Or proven kings past their best such as you
They call for runts for little underdogs
If only we had David swinging sling
And David was a runt at six feet tall
A hero runt who beat the odd Goliath
Vampire Knight Haemo
There are those maudlin Pixies who will weep
Goliaths odds chalked at bottom three to two
Jester Bobo
Asudden seventy two inches tall
Young David cast a pall on Philistines
Yet Gilgamesh in prime would smash them both
Hed shovel David down Goliaths giant maw
I was a student hostage once in Pith
I learnt twelve semite languages that year
Their harbour statue was of Gilgamesh
To scale at thirty feet tall chiselled stone
A male lion cradled he in one arm crooked
His massive hand rubbed the tummy fur
As if he grasped a harmless pussycat
Jester Bobo
I saw the actress princess Zoe in vain
She walked on lead a leopard kept as pet
Declawed detoothed it lay beside a lamb
The three of them ate oats and blueberries
She flashed her pearly whites at my naive sons
She cracked the list of maids prospective wives
Cain butchered Abel never animals
Jester The worlds a skull of plates or continents
He who labours callous
Is blunt yet free of malice
She who labours single
Never learnt to mingle
The cats and dogs are spoilt they waddle fat
The end is nigh at last we eat the rat
Quick pinch me Bobo nightmare burst free me
Discover me in tender arms of wife
To see her breathe on mirrors once again
And wipe away the smallest smudge exposed
Jester Bobo
She was a beauty should you sweat small stuff
Vampire Knight Haemo
Myself Id feign indifference till numb--