a study toward sonnet #987 by FisherKingKQJ
You smiled and said some things I didn't know
I wanted you to voice till I heard them;
Across my heart my tight fist struck a blow,
My eyes filled with tears, my lips stuck on phlegm.
Your kind hands straightened my lace dress hem,
I pushed the strap back up my collar bone;
Your praise described me as a tainted gem,
Where I'd delved a blank, myself all alone.
You quietly stared as not one who'd disown,
You cupped my chin and said among thieves thieves
Were still transparent, none alive could hone
Their true feelings, you'd tell who stays or leaves.
I was right for you though I was rotten,
Braced in my arms your cares were forgotten.
o $10,000,000 rotten
o $10,000,000 foul
o $10,000,000 off
[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]