They shied and slid they didnt hold their ground
Aggressive reptiles are a Black Witch thing
Id wear an ankle holstered knife all day
If thunderbirds roamed the realm as yore
And loomed above folk toothless though they were
If pecked in tantrum out of character
The once then that once far too often stands
Vampire Knight Haemo
Breathe deep your papa hunted them extinct
And only accidentally destroyed
The lunatics and rustlers forest clad
No opportunist cannibal was he
And did you know my papa passing well?
Vampire Knight Haemo
Yes your grand papa too last century
Eznorb Thats give or take a thousand years you did
The calendar of Scalliwag observed
Jester Bobo chants
If fingers throb swell then turn black
Youve winced sharp fangs of snake attack
If fingers throb swell keep their hue
They drop off winter cold their cue
Krait cobra viper mad
Brown taipan simply sad
Arent charmed by bagpipe lad
As misery loves company I love
You fellows following suit the deuces pips
Act 3 Scene 7
Vampire Mercenary 1
To my liege please this long tailed bat post pass
The Vampire troop of Gall has set foot here
Their number small their aim to terrorise
Prince Alan
If plebs should see us panic end is writ
You mercenaries will remove that bud
Prince Alfred
Ive never cared for worldly Vampire kind
They stir the water cackle loud and smug
Their dress code bright as skin of poison frogs
Vampire Mercenary 2
Your papa once indifferent to them
Now favours them and keeps such company
The Vampire Haemo self absorbed his pal
Prince Alfred
Ive sworn the Oath of Realm I cant just kill
Vampire Mercenary 1
You can fall back on claim of self defense
Prince Alan
You mentioned earlier set of booby trap
A stake trench thatched then decked in fools gold flakes
Sounds leisurely though Id consider it--