Sonnet #34 by FisherKingKQJ
Metamorphosis traipsed me svelte Zephyr:
Now I perch in this tall stand of poplars;
To Psyche and Cupid I calmly defer:
On basalt slabs hot in a clearing sparse
In posied chamomile and primrose spars,
Basking, sunstruck, their naked arms linking,
Wings wafting heat round nectar laden jars,
I saw Cupid frisking Psyche unblinking,
Bags of butterfly stamped drachmas clinking
Round ankles, Cupid gently chew her lip...
Kisses startled Psyche to crazy blinking-
She squealed at reddened pinches on the hip.
Such was Psyche's beauty: imbecile, statuesque:
Loved from afar by great kings in a queue.
{3D interactive chorus:}
o $10,000,000 queue
o $10,000,000 file
o $10,000,000 row
[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]