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interactive movies

Sunday, July 30, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #277A

Youve heard of me your highness Duke of Bast
I caught the horny cats of bigger size
The biggest best backbred inbred that fast
In cat years measured large as lion to eyes
The bastard orgy scenes I supervise
Our goddess motto share and share alike
Anonymized in feline masks all wise
Im ceremonial leader north of frozen pike
Our neighbours loathe our lot they love to hike
Their civil war of real estate to cease
Ill blind and burn them ray of sunshine spike
Ice lenses lodged in light towers keep the peace
And should they self annihilate till none
Ill walk through ruins two cats in chains in fun
Chorus none void zero

Saturday, July 29, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #277

A luxury the lives of dwarves or elves
He leaned on ladder legs to stabilise
I goosed gigantic books of old off shelves
I climbed the solid steps self styled four eyes
To lever clues of chronicles as prize
He pulled the pages back in pose aloof
The largest letters clear to truther spies
I didnt need the glasses plain the proof
I see the scale of power in warp and woof
The rag thats paper fashion origin
I want to raise the roof in savage spoof
I bite a lip at butchery thick skin
The gentile genie giant is back in jar
The close up magnifies a man as star
Chorus jar flask urn

Thursday, July 27, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #276

He smirked at me aware I wasnt kin
The physical tug now appeared enough
The charge electrical trekked skin to skin
I kissed him back on lips I called his bluff
I flicked away imaginary fluff
On my huge blouse its double d in scale
He fondled my outside a fraction rough
He gasped and fell in love he fingered braille
He got a fraction fluky reading beta male
Ill fool around if looking less than best
Ill prowl off peak then not afraid to fail
And whats a blotchy skin to sneaky pest?
The days Im perfect framed in fuss
Are sort of cyclic stuff Ill never suss
Chorus fuss ado stir

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #275

I suffer bitches who examine bling
And book up manicures and pedicures
To my accounts I two time them I swing
The cocktail spikes of viagra cock endures
I sport a swarthy ski tan which allures
Old minstrel brown and blue of arctic sun
I yodel yiddish eskimos top viewers 
A roll of blue eyes skin tone foil in fun
The private jet turns sharp tornado shun
And yet your yeti stirs aquatic ape
The migrant feathers flock your engines gun
The memes of dodo dos and donts take shape
A golden parachute odd olive branch
The bitches get a look at avalanche
Chorus branch shoot twig

Sunday, July 23, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #274

I haunt a house and dwell in squalid squat
Im half the human boy I used to be
On census page I sense Im blot or dot
I roam at night a ghoul I guess Im free
The ribs of cats and rats are hinged your vee
They set the standard when youre cellar stuck
In waste you lose the power to poo and pee
You flee through narrowest gap the freakiest luck
Youve lost the will to eat your manna muck
Youve burnt off bone and flesh as kilojoules
You blame yourself you want to pass the buck
You watch yourself aware of fellow ghouls
I mightve brought a kiss to final breath
I shouldve known the female fell to death
Chorus breath huff gasp

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #273

Can you keep a dirty little secret?
Mean Im not exactly known a virgin
My tits massive paralyze most men met
Cool to keep the surge of sexual urge in
Blossomed late yet pleased at last to burgeon
Wondered why the parts experienced solely
Narrowly escaped a plastic surgeon
Silicone implants a harm unholy
My insight aligns in silence slowly
My tits jack up pals they hide theyre jealous
Bitchiness the realm of ladies lowly
Squirm of aching shoulders overzealous
Now it is Im fending off too many
Look to say Im lucky fielding any
Chorus many legion copious

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #272

The psychological you second guess 
Your motives hidden deep inside your mind
The leashed impulses seem your source of stress
Your outer self takes umbrage double bind
You sense yourself unnaturally kind
You do your best to hide your need to bore
Your sexual status second class you find
To do or dream it sin the same at core
I didnt know I had a secret score
Unconscious conscience pulled at puppet strings
I followed her in fact just more and more
I was a weirdo wielding wedding rings
I want to grope a boob I know its wrong
I guess I was a homo whole time long
Chorus wrong delinquent foul

Saturday, July 08, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #271A

Through statue riddled roads of Rome I roam
A cherub sex slave shoved in public sight
The wings I wear of plaster bring it home
A living work of art of little height
The feathered manacles to frustrate flight
Inhibit growth of limbs Im genuine cute
The wings are clipped are clipped on punny sight
Im nudged to Nephilim place front end route
I cave to massive clitoris a hoot
The damage non existent furthers fun
I ruffle feathers little chance to scoot
I was a little liar all damned and done
If flighty bastard cherubim are we
Then born once more art mirrors flutters me
Chorus we mi vi
kqj52 etymology for bastard
Bast - cult of cats
bastard - from the cult of cats
special magic power of cats - kittens in same litter by different fathers

Friday, July 07, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #271

The primitive encryption olden cuss
The chinese whispers never ever near
You filter pure as witness waiving fuss
You dampen shouts to win the wider ear
You speak aloud ideas you hold as dear
You suffer sneers you sweat a kilojoule
You stumble under sarcasm hard to bear
The hostile silence hours outdoes a duel
She stands stock still in mind immobile mule
Ignores the words Ive said in sweet address
Upon her brow a frown is fixed too cruel
I should approve her poses little less
The cipher book transĺates the babe a bitch
I read the part again I guess it glitch
Chorus bitch shrew vixen

Monday, July 03, 2023

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #270

Id grown a fringe to shut off pineal gland
As passive person jostled by the crowd
The root Id rather never understand
The autist artist anxious cries out loud
Third eye thing pure of which Im proper proud
If strong in prophecy then steeped in risk
Id rather rig a cool outcome in shroud
Id rather work through ready options brisk
The characters in spectrum sit at disc
The last thats born a baby good as runt
Im someone patient pixies plan to whisk
Im starved of character Im bleating blunt
Yet freaks ourselves are dime a dozen made
Youre much as me of baby sibling grade
Chorus made created formed