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Thursday, June 30, 2005

a study toward sonnet #666 by FisherKingKQJ

Great means to learn the native lexicon:
Light cuban cigars for tough oyabun,
As hostess elsewhere, kiaseng sexy con,
I'll often wink at his fawning kobun.
Yank limousine back seat is kooky fun,
He proof reads company scandal sheets,
Sokaiya market blackmails by the tonne,
He values in yuan a touch of my teats.
Does my school blouse, zips skirt pleats,
A cocktail waitress thumbing his pages;
It's my way of shafting ocker deadbeats,
I laugh at my ex boyfriend's small wages.
In Kabuchi red light we run one red light,
Our driver honking brazenly sharp right.

In Kabuchi red light we run one red light. SPADES
In Kabuchi red light we run one red flare. CLUBS
In Kabuchi red light we run one red glow. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3 dimensional interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 89 minutes.}

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

a study toward sonnet #665 by FisherKingKQJ

You're nectar of the gods, like a daisy
Your odours kill flies and leave bees be,
Your kisses leave me gasping and hazy,
My enemies hum as so much debris.
Lone, it's you everywhere that I see
In substances of prodigious nature...
All plants possess you to varying degree,
In colour, perfume or rooted stature.
So offset me young, block me immature,
As this diffuse hemp or that lazy dope,
In your powerful arms, loving ligatures,
Round me as beeswax spirals white rope.
Upon a picnic blanket we've long lain,
Trod daisies to scents under its low plane.

Upon a picnic blanket we've long lain. SPADES
Upon a picnic blanket we've long reposed. CLUBS
Upon a picnic blanket we've long sprawled. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 67 minutes}

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

a study toward sonnet #664 by FisherKingKQJ

I blink against the solstice midnight world,
It's chicaneries, fumbles and travails,
It's bluffs, invasions and abuses hurled-
Your love the only plaster which now avails.
You puff grey vapours when winter hails,
Above windscreens, against bare plane boughs,
Your soothing yet fish-cold touch never fails
To bridge the avenue's tarmac camber sloughs.
The high wind over branches softly soughs,
In bare twig circles next to our street lamp,
A tunnel of time twists peaks and troughs-
Twigs circle as a twentyfour hour stamp.
Your golden hair is a crown twisted wick,
As twin suns pull, so roots and branches stick.

Your golden hair is a crown twisted wick. SPADES
Your golden hair is a crown twisted hatch. CLUBS
Your golden hair is a crown twisted trapdoor. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 34 minutes.}
{I'm very reluctant about leaning on metaphors
or footnotes, however, in this case, what I thought
initially to be an optical illusion turned out
a physical fact in the avenues of Epsom.}

Monday, June 27, 2005

a study toward sonnet #663 by FisherKingKQJ

I caught a popular girl name slagged off
As I passed some lovely girls in the street;
Politely, I gave a small, dissident cough
To those acquaintances so indiscreet.
That you're a dozey, two-faced bitch in heat,
That you're a manipulator while flirt,
That you're a mannered, veteran love cheat,
That you're a bend to anyone in a skirt.
I've gleaned a gospel gossip which is dirt,
It matters only that you're very clean-
Six hot showers a day, freelance spies assert,
My eyes a flirty brazilian wax glean.
So, Pygmalion-like, I carve this job lot,
Words mortalise you a muse, a sex robot.

So, Pygmalion-like, I carve this job lot. SPADES
So, Pygmalion-like, I carve this job mass. CLUBS
So, Pygmalion-like, I carve this job pile. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocube for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 39 minutes.}

Sunday, June 26, 2005

a study toward sonnet #662 by FisherKingKQJ

I'm fearful that neither vicious gossip,
Nor intimate search of a behaviour
Reveals your true self; and if I so flip
That coin I find no generic saviour.
I can define a crook on the paviour,
Professed ugly tattoos on cheeks and skin,
But puzzle most rest misbehaviour,
Tell nothing by your friendly wave or grin.
Your nose twitch and quiver of your chin,
The focused white spark in your pupils
Could hide all manner and myriad of sin,
Yet they play out as self confessed scruples.
My heart beats for you a fervent tattoo,
Voicing small doubts can instil a taboo.

My heart beats for you a fervent tattoo. SPADES
My heart beats for you a fervent cadence. CLUBS
My heart beats for you a fervent rhythm. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 37 minutes}

Saturday, June 25, 2005

a study toward sonnet #661 by FisherKingKQJ

You need time on your own after slumber,
I know this by my half-awake half-peeps,
Each morning I count a lucky number,
The licence says that you are mine for keeps.
I've personally grown by bounds and leaps,
Love, think of days early when I'd pester,
Also, think how you wouldn't give me heaps,
Twitched your nose, and let it chill yester.
I've hurt you sometimes, yet you don't fester,
So selfishly I've banked small time with you,
Your love can bridge me through a semester,
Your mesmerising memories all through.
Time apart is strength, and plays not tragic,
And future disease might bond us magic.

Time apart is strength, and plays not tragic. SPADES
Time apart is strength, and plays not calamitous. CLUBS
Time apart is strength, and plays not disastrous. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 38 minutes.}

Friday, June 24, 2005

a study toward sonnet #647 by FisherKingKQJ

I cut my hair much too short on the crown,
Was forced to shave it into a bald spot
To custom feast at any wedding in town,
At far flung tables unreserved a lot.
This tie's nylon, elastic windsor knot,
My hire suit bona fide bought from op shop,
Threadbare and stricken with odd ink blot,
As I met two westies in the gents on the hop.
So in the back seat one would roll and flop,
Misunderstand sweet mississipi mud,
Wrap piano wire around my head to lop,
Growl white chocolate as boss over dud.
With cake bride and groom, to heaven I float,
Predict the weather with my gaping throat.

With cake bride and groom, to heaven I float. SPADES
With cake bride and groom, to heaven I drift. CLUBS
With cake bride and groom, to heaven I waft. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 53 minutes.}

Thursday, June 23, 2005

a study toward sonnet #660 by FisherKingKQJ

A few say that you're juvenile and rash
And some say that you're green and bidden last,
A few say that you're immature and brash
And some say that you're young and ridden fast.
Plain truth: your cards are cryptically cast,
You can bluff a twisted royal straight flush
Through ace kingmaker, trough iconoclast,
As even your morbid frowns give me a rush.
Deceptively simple, you control your blush,
I'm sure you win the odd hand with a bluff
You know my heart can be ante'd with slush,
You'll fold a bad hand, blast it with a huff.
You kick my foot, since I'm no palooka,
At stranger doubts, you shoot a bazooka.

You kick my foot, since I'm no palooka. SPADES
You kick my foot, since I'm no deadbeat. CLUBS
You kick my foot, since I'm no loser. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 71 minutes.}

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

a study toward sonnet #659 by FisherKingKQJ

There are plenty who boast their hobbies,
There are plenty, too, who brag their clubs,
There are plenty who boast their lobbies,
There are plenty, else, who brag their drubs.
I'm quietly grateful for their many flubs,
For me alone the crinkles of your nose,
For me alone your rapid blinking blubs,
For me alone your earlobe blush of rose.
Your witching nature, happily, noone knows-
Bon bons aside, that you enjoy good health,
Sunrises sought out, that your doe eyes close,
Dirt poor, that you stand to inherit wealth.
I'm not about to prove you could exist
To braggarts blind, myself into brawls enlist.

To braggarts blind, myself into brawls enlist. SPADES
To braggarts blind, myself into brawls count. CLUBS
To braggarts blind, myself into brawls order. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 65 minutes.}
a study toward sonnet #658 by FisherKingKQJ

Shrewd barrister in a well-known firm,
As I've worked my way up rung by rung,
From dogsbody to lawyer in a term
Of five hard years, nightclasses thereamong.
Ignored for promotion, I was sorely stung,
And cornered one day a girl colleague,
The latest overachieving loose tongue-
With no qualifications - touchy words to segue....
I was shocked by his sexualised blitzkrieg,
He parried threats to expose in public,
Promotion bribes made me weakly renege,
Defending public enemies something pubic.
Brand-new airconditioned car now my clime,
As misdemeanours got me meatier crime.

Brand-new airconditioned car now my clime. SPADES
Brand-new airconditioned car now my habitat. CLUBS
Brand-new airconditioned car now my niche. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 41 minutes.}

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

a study towards sonnet #657 by FisherKingKQJ

Looking glasses crinkle single wrinkle,
On clocks you read time quickly scarce,
Wells of tears inculcate up to twinkle,
On hourly chimes you feel your life parse.
I understand that you think it's half-arse,
The stall, the hedge, the blunder, the u-turn-
They're calibrated within small time farce,
Crematorium dust filling out an urn.
But, it's a fleeting mood, a passing turn,
Your petty struggles are thumbnail sublime;
With only you I playfight and adjourn
The hairsplits of green lemon and lime lime.
Love you as you are, I detente declare,
Shared milliseconds cancel out despair.

Love you as you are, I detente declare. SPADES
Love you as you are, I detente assent. CLUBS
Love you as you are, I detente utter. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 70 minutes.}

Monday, June 20, 2005

a study toward sonnet #656 by FisherKingKQJ

So bad to say boy-girl peers never merge;
I think of us as child bride and child groom,
Prepubescent and mute in sexual urge...
Hindsight says I missed out on bliss not doom.
I don't care who is first into the tomb,
Whose memory allows the One to live on,
It hairsplits caesarean and induced womb,
Love may be dull elsewhere, and far, far gone.
Some verses in your light have brightly shone,
Are well weighted, can't make us immortal,
Complexions grey and demeanours wan,
Nod the human genome's humbling portal.
Our wet mouths, now as then, are full of germs,
Untested still, unlike those tickle squirms.

Our wet mouths, now as then, are full of germs. SPADES
Our wet mouths, now as then, are full of bacteria. CLUBS
Our wet mouths, now as then, are full of microbes. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3 dimensional interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 65 minutes.}

Sunday, June 19, 2005

a study toward sonnet #655 by FisherKingKQJ

See you under shady, weeping willows,
Bewitching ectoplasm of lonely heart;
Smiles and mannerisms instead of pillows
Prop my besotted mind, and daydreams start.
Bhodhisattva, through me wisdom impart-
You're so wise, noble, dignified, and pure,
Strain aspirin bark brews of wizard art,
Transparent gold cups infuse with cure.
Approved in heaven, instead you endure
The worldy woes, disease of fleshed-in soul;
In willow tea you soothingly wend lure
To paradise, stretch me against the bole.
To my aching body you gently minister
Smooth kisses, dexterous then sinister.

To my aching body you gently minister. SPADES
To my aching body you gently attend. CLUBS
To my aching body you gently cater. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 57 minutes.}

Saturday, June 18, 2005

a study toward sonnet #654 by FisherKingKQJ

You are you,
Dream defy,
Pain adieu,
Gladden eye.
Babe, it's bye,
I'm so fond:
Praises high
Illfit donned.
Beauty, bond
Shy and deft,
Self abscond,
Self bereft.
Let me praise,
Lovely ways.

Let me praise. SPADES
Let me acclaim. CLUBS
Let me cheer. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose while awake at the wheel: 35 minutes.}

Friday, June 17, 2005

a study toward sonnet #653 by FisherKingKQJ

I'd heard at first the feverish boy talk
About a gorgeous girl, picked up a clue,
Completely curious, too dumb to balk,
I chimed loud sighs in before I met you.
I thought such girls as you erotic few,
Believed in fate, not what-might-have-been,
Could not accept another you in lieu,
Yet now mistaken, a love of sorts glean.
Her eyes are olive black, not olive green,
Her locks are ashen blond, not honey blonde,
Her legs are spindly short, not lanky lean,
Her ways are bohemian, not demimonde.
So, will I be trampled in the scramble
Of testosterone which you both amble?

So, will I be trampled in the scramble. SPADES
So, will I be trampled in the jostle. CLUBS
So, will I be trampled in the melee. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 42 minutes.}

Thursday, June 16, 2005

a study toward sonnet #652 by FisherKingKQJ

Say hallo, hello,'re sublime,
My thought loving your laugh lines acesses,
Upholds in haphazard bright rays of rhyme,
Whilst my third eye of wisdom caresses.
My weary heart to hindsight acquiesces
As neither of us has versed a chattel,
Or begrudged that other's convalesces,
We'll kiss whilst others divorces battle.
I don't deserve your pillow prattle,
Of your true sweetness I plead ignorant,
Perhaps will be to my deathbed rattle,
Your subtleties shift underneath the cant.
I love you, knowing not your x-factor,
Though placed better than a live sex actor.

I love you, knowing not your x-factor. SPADES
I love you, knowing not your x-aspect. CLUBS
I love you, knowing not your x-element. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 61 minutes.}
a study toward sonnet #651 by FisherKingKQJ

If you'd just once spell out loud my error,
I'd know which part of dumb me to erase;
Langorous sigh underlines my terror
And kicks up into some short yawn blase.
I melt in your eyes, as they overglaze,
There's any bit of me that I'd destroy
For your ideal, to prime a mutual craze-
But you bite your lip, sad mime deploy.
Perhaps I need to insinuate a decoy,
Transmute to body double of your choice,
As thorough as some stranger redeploy
Eloquent or mumbling, so lower my voice.
Who's that monkey in the looking-glass?
He's puzzled that you're only booking class.

Who's that monkey in the looking-glass? SPADES
Who's that monkey in the mirror? CLUBS
Who's that monkey in the reflection? DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 50 minutes.}

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

a study toward sonnet #650 by FisherKingKQJ

Your posture toward me is not serious,
Or else masks your contempt and fury,
Undermining and so deleterious,
An all-in-one judge, bailiff and jury.
You're mesmerising, black haired houri,
Correct in your sarcastic great tirade
When smashing in my musty potpourri,
My own disgust conjoins the fusillade.
Let me run on a bayonet's steel blade,
Too familiar with my own hairy palms,
Disgusting habits, philosophy cliche'd,
My hairsplitting, misdirected qualms.
My faults reflect yours, offered to flays,
Let me flatter you still, let me unfaze.

My faults reflect yours, offered to flays. SPADES
My faults reflect yours, offered to birches. CLUBS
My faults reflect yours, offered to scourges. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 47 minutes.}

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

a study toward sonnet #649 by FisherKingKQJ

My Marie butchie found out that I snowdrop-
I'm smarter than a tabby at said game;
Off washlines and into my pockets pop
Bras, brassieres, satin panties, without fame.
Too clever by half, I'll dodge any blame-
I'll give her fresh panties and cucumbers,
As she's the One who will not call me lame
For asking for bank accounts and numbers.
At me people laugh, here he now lumbers-
Or, toothless, ginger, phat giant who stands
Outside this fruitshop in wide-eyed slumbers,
A grungy cabbage leaf in his hot hands.
Too late for dentures are my shrunken gums-
Just right for snuffling lady butchie bums.

Just right for snuffling lady butchie bums. SPADES
Just right for snuffling lady butchie arses. CLUBS
Just right for snuffling lady butchie tushes. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 51 minutes. I'm quietly confident that by
2007AD I'll be writing 1 world class blank verse or
half rhyme play per month.}

Monday, June 13, 2005

a study toward sonnet #648 by FisherKingKQJ

I guzzled booze in some midnight carlot,
A lone-wolf lonely in some leering crowd;
I was approached by his gorgeous harlot,
Of legginess bold and buff cleavage proud.
Not fussy and perhaps underendowed,
I'd lay her on their aloe scented quilt,
Then bonk since opportunity allowed,
I'd sponsor merchant sailor's part-time jilt.
As he stabbed me the once to copper hilt,
Her beestung lips began to surge a story-
How at the earth's core boiling iron is spilt,
How there's no wall-clock in purgatory.
So I'm clocked in by her impatient strong-
In gauze blindfolds, get centuries as long.

So I'm clocked in by her impatient strong. SPADES
So I'm clocked in by her impatient powerful. CLUBS
So I'm clocked in by her impatient vital. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 58 minutes.}

Sunday, June 12, 2005

a study toward sonnet #645 by FisherKingKQJ

Your beauty is beguiling and your charm
Perceptible, transient, benign repose;
Your dimpled smile plugs turmoil with calm,
Your fine works go unpraised as by the gross.
Your words are wise few, not dilute verbose,
And loll in lavish kindness on your tongue;
You pour rum for the needy in their woes,
Decant wine for the bitter hearts unsung.
Your methods put us on the topmost rung
In spiderweb clothes and sails bullet proof;
Your bullion glass-like gold, pure first among
Those yellowing alloys of alchemy spoof.
Your hull and futtock out of ice are spun,
We fly your bookmark to crack polar sun.

Your hull and futtock out of ice are spun. SPADES
Your hull and futtock out of ice are twirled. CLUBS
Your hull and futtock out of ice are wound. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 55 minutes.}

Saturday, June 11, 2005

a study toward sonnet #646 by FisherKingKQJ

Engaging multiverse what-might-have-been
And kissing like there was no tomorow,
Endorsing fruit machine and plastic screen
Celestial City smelt of tears and sorrow.
With my honeyblonde usherette back row,
I watched red, green, blue, bits like a power drill,
Or barber pole, screw laser shavings up-flow
To bouy some hex-nut satellite in nil.
An angel's clear gold wand floats our freewill,
To Tri of Knowledge citrus perfumes we waft
Ozone-borne by waves which pure gold distill
Through calendars of grafted fruit aloft.
Up jasper and transparent gold walls cricks
Our gaze to compass-in-clock pearl gate nicks.

Our gaze to compass-in-clock pearl gate nicks. SPADES
Our gaze to compass-in-clock pearl gate marks. CLUBS
Our gaze to compass-in-clock pearl gate scores. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 65 minutes.}

Friday, June 10, 2005

a study toward sonnet #644 by FisherKingKQJ

Another fellow has won scrumptious you
Describing, championing your fresh essence,
Your smooth, rose petal skin and your virtue
Beguiling naivete, minimal pretence.
He captures surely your effervescence,
Your gaffe and cover up, your quaint red blush,
Where I let go youth with some deference,
Unable to make sense of slang you gush.
My rhymes aren't busy to provoke a hush,
They're merlot grapes and dairy milk decayed
Into wine and yoghurt, some humble slush,
So overripe is bottled, vatted and delayed.
I love you thoroughly, loathe perfidy
Wild child, yummy mummy, giddy biddy.

I love you thoroughly, loathe perfidy. SPADES
I love you thoroughly, loathe intrigue. CLUBS
I love you thoroughly, loathe mischief. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 65 minutes.}

Thursday, June 09, 2005

a study toward sonnet #643 by FisherKingKQJ

When I was young, I scoffed the litany
Of wronged women and controlling men;
I would not be squashed by such tyrrany,
I would not be squished into such a pen.
Afraid to say this, I've got the same yen
For sour and sweet boy-girl interaction-
He praises one thing, then dismisses ten,
Affection rare yields splinter attraction.
So, I've joined this ritualised hen faction,
Endure his flipflops, praises and put-downs
Since I can tell he'll ease up a fraction,
As I've acquired a taste for quasi-frowns.
He was attentive and so sweet at first,
Abusive and sweet next, to salt my thirst.

He was attentive and so sweet at first. SPADES
He was attentive and so sweet at chief. CLUBS
He was attentive and so sweet at prime. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 46 minutes.}

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

a study toward sonnet #642 by FisherKingKQJ

It's making me choke; I want to keep sane;
His cheat being a ghastly smack in teeth,
Just hearing of his fiancee is my bane-
I'd like to float on my back in the Lethe.
The bitch has vanished, I can now breathe,
He's swapped a trollop for a giggling turd;
So cheap in changing posy into wreath
Before it wilts, he'll marry lucky third.
Compulsion to fire off the final word
Assuages now - he'd call the call as lame,
Employing the tact and morals of a merd;
I can't help placing on me total blame.
Say hilarious girls who've managed breaks:
Tear up the photos, release your brakes.

Say hilarious girls who've managed breaks. SPADES
Say hilarious girls who've managed fissures. CLUBS
Say hilarious girls who've managed splits. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 50 minutes.}

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

a study toward sonnet #641 by FisherKingKQJ

You're still the same wine-sipping masochist,
You want to hear all, how I've scarcely coped;
I'm boorish, sure, though no misogynist-
She says that I've turned out just as she hoped.
Same city, same block, we haven't eloped
From your large ego, as you might discern;
I'm wide eyed in love, not mickey finn doped...
What other factoids would you like to learn?
She's heiress with old aussie money to burn,
Brown sloe eyed, cream and peaches angel face
So wince your cringes, your frown from me turn,
Against yourself flick your low jealous ace.
True, her character is not as pleasant,
But you know me, self-same leering peasant.

True, her character is not as pleasant. SPADES
True, her character is not as nice. CLUBS
True, her character is not as suave. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 45 minutes. Pleasant/peasant
is a completely new rhyme. I've done hundreds of others,
in other words, done the impossible.}

Monday, June 06, 2005

Toggle TeddyBear, the automatic bank teller interface is available on the Telecom NZ hyperlink below, for downloading. The technology which is closest to the money always wins.


You have been invited to share a moment. Click here to view this Telecom Photo/Video message.



a study toward sonnet #640 by FisherKingKQJ

Whirlwind marriage: he was a brilliant chef
Who'd made his name on custard syllabub,
I was a student majoring some treble clef,
Layered oil and vinegar and nil a snub.
Obsession with me homogenised drub-
He breathed me, talked me, read me, and ate me;
I mentioned our whole marriage was a flub,
He put me down to raise the ante theme.
He whisked me off with brainwash anti-meme,
In front of friends and family he'd deal
And cater to my whims, and himself absteme,
In private traipsed me as trussed rolls of veal.
He put a padlock on our glassdoor fridge,
Which my warm perfectionism couldn't bridge.

Which my warm perfectionism couldn't bridge. SPADES
Which my warm perfectionism couldn't overarch. CLUBS
Which my warm perfectionism couldn't span. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 63 minutes}
a study toward sonnet #639 by FisherKingKQJ

This farmlet has foreclosed a winebox scam-
I, junior shepherd do the dirty chores,
Too knackered to bonk a newborn lamb...
While rich, absentee, city farmer snores.
I'm frightened of his free-range pig's gores,
What if she chews off my calf as I sleep?
I feed her lambs' fry, kind of cuts and sores-
Spoilt brat reigns over the six-paddock sweep.
One night I felt my own hot black blood seep,
Completing my machete lamb slaughters
By moonlight since city farmer was cheap
On lightbulbs, or dowries for his daughters.
I'd sooner in sweatshops ache, cut, run rife,
Else take flesh gorging Sally Sow to wife.

I'd sooner in sweatshops ache, cut, run rife. SPADES
I'd sooner in sweatshops ache, cut, run ubiquitous. CLUBS
I'd sooner in sweatshops ache, cut, run widespread. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 58 minutes.}

Sunday, June 05, 2005

a study toward sonnet #638 by FisherKingKQJ you want to know a secret?
I didn't get back on that well-groomed horse;
Love by ear saved me big stacks of regret,
Discounted other people's easy mores.
Forget him, avoid him, so say the saws,
Wipe your tearful eyes, find someone to rile,
Who's smarter, richer, funnier, overawes,
Rouse jealousy within the country mile.
I thought of him always, not for a while,
The word commitment had caused a muddle,
He'd furiously leapfrogged the paddock stile,
Awarded me one last hindsight cuddle.
He sort of ran off in white, grey and black,
Lone we dawdled, then together, then back.

He sort of ran off in white, grey and black. SPADES
He sort of ran off in white, grey and jet. CLUBS
He sort of ran off in white, grey and raven. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 61 minutes}

Saturday, June 04, 2005

a study toward sonnet #637 by FisherKingKQJ

I was whelmed by waves of delight and guilt
When my best pal was dropped by her cute beau;
I grit my teeth and thought of taking tilt
At her new, wrong face shape, tight curl hairdo.
That I could feel this way made me near spew-
A bitch, a snitch, a whinge of schadenfreude;
A healing patch it would me best suit sew
On her heart, barring chance of guilt laden feud.
My friend, I've always been a gladdened pseud,
Through shortcomings of this chosen icon
Sought my own huge doubts and sadness exclude,
Quite helpless when self censoring sly con.
I would not set you up to make you fail
This helping hand I stretch is true though frail.

I would not set you up to make you fail. SPADES
I would not set you up to make you blunder. CLUBS
I would not set you up to make you crash. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 1 hr 15 min.}

Friday, June 03, 2005

a study toward sonnet #636 by FisherKingKQJ

Though we both kept our paws in video porn,
And we'd watch it, snuggled on the couch,
With time I became more and more forlorn
As he avoided awkwardly my touch.
Away pulled from porn, he became a grouch,
Would not acknowledge my own sexual needs;
In front of our monitor, he would slouch
So casting primary divorce court seeds.
At video porn I could yell screeds and screeds,
I've put no trust in nine bedded men since;
On spirit the malignant tumour feeds,
Now even, brokenhearted, it makes me wince.
He's backed up with a teenage ocicat-
I guess they drool and threesomes copycat.

My guess: they drool and threesomes copycat. SPADES
My guess: they drool and threesomes imitate. CLUBS
My guess: they drool and threesomes mimic. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{Time to compose: 57 minutes.}

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

a study toward sonnet #635 by FisherKingKQJ

Great good friend, I found her first in that crowd
In evil, muddle and good - so please behave;
Let me have two friends of whom to be proud-
Your face reddens jealous or whitens grave.
I see what you see and none of us is slave-
She reads books bottom to top, back to front,
And left to right in monotones architrave-
Her aramaic, basque and gaelic being no stunt.
On idiosyncrasies we've placed love's punt:
She wears fleece cotton culottes, sips green tea,
Her childbride friends help her husband hunt,
She's gypsy mannered, gorgeous to a tee.
My friend, you can't have her, it would be sin,
But she's got a sister, now wouldn't that be syn?

My friend, you can't have her, it would be sin. SPADES
My friend, you can't have her, it would be left. CLUBS
My friend, you can't have her, it would be odd. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]
{time to compose: 59 minutes}