
His fingers tripped along my friend's slim thigh
A gang of fearless puffins who would throng
The monastery hundreds of steps high.
The Ford ute nearly stalled. I'd be so daft
To ask a priest about the old crankshaft.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 daft.
o $10,000,000 loon.
o $10,000,000 mad.

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Sunday, October 19, 2003

Sonnet #29

Poor Julie's husband well known for his grope-
This character flaw causes me to blush-
The lecher; if she can cope I can cope;
Babe, biddy, he'll awkwardly touch her tush.
Against me in tight hallways he'll try brush,
When I give him a warm peck on the cheek,
His craned neck sticks his tongue in my mush,
He'll grab my bum to him and roughly tweak;
His other hand begins to gently sneak
Past my silk scarf and buttons quickly undo-
She'll be next door, and I'll feel that I'll freak....
I'll palm him back and breathe on him like glue.
He plugs tobacco in his brown briar pipe.
Adjusts his collar. Keeps him young, why gripe?

{3D interactive chorus:]

o $10,000,000 gripe?
o $10,000,000 scold?
o $10,000,000 whine?

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Friday, October 17, 2003

Sonnet #28 by FisherKingKQJ

She's in a coma. Once I sought her smile.
I've now dreamed of some young office lover,
I've slept on couches for more than a while;
She's much worse than some cop undercover.
I'm entrapped by old love long past over-
I regret the many putdowns I'd spoken-
Mental pictures of her car crash hover,
Fool to wish on her mum a hip broken!
Schadenfreude desires won't be rewoken...
So, I laud the doctor's clipboard muster,
In the ward my presence is but token,
I'm racked by guilt at the legal fluster.
A nurse feeds tubes to my insular wife:
Ten years of coma? God download a life!

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 wife
o $10,000,000 partner
o $10,000,000 spouse

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Sonnet #27 by FisherKingKQJ

Manslaughter two was how he bumped his end,
I endured the undertakers' parlour,
With my then boyfriend, our ebullient friend;
In our black limousine I felt love sour.
We huddled his priest on a hailstone shower,
Mist wound the granite gravestone like a gauze,
His sapele casket was then grappled lower
And lower to hole bottom; and I took pause
To mull around my boyfriend's various flaws:
His friend's voice steamed and tickled my cold nose,
Amusing with tales of bending back laws:
John was some sort of wasteful overdose-
A hypodermic syringe was the cause.
I wore my black cocktail dress all that wake:
And wreathed a puppy love for real love's sake.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 wake
o $10,000,000 burial
o $10,000,000 funeral

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Sonnet #26

Sometimes I feel trenchantly insecure.
Slouched on a chaise lounge in the study lair,
Engulfed by shame, she's golden, fine and pure;
Say gurus oversweet is pain past care.
From playful eyes I might then disappear
In patterned velour dyed cyan or bolder,
In armrests of curled oak, I might repair,.
Slow down time so the insult might moulder.
Should I puff on a spark in the smoulder?
Her brown eyes glitter, where I'd expect strife.
She pats on my shin, taps on my shoulder...
I mouth mute words for the superficial life.
I've got my lovely warm girl on my knee:
This joy no mother-in-law could stymie.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 stymie.
o $10,000,000 blockade.
o $10,000,000 deter.

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Friday, October 10, 2003

Sonnet #24 by FisherKingKQJ

But you were only stood up, yet you rue
This crush: but it's a frivolously pain,
You want a love that's automatic true-
And women can be disappointment plain.
Though people say they'd do it all again,
Yourself, you'd transform every small bit.
Young, suicidal friend, I'm such an ex git
By six degrees of alienation, please perpend:
Once I put on a nice shirt for my end...
But didn't want to leave a blemished skin;
I've taken up ruts which once would offend;
I yawn first world lifestyle with Bombay gin.
Feelings are invalid streams of fancy:
To parrot maxims is much less chancey.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 fancy
o $10,000,000 desire
o $10,000,000 yearning

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies]


Thursday, October 09, 2003

Sonnet #23 by FisherKingKQJ

My darling, I'm sick of your etiquette,
I like boozy safetyvalve eased sorrow;
Hierarchies make my tummy so upset:
When did we trade today for tomorrow?
A barmaid wiping lager glasses by row
With a chamois you were, I your student;
I was mistaken twice, you growled me low,
Another's look and name I was thus lent.
It rippled out love at first sight misspent,
A sick world's evolved and wasteful feat:
A young lion who's outcast must kill and rent,
Young cubs, putting lionesses in heat.
My sweet, your wifely status you can't flout...
I give you timely largesse of the doubt.

{3D interactive chorus:}
o $10,000,000 flout
o $10,000,000 break
o $10,000,000 dismiss

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


a study toward sonnet #25 by FisherKingKQJ

So Cupid swept Psyche off dewy cobblestones
High over mulberry and orange trees;
She'd leapt her window sill to crack her bones,
Forced assassin, she'd sought suicide ease.
She sidled close to Cupid on both knees
While he slept, let scorching wax slip,
He'd groaned a hideous, roaring wheeze,
His plumed wings agonised by drip on drip.
Psyche now exposed, hid the arsenic nip
In bullying Proserpine's strongbox of kohl,
Which seemed unworthy of an arrow tip,
Which fluttered the dark eyelids of her soul.
Then, Cupid bandaged her bones with a twist,
Then her deep aches away he smoothly kissed.

o $10,000,000 twist
o $10,000,000 rotation
o $10,000,000 wind

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


sonnet #20

Her moods are limited, yet they express;
If sad, she'll weep, if thrilled, too, she'll cry;
A doppel deed of lack and then excess,
Her blue redrimmed eyes beckon, yet decry.
Her smile's an icecold meteor flashing by,
Her giggle sidles quasars for their spin,
Her weight is twin suns offset in blue sky,
Her verve ends just as neutron stars begin,
Her secrets are white dwarves with gassy skin,
Her past is wormholes looking for a clue,
Her views are x-rays from a blackhole bin,
Her diary reads a multiverse long due.
The Milky Way's dissovling, sparkling twirl
Compares to quizzing blue eyes of my girl.

o $10,000,000 twirl
o $10,000,000 roll
o $10,000,000 spin

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Sonnet #22 by FisherKingKQJ

You tell me so much what I want to hear,
And you reply the way I would respond;
You say concise things like an abstract seer,
And generalisations are your bond.
I puzzle gestures of which I've grown fond:
Their secret meaning underlines your chat,
Your fingertips are Cancer's claws in a pond -
And pinch up bubbles from silt this way that;
Your fist is Aries's skull engaging spat
And batters again and again to ding;
Your wrist is Scorpio's readied, upraised bat,
And forecasts timely an appointed sting.
Though compliments said a context may lack...
Our true love ascends the signs of zodiac.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 lack
o $10,000,000 absent
o $10,000,000 shortfall

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Monday, October 06, 2003

Sonnet #21 by FisherKingKQJ

She sips some Ouzo from her highball glass,
And icecubes tinkle off a swizzle stick;
Her Greek firstmate lent her initiate sass,
Grammatical English accented thick.
She saw him in a taverna and felt the click,
And gathered in a kiss she found him sweet,
Like grape and pitta yoghurt they would lick;
The lobster tattoo in his armpit neat,
His waxed chest itself she would lick and eat...
Now she faced a mortgage on the duplex,
Her ex fiancee, a friend to faghag effete;
O Thassos! she missed snorkelling shipwrecks!
Stirred up by her stereo, strummed bazaouki,
She lived again sunsets, a long stone quay.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 quay.
o $10,000,000 pier.
o $10,000,000 wharf.

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Saturday, October 04, 2003

Sonnet #19 by FisherKingKQJ

Wishing no more arguments to suffer,
I mouth white lie, euphemism and factoid;
She's an alpha chimp disturbed by buffer,
She prowls where I retreat and glares annoyed.
Her way is head on, mine to shrewd avoid,
What shield is etiquette against blunt couth?
Her angle: heart and mind should be alloyed,
My angle: mind and heart should split for ruth.
She trends me an intellectual in her sooth,
Though hypocritic lies we both abhorr;
We've time for filibuster or half truth,
Somehow I feel a shackled prisoner of war.
But if man is a virus, woman is a host,
A tolerance between us matters most.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 host
o $10,000,000 carrier
o $10,000,000 pod

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Friday, October 03, 2003

I think little old ladies who generate disposable phone numbers at casino pokie machines should be paid out better. Three pokie machines can generate a disposable phone number such as this example, which is one in a billion billion:

rKgQbJ r10g9b8 r7g6b5 royal straight flush must be worth a few free talk minutes on a disposable mobile phone (the back of which is entirely a solar panel.)

Sonnet #18

Closed circuit cameras can't be denied:
A young shoplifter drifts to borstal crime;
A bermagot oil tester is wrist tried,
Then ambegris, then attar rose and lime.
A balm of Gildead in cut glass sublime -
Stuffed down her bra. Used testers...little risk...?
Cream soap and curlers are reshelved this time?
Can be a buzz to mentally flesh frisk
A thief so tender, young, po faced and brisk.
Then, she weighs a bubble bath green pottle -
Which under her skirt she's so quick to whisk.
I still don't know where truants get their bottle.
Store detective, a lipgloss brief I spied
Tucked in elastic of her pants' arseside.

{3D interactive chorus:}
o $10,000,000 spied.
o $10,000,000 noticed
o $10,000,000 observed

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Thursday, October 02, 2003

Sonnet #17 by FisherKingKQJ

You deride your husbands with a passion,
You powerdressing analytic sieves:
Fuming at glass ceilings is the fashion:
You howl options, bandy derivatives -
You talk down your help in the pit...what gives?
Your nanny charms him when he's full of rum.
Her eyes are large, blinking peridot gyves.
Her teeth are ametrine when smiling mum.
Her locks are one bob of teased platinum.
Her cheeks are two marble veined lintels.
Her wrists are pearls cross one another sum.
Her lips are sparkling, appetising spinel.
It's downtime you lose on her hourly rate.
Her own rich plans for maternal leave wait.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 rate
o $10,000,000 charge
o $10,000,000 scale

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Monday, September 29, 2003

a revised study toward Sonnet #16 by FisherKingKQJ

You shortsellers and daytraders who heckle,
Who cash in stocks, and bonds downward goad,
You tap the feeble rupee, bhat, shekel,
In Swiss banks silver ingots you've stowed,
But my lap dancer is one mother lode
Of all trinkets most deserving treasure-
Her grinning teeth are opals set in mode,
Her bowlips are garnets pursed for pleasure,
Her blue diamond eyes endorse no measure,
Spun copper in a sheen is her tied hair,
Driving men's brains ecstasy or seizure...
Her tourmaline cheeks to red sunset steer.
Though you might be leveraged and bankrolled:
That girlish laughter outweighs undersold.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $1,000,000 undersold.
o $1,000,000 bargain.
o $1,000,000 cheap.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Shoehorn of sorts, you ask me to aspire
To cocquettry and dash in mens' daywear;
You divert focus back to worldly ire
Cuffed shoe or split or trouser knee threadbare.
Wool tickles thighs and in the weave hairs snare-
Last year's round lapel is now in or out?
Tape measure, thimble stand me on a chair,
Leeway is dummied for a feasting bout.
Your eyes weigh me up with a squint as stout-
You shush me with a finger on your lip,
The full length mirror leavens any doubt,
Small stitches you give one dismissive snip.
The city is wild but not as you deign:
You truss me up in your bespoke design.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $1,000,000 deign
o $1,000,000 choose
o $1,000,000 pick


Friday, September 26, 2003

A revised study toward Sonnet #14 by FisherKingKQJ

Your bleary eyes seek out my weary heart:
What liquid waking dream might there burgeon?
The green bedside lampshades make them smart-
Am I now some ghoulish green garbed surgeon?
Your tousled locks from pillows emerge in
Limp coils, your drowsy sigh and myopic stare
Swell rumpled sheets; poor twitchy nosed urchin,
At your worst you're still lovely, I can swear.
There's an appeal to your workaday wear,
You're a shambolic taste I've late acquired:
Warm bumbling fingers, raw silk and arms bare-
I, an insomniac dreary, am yet inspired.
I scarce dare mention intimate moments,
For fear of chipping out hard monuments.

{3D interactive chorus:}

I scarce dare mention intimate moments.
I scarce dare mention intimate events.
I scarce dare mention intimate occasions..


Thursday, September 25, 2003


Tuesday, September 23, 2003

a revision of the study toward Sonnet #12 by FisherKingKQJ

Friend, your critique of my love is so dire:
You mention her an icecube tray applied-
It's true enough, I wouldn't call you liar,
To what is commonly said you elide.
As traits go, it's ugly to be that snide,
In her you completely miss what I adore:
In her sharp drilling glances might be spied
Exacting standards pure which put great store.
And she's cool diplomatic to the core-
She knows your words, and yet she keeps a smile
For you, with no need of keeping score,
Behind your back there's no vengeful bile.
And though she's been often enough decried
I feel her insistent warmth by my side.

And though she's been often enough decried.
And though she's been often enough put down.
And though she's been often enough razzed.


Monday, September 22, 2003

Sonnet #11 by FisherKingKQJ

Trapped beneath the rusty grate
I faced up to new plight.
I'd licked the maize grain,
I'd lapped a tempting bite.

I'd dreamed a wicked flight
From Cerberus' glower
And morbid yapping skite:
In corner bunk I cower.

Autumn's the apt sower
Of a bonfire loosed leaf.
Daisies hide muddy scour
With white and scant sheaf.

Love and love now amass.
Can I her frown compass?

{Holo interactive chorus.}

Love and love now amass.
Love now collect love and.
Gather love and love now.

a study toward Sonnet #10 by FisherKingKQJ

Across that throng my retinas acquire
Someone vexed, enervated, then unfazed;
My lungs lit by grappe lurch on her pyre;
She briefly glances and pans where I gazed.
And giggling wide mouths round me are erased
By her youthful looks and pursed lips unphased,
That speed bump I wish to roll to pursue-
But blinking down and back I find her absent.
She's seated; I'm stunned by the blindspot skew;
My heart guesses at what her squint meant;
Should I her list of assets to her sue?
My stylus scrolls her gifts: items accrue.
Only in my mind I prepare a speech...
So far, a new love within, without reach.

{3D interactive text chorus.}

Only in my mind I prepare a speech.
I compose a speech only in my mind.
A speech only in my mind I ready.

sonnet #9

Her slender fingers stretched in my rough hands,
These veins are violet near those knuckles white,
Are like the loops of various rubber bands,
Exuding warmth - wrist tendons loose or tight.
Her lower arms long, her elbows sharp and slight,
She darts me once a piqued, half profile look,
And offers counsel, carries seeming trite,
When all my actions merely signal sook.
When best friends backtrack, damn or petty rook,
She'll sort aside demon doubt till remiss,
Her quotation mark dimples calmly brook
All circular thoughts, break them into bliss.
So magnetised by her and her alone,
So steeled and brushed, near true north I atone.

{Holo interactive text chorus.}

o alone
o exclusive
o singular

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

This sonnet is print ready. 27.1.10.

Have you twigged the Holy Grail fable
Of the twelve dial knots of the round table?
Have you not clocked the King Arthur label?

{Interactive holo text chorus.}

Have you twigged the Holy Grail fable?
Guessed the Holy Grail fable have you?
Grail fable have you sussed the Holy?

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Sonnet #8 by FisherKingKQJ

Today I carved her name upon the beach
With driftwood, but yellow froth swelled it smooth.
Next, pumice I scratched at the sandy leach
Of Queen's chain; spiral eddied drygrained ruth.
Egotist! my sweet roared against the flay
Of breeze. Flesh and blood don't immortalise....
My firm contours will drain like this away...
My common name already in demise!
From some cryogenic tube might she reprise:
Transcend carcrash, tumour or housefire flame.
Leave me close up photographs that lionise,
Download a form round her insurance claim.
Though Death does surely trivial babes subdue,
Her gestures subtle clonage can make true.

o $10,000,000 subdue
o $10,000,000 mute
o $10,000,000 overpower

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

These are the outer walls of the tower of babel for sound.

Unlike all the competitors, who believe a channel is either completely tuned out or
completely tuned in, this firewall is visible and audible to friend and foe alike
and composed of, but not actually connected to the content inside. This might be
called "dumbing down." LOL. It'll be the first time in tv history that any content
was dumbed down. Sometimes this idea is called an "overture".
Sonnet #7

My smile met her cute
Dimple and dimple:
Amplify, chime, mute,
Were our talk simple.

Her eyes become slits
Whenever I laugh.
I find her choice wits
Too clever by half.

Her unblinking eyes...
Her replies so tart:
I quote her. Surmise
At her; she sits apart.

She huffs contrary -
Of verbatim wary.

{3D interactive chorus.}

o $10,000,000 contrary
o $10,000,000 adverse
o $10,000,000 opposite

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies]


She huffs contrary - of verbatim wary.
Of verbatim cautious she huffs contrary.
Heedful she huffs contrary - of verbatim.

Friday, September 19, 2003

Sonnet #6

Loose platinum hairs
Are her lax bookmark.
Her pink blush endears.
Her eyes dart and spark:
Tilt her peach fuzz ears.
Her cleavage is dark
And fleet her frown mark.
Suave she holds sway
With a pout and lip bite.
Of her spirit bright
Her quick thoughts essay -
Deft words meaning obey.
An upfront wonder
Round which I wander.

o $10,000,000 wonder
o $10,000,000 muse
o $10,000,000 study


Holo interactive text chorus:

An upfront wonder round which I wander.
Round which I wander an upfront awe.
I wander an upfront marvel round which.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Q. What is the FisherKingKQJ doing in the Las Vegas desert? A. Angling.

The syn-dex or syn-dice of a pack of draw poker playing cards (which tell the story of the Crusades and the quest for the Holy Grail):

Yellow K

ace redace greenace blueace

The syn-dex looks like two hands on King Arthur's round table, a clock. And indeed, if you put the ace in the middle and the rest of the playing cards in a circle you have a clock face. Because the FisherKing plays the angles or noughts (knights) 30 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degrees thru to 360 degrees (King Arthur).
Sonnet #5

Adroit her tresses
Beneath a mesh gold:
Gold sennet esses
In swirls of gold lolled.
Mens' eyes skip then hold
In that yellow trawl,
Hapless, flitting, roiled,
Their thumping hearts thrall.
Eyes, you madly stare
At tendril coil net:
Stuck, you never veer
From the coiled magnet.
Afraid a strand to muss -
Yet a kiss what a buzz.

o $10,000,000 muss
o $10,000,000 chaos
o $10,000,000 trouble

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


3D interactive chorus:

Afraid a strand to muss yet a kiss what a buzz.
Yet a kiss what a buzz afraid a fibre to muss.
What a buzz afraid a thread to muss yet a kiss.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

sonnet #2

Yours, plight of gorgeous people who arrest
The aesthete's eye - slow corporeal decline
From pulchritrude to pretty second best,
In sugared water flowers do live on fine.
Your self with gung ho talk you over gloss,
You wholly live your life for worthwhile work;
Perfection game on forestalls further loss,
In your opinion, children are some perk.
To honey self you're homing hornet worst,
You take your metier far off a meteor storm;
Where paupers are by pretty children cursed,
Angelic faces generate their norm.
Friend, heaven hold back terminal disease,
If you turn parent, well, it won't displease.


o disease
o affliction
o sickness

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]
Sonnets 1 and 2 are now ready for printed publication. 26.1.10.
Old proverb, a long journey starts with the first step.


Saturday, September 13, 2003

At the Las Vegas bistro I ordered an all day breakfast: capuccino, espresso, frapuccino, latte, mochaccino.
At the Las Vegas brasserie I requested an all day breakfast: a cheddar toastie, a feta toastie, a gauda toastie, a mozarella toastie, a parmesan toastie.
At the Las Vegas cafe I summoned an all day breakfast: blanched almonds, ground almonds, slivered almonds, roasted almonds, chocolate almonds.

3D interactive chorus:

At the Las Vegas eatery I ordered an all day breakfast.
I requested an all day breakfast at the Las Vegas eatery.
An all day breakfast at the Las Vegas eatery I summoned.

Another magic hex from the tower of Babel.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

sonnet #1

As winter sun her wall eyes worrisome
A mako shark concedes that chiseled chin
If cellulite engulfs her baggy bum
A muted moustache plays above her grin
Delicious ruddy apples row on row
Yet less her rosacea cheek filigree
Delirious grassy gas just after mow
Yet less her breath of spliff and slur of scree
Ive valued most her smirk and guffaw since
No better foil to my own gifts Ive found
Dont mention catwalk models how they mince
My missus waddles earthy quakes the ground
In all I bet my babe no beauty but a freak
In biddies boobs Ive merely sticky beak
Chorus freak oddball peculiarity

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Keys to the Wick

In the adamantine gate of the celestial city there is a wick.
Bottom notch is the queue for denizens of magic.
The queue for denizens of simony bottom notch is.
For denizens of wicca bottom notch is the queue.

In the adamantine gate of the heavenly city there is a hatch.
Top notch is the cue for denizens of magic.
The cue for denizens of simony top notch is.
For denizens of wicca top notch is the cue.

Hexes to the Hatch.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

sonnet #3

Old pal own up to dirty deeds youve done
Blackberries prick and river deltas silt
The game of lost and found is never fun
Id rather not affect the judge and jilt
Ive known you ages flatting on or off
You covet all the clothes in which I dress
I cast you hint the artificial cough
I wouldnt want a copycat excess
Your life I view as fun and beautiful
Though different if gauged against that mine
In other zones I find you dutiful
You like your cooking chores to soups incline
The borrowed blouses creased and full of lint
Affordable are when youre scarcely skint
Chorus lint fluff pile

Monday, September 08, 2003

Lazy Susan has a Charm

In the pergola by the linden trees, from her her kisses I steal.
By the linden trees from her her kisses I purloin - in the kiosk.
From her her kisses I filch in the gazebo: by the linden trees.

Text example of a holo verse.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Three dimensional poem.

Worn by items sundry for numb demise I cry, yell, shout.
I.e.: a caeserean orphan leper'd.
A despair dollied up in gleefulness, jollity, merriment.
A hardcore belief sadly atrophied.
A high esteem disgracefully illchosen, mislaid, unfitted.
A raw integrity coarsely pimped.
An excellence criminally disgraced, libeled, shamed.
A talent morphed stammer by edict.
A lark clinically a bully to art, skill, prowess.
A core view misnomered voyeurism.
A conscience cul de sac to major ail, ill, sick.
Wearied by the lot...the bundle I wish to leave...
Exept, to perish, my sweet I'd leave odd, sole, alone.

by FisherKingKQJ card carrying member of the Punter$' Union.

Saturday, September 06, 2003


Friday, September 05, 2003

Although mobile phones and PDAs are peripheral to wireless for the FisherKingKQJ brand of interactive movies there is a specific design which is in the house style. This PDA is shaped like a leaf (off the Tri of Knowledge) - the front is a colour video screen full of the fiery autumn colours of a firewall - and the back is a solar panel full of the green of summer. The frequencies are probably cordless 802.16 a and b which have a reach of 50 km. It is prepaid only and disposable. A new phone number is generated by poker dice each time it is turned on. The disposable phone number might be, for example: RedSpade4GreenClub9BlueDiamondQueen.
The disposable PDA is aimed at a 'tripwire' of laser beam which runs from a casino tower to a flashing satellite 16 000 miles directly above.
The satellite itself is hexagonal shaped exactly like a nut with hole and thread inside. It might even be spinning to create artificial gravity. Solar panels are built in, of course. It is the capstone to the tower of Babel. Where it differs from other satellites is: emergency parachutes, emergency hot air balloons and a weblike infrastructure of steelcord for disintegrating into a glider.

Thursday, September 04, 2003

The securities sold are raffle-bonds. 2D still frames from the 3D pilot episode of an interactive tv series or an entire interactive movie are sold or bought or deposited and withdrawn from an ATM, or handheld PDA or videophone. The "virtual" bankteller is an actor from the series or movie. At the end of the transaction the "virtual" bank teller asks the punter(s) for an autograph...on the touch screen with a stylus. If the cost of making an interactive movie was $1 per 3D frame then the value of a 2D raffle bond was $1. A raffle draw happens every 24 hours after which the raffle-bonds are redeemable as cash.

Telling a story in flashbacks is not unusual and so divvying a story up on the card tables as blackjack, baccarat or at the crapshoot as interactivity continues the trend. Especially baccarat which has its origin in fortune telling and is suitable for "synthespians". The blue chips are slides from the movie.

The sequence is left to right or right to left thru the frames for a cinema. For transmission by cable, satellite or wireless the sequence is determined by electronic dice to defeat piracy. No special 3D glasses are needed. Nimrod was a hunter in the sights of Yahweh.

RedSpades GreenClubs BlueDiamonds

10 10 10
9 9 9
8 8 8
7 7 7
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2

Why is there no 1 card or yellow suit? Because that is the base number and colour of the FisherKing. I like to go angling in the Nevada desert.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

'Nimrod who was the first potentate on earth.' Genesis 10:8
Nim = name rod = axle Nimrod is strongly associated with the tower of Babel and actually ruled Babel.

'He was a mighty hunter in the eyes of Yahweh, hence the saying, "Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter in the eyes of Yahweh". Genesis 10:9 You could say this was a clumsy reiteration of the first part of the sentence, could say it's a hint of three hexes - three hexagonal dials.
So the magic spell actually is:

Nimrod, a mighty hunter in the eyes of Yahweh.
A mighty hunter in the eyes of Yahweh, Nimrod.
In the eyes of Yahweh Nimrod, a mighty hunter.

YahwehNimrod was a coder - decoder or codec. Or a modem.


Tuesday, September 02, 2003

He banished the man, and in front of the garden of Eden he posted the cherubs, and the flame of a flashing sword, to guard the way to the tree of life.
-Genesis 3:24

The firewalls I use are what used to be called colour negatives. They sit between tv channels and intimate the content inside.


Monday, September 01, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Sunday, August 31, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


A further 3D interactive text example from King Abab with Punters' Union award wage in the third column. The interactive segment is "virtual" first person and a small photo of the actor whose voice is blended with the punter's appears in the corner of the text margin. "Live" dialogue is indicated by a change in colour of the font.
Abab: Ebeced ebeced ebeced far
distant remote. $20 seat #10 row x
Ebeb: Ubucud ubucud ubucud nag
steed $20
$20 seat #4 row
Ubub: Abacad abacad abacad tell
$20 seat# 9 row d

The three security cameras are notches in a half hexagonal and record simultaneously. Think of a hexagonal bolt head with a hexagonal nut spelling out the thread of the story. An alphabet block is called a hex and it's motion (perhaps across the green, blue or red felt of a craps table) when tumbled from a cup is hexagonal. This is how the spells of 3D interactive movies are cast.

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend make a million dollars as lead punter!
Paid work for everyone!
Teamsters affiliated!


Saturday, August 30, 2003

The tower of Babel appears in the myth of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as the Tri of Knowledge, a fruit machine. The snake which tempted Eve called Probability Wave curled round the trunk of the tri. The sinewy sine snake said: "What doesn't happen straight away...happens eventually."

This is a text example of the Tri of Knowledge:

absolute neat straight
ace paragon star
acme height zenith
adulterate corrupt pollute
affix conjoin tag
afterimage trace vestige
amplify expand inflate
ascent crescendo mount
assortment blend medley
austere chaste stark
auxillary contibutory ulterior

The Tri of Knowledge fruit machine rules Syn City with syntax as it rules 3D interactive tv in Las Vegas.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Q. At King Arthur's roundtable were deepseated who? A. The knots Two O'clock, Three O'clock, Four O'clock....

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Haha hahe hahu
Hehe hehu heha
Huhu huha huhe

No job is too big or too small for the Punters' Union. Award rates. $20 paycheque for participating in the blend of canned laughter in an interactive sitcom.

Winning punchline text example: huhu huha hehu hehu hehu. 3 hehu's = $20

Monday, August 25, 2003

abacad ab raj ebeced eb rex ubucud ub rul