We pinhead folk defend our odd lead chest
Yet some of us may hazard what it holds
The forest folk awake as dusk embolds
Nocturnal beings who cruise our zone with zest
Our wizard loses hair it veils his vest
It falls from his head onto collar folds
He suffers scaly skin he harbours moulds
The contents scraped and bagged are still assessed
Our native names are Osiris and Seth
The chest we guess brings warmth in cause a curse
We twins identical portend his death
The wizard suffers gamma rays or worse
Lead chest silt stuck on estuary low tide
What evil force has served its stealthy guide?
Chorus tide comment flow
Yet some of us may hazard what it holds
The forest folk awake as dusk embolds
Nocturnal beings who cruise our zone with zest
Our wizard loses hair it veils his vest
It falls from his head onto collar folds
He suffers scaly skin he harbours moulds
The contents scraped and bagged are still assessed
Our native names are Osiris and Seth
The chest we guess brings warmth in cause a curse
We twins identical portend his death
The wizard suffers gamma rays or worse
Lead chest silt stuck on estuary low tide
What evil force has served its stealthy guide?
Chorus tide comment flow