a study toward sonnnet #537 by FisherKingKQJ
We were a couple for several years
And he was very loving and caring;
He'd open car doors for me without airs,
Our lives were dedicated to sharing.
His praises of my looks were endearing,
Yet in earshot he flattered hunky males
On cotton muscle shirts they were wearing-
To homosexuality that tipped scales.
His love turned a labyrinth of travails
As matrimony by him was proposed:
Refused, his flooding eyes befit his wails,
He was so sensitive, yet undiagnosed.
A friend told me that he's overtly gay,
I love him still in a bittersweet way.
A friend told me that he's overtly gay. SPADES
A friend told me that he's overtly camp. CLUBS
A friend told me that he's overtly queer. DIAMONDS
[Autocube3 - auto cue for 3d interactive movies.]
{l14 corrected for typeset 7/12/05.}