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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Ive lost the practice licence wrongly charged
My methods are considered quackery
Jester Bobo
A talking jungle fowl? Not my straight man
Id know that voice if anywhere youre you
That Abigail in tar and feathers dolled
Plague doctor leather beak gives you away
Vampire Knight Haemo 
Your scented breath exhaled is mint and clove
Sol Vampire Abigail
Your sons invoked a little known edict
The tar and feathers matched with exile swift
My dear girl we cross paths in misery
We cant convict my sons in absentia
For treachery beyond city gates ourselves
Sol Vampire Abigail I fancied Alanspouse hed make me laugh
A cataclysm brings out the worst in folk
A price is stuck upon your head realm wide
Theyll hunt you down with axes tongs and spits
Theyll scamper geyser blasts and lava floes
Irrational their fury focus you
Lets reiterate finesse and sleight done me
I was about to abdicate the crown
When they put me beneath rude house arrest
And modified four terms to suit themselves
You tell me Jester why the insolence?
Now out is in up is down back is front
Jester Bobo
The realms a twisted pack of compromise
You shouldve given it a quarter turn
According compass card with bottle top
Instead of equally dividing realm
As north and south it shouldve got a twist
North east and south west just inheritance
Canals dams waterclock towers aquaducts
And stadiums evenly spread far and wide
Your sons promote a sharper pyramid
One arrow head of twin sharp edges made
The younger cleaves to older duke to king--