Through statue riddled roads of Rome I roam
A cherub sex slave shoved in public sight
The wings I wear of plaster bring it home
A living work of art of little height
The feathered manacles to frustrate flight
Inhibit growth of limbs Im genuine cute
The wings are clipped are clipped on punny sight
Im nudged to Nephilim place front end route
I cave to massive clitoris a hoot
The damage non existent furthers fun
I ruffle feathers little chance to scoot
I was a little liar all damned and done
If flighty bastard cherubim are we
Then born once more art mirrors flutters me
Chorus we mi vi
kqj52 etymology for bastard
Bast - cult of cats
bastard - from the cult of cats
special magic power of cats - kittens in same litter by different fathers