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interactive movies

Thursday, February 29, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #325A

Theres paradise I peep the wendy house
I wear these nappies real tight weak of bowel
I fantasize the voice of dolly spouse
The sugar coated consonant and vowel
The baby powder makes odd odours foul
In switch of nappies mother understands
Ive shrunken private parts a squarish jowl
Id drain a bottle doped in heifer glands
I favour smaller senior nappy brands
The males to females home in hover near
I climax nipples fondled hands on hands
I pee in nappies pleasure fosters fear
My mama didnt house train me till late
Im pixie sized Ill never grow up straight
Chorus late behind overdue

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #325

In company of lady friends Ill laugh
Its from them whom I get the proper price
They say Im certainly the better half
They reckon him a little numb and nice
I risked a lot on daring roll of dice
As he exuded charm and confidence
I was aloof in love averse to vice
I felt at loss in hate and wished it hence
I wasnt such a fan of common sense
I plumbed irrationally daily dross
The schism of shallow versus deep immense
I feared a sugar crash of candyfloss
I shouldve friend zoned him a caring bloke
I married him to safely signal woke
Chorus bloke fellow guy

Thursday, February 22, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #324A

The paedos reckoned me their prodigy
They promised me Id fondle female bust
As long as fantasized Id flop it free
I gobbled estrogen their pixie dust
A narcissist I suckled self in lust
I kept to childish company of vain
The paedos sighed us pretty life unjust
They wished they were us little kids again
The paedos prayed to Baal a perfect pain
Theyd cut out cattle glands and biff the rest
The uterus and bollocks boil and strain
Till yellow fun in flasks appeared to crest
A babe I suckled paedos little sad
They didnt murder me its not that bad
Chorus sad glum miserable

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #324

I fussed too much I flinched at butterflies
The brothel rendez vous immensely mad
As he avoided every womans eyes
And went through motions sexually too sad
I picked the girl and he thanked me just glad
Our payments dutch in cash at couple rate
The dimmer switch a shrewd touch might I add
It filtered flaws till better feeling state
I steered the scrum I let them copulate
The strap on dildo deemed as not our lot
Expansive plastic prop at richer rate
And he opined it not enough a bot
I loathe those shallow bitches wont to stray
I love that little deeper whom I rate okay
Chorus stray diverge wander

Saturday, February 17, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #323A

Im cherub folk take me a baby boy
Examine closer check out balding head
To paedophiles I bring immoral joy
Im shrunken small Im starved then little fed
Those painted jointed statues bots I dread
A confidence in clunkiness exude
Inside them wind up clocks to pistons wed
They stiffly stroll the streets they kind of brood
I like their lathered hands in massage lewd
They prep those hairy regions reckoned yuck
They shave the pits and private parts till nude
In manacles are my two ankles stuck
The plaster wings Im clipped to cherubs fate
I stroll in painted statues celebrate
Chorus fate destiny providence

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #323

Think border skirmishes are paramount?
Then read this recipe for gender strife
The women more than men in number count
I fight to work out simple loving wife
Im dime a dozen sadly sort thats rife
A homo hominid in pyramid
I pray to shortages of mortal life
I copy women who insist on grid
I corner him to do a deed Im bid
The jealousy in women stir a kick
As hes anonymous I honour lid
It stays on screwed the pretty boy is slick
I cleave to him to point of perjury
Theirs men of mews and plastic surgery
Chorus perjury parjure perjurio

Friday, February 09, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #322

You said youd modified the sort you were
It wasnt wild to wonder what you meant
I pictured pretty boy then busy blur
On many mysteries of life I leant
You praised the way I was your money spent
On jewelry flowers and scents a sudden show
You gifted me it signaled passion pent
The daddy issues mine I followed flow
You dated sleazily two dolls I know
They joked youd make a mint then marry me
I loaned you cash till balance level low
You sold yourself a soul too scarce to see
Id rather never bank the money back
Than cry or sue you see you start a stack
Chorus back counter flip

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #321

You made me murmur phrases far too strong
I love you was among them worst I rue
The gifts and favours racked up nothing wrong
I generously matched them more than few
Im such a coward I cant express adieu
Theres nothing wrong in character in sum
Id rather keep it friendly plant a clue
Theres nought to sabotage to signal dumb
Im superficial when I slap your bum
I celebrate technique in saucy sex
Old fashioned what I want is bunk and chum
I wish you had a wheedling jealous ex
I didnt worry rare the warning signs
Theres women worse I hear he hotly whines
Chorus signs cues indications

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #320

You seated me along your knobbly knee
I played up special guest on private jet
The luxury urged no apology
You were in margin richest man Id met
I wore torn jeans and blouse of linen net
A pair of chino pumps and woollen socks
In pile of hair a silver comb and pin as set
On pendant slung a frame of beryl blocks
I struggled still Id had a share of knocks
Id met your wife a wrinklier lookalike
I shared the rosy cheeks and raven locks
The lanky limbs the icy eyes that strike
In variant diet trek through time his alone
I met your son a variant shade of clone
Chorus alone exclusive sole

kqj definition of sperg - individual who cannot understand sarcasm
'Archimedes ran through the streets naked crying Eureka' (the streets full of boat builders and seasoned captains)