a study toward sonnet #453 by FisherKingKQJ
I'm looking for ways to tell if a boy
Likes me or not - there's a gleam in his eye
When he's flirting with me, but he's coy
And po faced, distant and furtively shy.
I know the best flirts are inscrutably sly,
Their opportunistic, fluent, practised guile
A dupe - and yet I'm terrified to pry
Into his inner being and clumsily defile.
Well, flirtation is a perfect way to trial
A courtship, to sort out bad from good,
To trove the worthy from empty style,
To validate genuine expression from wood.
The stakes are high if he's a fellow at work-
Can you tell cold contextual smile from smirk?
The stakes are high if he's a fellow at work.
The stakes are high if he's a fellow at labour.
The stakes are high if he's a fellow at toil.
[Autocube3: an autocue for interactive movies]