a study toward sonnet #992 by FisherKingKQJ
As comforting, neither worse nor better,
You are like tepid bursts of summer rain;
I've picked you out as my ball and fetter,
Your warm breath tickles my nose as a vane.
The midday sun is shadow shrinking pain,
It makes the eyes slowly water sparkling rays;
Your yellow hairs to lighter shades then drain,
Our sunburnt skin with itchy feeling flays.
This evergreen tree of Life sure displays
God's grafts of lemons, oranges and limes;
Praise Eden's fresh immortal poker plays,
Your body and soul transcend sick times.
Love cranks your fruition on hex synonyms,
Deduces you you with my spin of hymns.
o $10,000,000 hymns
o $10,000,000 psalms
o $10,000,000 chants
[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]