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tripod selfie playing card

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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

sonnet At times I hanker

At times I hanker after whores on streets
Cheap sunglasses and bogus beards my props
Id likely look down ladies plunging tops
Fine pushup bras and nipples nothing beats
Id valet fancy villain vehicle fleets
Odd days Id take my time in bribing cops
Id corner druggie debts at brown bag drops
Id siphon corporation tax chart cheats
Now Im nudged to nudes those auction sculptures
Great beauties hewed by hands grown lily white
Vamped up by disarming sheltered vultures
Crack catalogues assuredly delight
My karma says one last white collar scam
Now know Ive got a girl wholl push a pram
Chorus scam chicane fraud

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

sonnet Here comes the fabulous

Here comes the fabulous Miss Emma Ex
She reels away on steps her two toy dogs
She clickclacks quickly fleshtoned clever clogs
Shes quintessentially of fairer sex
There goes Miss Emma Ex on flick and flex
Of silver leashes loyal to limo logs
A small umbrella fending drizzling fogs
The dogs dive on in bold they bark to vex
She forward booked the nail and botox bars
The punch bag blunt kickboxing full out flat
Once shower refreshed shell shop for gowns and hat
That walkin wardrobe wanting still too sparse
The beautiful Miss Emma Ex may please
She charms a capital boy hes on knees
Chorus please fulfil satisfy

Monday, December 29, 2014

sonnet Cant glamourise that restroom

Cant glamourise that restroom looking glass
The neon tube doesnt flatter not one bit
The creases pallor sweat and stubble lit
Extremities gibe just at me jack ass
A brilliant travel shaver cuts first class
A mint gum chewed on freshens frothy spit
A drip dry shirt does as essential kit
A roll of deodorant halts body gas
Shes bolted off with baggage all shell hock
Shes taken up some wealthier type of me
Id mention baby making her bio clock
The bucket seat leant back my bed Im free
As hangovers are void on vodka drop
And passing babes unhurried hurt dont stop
Chorus drop blot fleck

Friday, December 26, 2014

sonnet You are a dashing

You are a dashing dude your work hush hush
As for those girly girls the more than few
Theyve added anecdotes the one I knew
Recalled you young in her own youthful gush
I haul from hindsight insight such a rush
Your mental mum knocked knees at papal pew
Your first wife was a witch you overthrew
Your next wife was a waif whod ever blush
The corporate jet plane and greyhound course
The multicarat ring and tie pin rocks
Extracted from the school of naffest knocks
The telegraphed PR a tour de force
The humble man who went and won it all
The first look blank or boyish I banged a wall
Chorus all entire whole

Thursday, December 25, 2014

sonnet Youre right she reads

Youre right she reads a hungry girl indeed
I feel her lucid eyes acquire my skin and kit
I fear her luscious lips would frenzy feed
On her approach Ive proved myself a hit
Youre right Im mesmerised an easy read
My charm is cherished choice as well my wit
Im flattered flanked that fills my inner need
To fight fierce focus futile dare I quit?
Shell drag my callow carcass up a tree
For larder looms a shady banyan bough
She reads the anorexic slip of now
My apex predator purrs pedigree
I lionise things hers legally of late
Im licked entirely can she consummate?
Chorus late new recent

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

sonnet Her mannerisms and moves

Her mannerisms and moves Id covet mine
It baffles me I didnt bag a single thing
Particular about her only bling
Its blinding blitz of carats cut divine
The comb of filigree gold serpentine
The platinum and opal pinky ring
The silk white choker on which cherubs cling
The amulet of silver down bust line
Her body clad in smoky cami set
Her negligee hung hem at shoe peep toes
Abruptly exitted on half pirouette
And stuff she babbled sank in not morose
The blatant mystery of brilliant smiles
And props enforced fun by a womans wiles
Chorus smiles sorrisi sourires

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

sonnet Theres a babe who

Theres a babe who leaves me dumb and dizzy
Yes me a suitor sworn a swollen head
Shes a blatant buxom broad whos fizzy
Of love of life full popular unwed
Times it put me in such a twisted tizzy
A shower of sad tears Ive tried not to shed
Shell enlist the mobile mobbed and busy
Times my tired laid off lonely heart feels lead
If not her texted chum it must be mum
If not her texted mum her nail boutique
If not her texted chum a booth unique
If not her texted mum once more her chum
The cool dance classes cap her bad hair play
Those diary entries cluttered keep me away
Chorus play caper gambol

Sunday, December 21, 2014

sonnet She wont air ever

She wont air ever what she really means
Yet beyond the beauty hides a heavy hint
And even sarcasm glints in her eye squint
To modicum of morals her head leans
The conscious candid posture when she preens
The wool in her trapped bellybutton lint
The tens of hues of her grey iris tint
The lanky legs lucked off her parents genes
She coughs her true mind cover wary wiles
You notice how shes nervous nil pretext
She laughs and giggles greatly if shes vexed
Her trilling chitchat clouds and ever riles
My loves been loosely quoted what I dread
You fabricate by following finest thread
Chorus dread apprehend fear

Friday, December 19, 2014

sonnet She comes across the

She comes across the cool exhaustive type
Repeatedly she balances the scales
Dispassionate decision placed beyond hype
She angles voices votes so none prevails
Discrete and calm the times Ill cuss and gripe
If Im demoralised if my nerve ails
Shell wave her answer mine her main role wipe
This shrewd effacement covers epic fails
Yet otherwise she cares to coo and bill
Her gentle gestures lead to hearty hugs
Inveigling kisses then she shrugs and mugs
Shes picture scrumptious like a happy pill
She wears a bomber jacket matched with boots
She wears a blouse above culottes cahoots
Chorus boots botas bottes

Thursday, December 18, 2014

sonnet She was the silliest

She was the silliest savviest one of kind
But ever rollicking a sugar rush
Approving toxic thinking miffed in mind
Or huffing loud at her hens hinting hush
She was a perky prankster first defined
She teased unmerciful the clever crush
And yet for intimacy purest pined
I was attracted though I wouldnt gush
If gangly when the heart set on dance school
She panned out early merely medium height
If self assertive when a shrew shed light
She toed the line on every tenuous rule
She cried by her own clearly hurt enough
She swiped a sentiment as her own stuff
Chorus enough adequate sufficient

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

sonnet The forest folk want

We pinhead folk defend our odd lead chest
Yet some of us may hazard what it holds
The forest folk awake as dusk embolds
Nocturnal beings who cruise our zone with zest
Our wizard loses hair it veils his vest
It falls from his head onto collar folds
He suffers scaly skin he harbours moulds
The contents scraped and bagged are still assessed
Our native names are Osiris and Seth
The chest we guess brings warmth in cause a curse
We twins identical portend his death
The wizard suffers gamma rays or worse
Lead chest silt stuck on estuary low tide
What evil force has served its stealthy guide?
Chorus tide comment flow

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

sonnet Gloves swinging wild guns

Gloves swinging wild guns blazing ratatat
Emotions pent up loosed on some bit player
We take the turns as selfcontrol betrayer
Deal done to death on drop of cap or hat
Thats you or me the copious copycat
If you uplift then I resolve naysayer
If I uplift then you drub tit for tat
And so it goes down ladders layer by layer
Times I do overreact your eyes avert
It feels bad afterward the worst pain feigned
Yet I believe all my pretence preordained
Youre still alive albeit alert inert
When youre down I withdraw without a qualm
When Im down you withdraw entirely calm
Chorus qualm anxiety scruple

Saturday, December 13, 2014

sonnet Youre selfinvolved apparent

Youre selfinvolved apparent selfpossessed
Aware you pull out chairs you open doors
For sweet self independence caps your quest
You muck in chirpy do your share of chores
You think your modern man is second best
If bored he just abandons or ignores
A  bright girl who knows how to drink and jest
Your white knight handsome hero talks of tours
You roll your sewing kit out its nice and neat
The needles thread and chalk you need to mend
A continental quilt its castle rend
As whole again a perfect patchwork feat
He listens patient then you yet complain
He serves as sounding board a lesser brain
Chorus complain moan whinge

Thursday, December 11, 2014

sonnet Guess prettypretty people

Guess prettypretty people look the same
The ethnic bin or country batch our foil
Our lipgloss rouge and waxes rather lame
The rest of us in honoured reverence but toil
The benchmarks symmetry and who may blame
The painters who in beauty ban all roil
Those smoothing souls stroke features fine acclaim
The pigment based in water or in oil
My Pip is prettypretty powder puff
And eyelash curlers set the once aside
In flattering lamplight her arms held wide
A breathless paen to beauty bar a buff
My cheeks burn childishly its more a crush
Pips cheeks exhibit but a fine wine flush
Chorus crush infatuation obsession

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

sonnet Then as you falter

Then as you falter sweating dripping drop
The vendors coolers veer across hot sand
Ice cold beer catches thirsting throat demand
Its chased by coconut and soda pop
A football kicking youth gang sneer a cop
In Portuguese you partly understand
Then own accord eventually disband
Back on your kang you cautiously then flop
Two gorgeous girls one minces one winks
I slip the cherub by four local coins
Hell serve iced acai drinks to them he thinks
Bikinis cling to cleavage lobes and loins
Well samba easy chest deep slowly glide
And play off gently pulling close rip tide
Chorus glide drift slip

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

sonnet If I were slowly

If I were slowly slipped not quickly quit
A pain then parcelled out might not mess much
If I and you were set to stay in touch
Then my erratic heart would take the hit
Then by dull ache degrees thats bit by bit
The load would lighten off my back as such
As I would chuck my chummy oneway crutch
In loneliness Id lurch sole source of it
Doll rend me endless lightly falling rain
Across the weeks no sudden hour flash flood
A peppy epilogue would thin thick pain
Yes let this friendship fizzle no deep thud
But wedge acquaintances between us wall
As we werent wont to woo in woe at all
Chorus wall barrier partition

Monday, December 08, 2014

sonnet I love that youth

I love that youth of pretty protean you
A fringe rejuvenates and bridges brow
A bob rounds jaws it broadens cheeks in view
And temple bangs bold lobes of ears allow
A green blouse blue eyes shades bluish greenish new
And shadows lengthen shorten everyhow
And thickness into thinness kilos skew
A height in heels or girth in flats endow
What you must be met by a burmese cat
Who can gawk gray alone the shades of pitch
Are countless deep Ive seen green grey enrich
In black and white old photos eyes of brat
Then call me blinkered brusquely now adjust
The tempo your inventive heart I trust
Chorus adjust modify recalibrate

Saturday, December 06, 2014

sonnet Pip sends swift files

Pip sends swift files of nanobots in streams
From her eyes into mine I quickly heal
A hearts refashioned her deep love I feel
In multiverses parallel in memes
I sense a deadly time in lucid dreams
As overpopulation cant conceal
As welltodo know how to miss a meal
And starved poor folks obituaries run reams
Yet pothole ice is sucked from ocean strop
On Jupiters Ion moon and moved to Earth
Down sky high metal North and South Poles plop
Old water molecules of stellar worth
She hyperhuman swings things easily
And parries small thanks breathing breezily
Chorus easily comfortably readily

Friday, December 05, 2014

sonnet For greater good dont

For greater good dont drop the dozy dross
The yielding not for me and not for now
A blinding sunlight seals the kick off toss
And public scruples privately allow
For greater good dont gild and overgloss
Where pretty please means all mine no care how
Where double entry leverages loss
Where keeping peace requires a bow kowtow
You think to thrust your cool sidespin on things
A dog will chase around and round his tail
Halfarsed his tiger turn of no avail
Act less like that lap a loon run the rings
Id circle catlike twice the while aware
Your favoured chair its bolster begs repair
Chorus aware conscious perceptive

sonnet Shes got the perfect

Her picture perfect features piece by piece
A suspect jigsaw puzzle sorted yet
When framed together cavities decrease
In value many vital curves you vet
Her legs are toned they tense before release
Her pinned back ears track more than they net
Her fair hairs fine as if a shorn sheep fleece
Her snub nose central on its own is set
I prefer a face thats off the kilter
Where features cancel one anothers law
A lofty brow thats set off by lantern jaw
Case at hand a fine fluff hits a filter
You say her natures sweet she eyes the norm
Id guess that much and given time Ill warm
Chorus norm model standard

Thursday, December 04, 2014

sonnet People who worship fancy

People who worship fancy cars and boats
People who worship auction master works
People who worship charities for perks
People who worship cattle pelts as totes
People who worship bon vivant culled quotes
People who worship broadsheets by young turks
People who worship toy dog snippy smirks
People who worship household chores by rotes
I worship my babe when Ive horrid health
I note no end to niggling colds and blains
And scratches she rends ever my real wealth
She soothes and swabs and swathes the patent pains
Ill help her fight germs when shes feeling ick
Ill nurse her day in day out scrape or nick
Chorus ick foul off

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

sonnet When I wont care

When I wont care for girls Im cool or glib
Male dancer or male hairstylist youd think
When I will care for girls I sweat a squib
I bumble smirk and blush big stakes on brink
She loomed dropdead with sparking light ad lib
I chortled then I choked on decent drink
My palm across my gob she poked a rib
I didnt note the name I didnt nab a link
I surely struck all right in spite impressed
Then our rendezvous was ended early
She had a shower she smiled she swiftly dressed
Her long chestnut tresses wet and curly
Her pendant serpent says just what from hence
A demon or a nurse adds common sense
Chorus hence thence whence

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

sonnet As often bone tired

As often bone tired I think that Ill not
Again wake dopamine the deadly drug
A double duvet wraps me dry and snug
I might unroll Egyptian mummy rot
I voyage bright pleasant scenes bereft of plot
Theyre idylls memory free lightest lug
The gentle silent strangers mutely mug
I scan their scripts not mine in style a jot
These astral journeys act as alternates
No dreams nought from my life in them
No clue subconscious bubbling up emblem
A building room or hall looks real just waits
One day Ill hear a stranger who rings true
Or do once more in real life de ja vu
Chorus true authentic valid

Monday, December 01, 2014

sonnet Old pal its pax

Old pal its pax roll down the silk shirt sleeves
And foist more mad ideas on me dont muff
That horrible behaviour still aggrieves
It was the latest booboo sure enough
A paid work ethic late induced reprieves
The past days high on pungent puff and huff
The summer starlit nights that wed doss rough
Youth lost what bitter aftertaste it leaves
I made a controversial coercive claim
Id be your pal in plight Id stake your side
You promised given pressure where youd aim
Your shots across the bow boom clear and wide
Yes were old pals and tiny things dont rile
This bond is over stuff thats swell thats vile
Chorus rile anger madden