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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Revised sonnet #60

Baron Octopus in blush adopts green
Where green wall of coral camouflage acts
Billows cloud of ink then exits black scene
Eel invader robbed of visible tracts
Princess Prawn transparently treks tiptoe
Wears a fearful phony eye on her arse
Cannibals if curious lately lie low
Till tide turn if usual prawn prey prove sparse
Cropper Hermit Crab inhabits conch shell
Wishes conches coolest natural end
Hermit crabs if happy on death dont dwell
Pincher over pincer hierarchies rend
Hes so fun and far from fuddyduddy
He allows aquariums clear or muddy
Chorus fuddyduddy traditionalist square

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Revised sonnet #59

We take diving masks off our own faces
Down Poor Knights tightest tunnels
We tread water wary zero paces
We tie put the boat in widest funnels
Next he wipes away the salty runnels
From jaw mine and we exchange embraces
Next he kisses me at bobbing gunnels
Pothole mazes are the strangest spaces
Moray eel ambushes cockabully
Shoal of yellow parrotfish takes plunges
Down amongst the red and orange sponges
We view fishes fascinating fully
My man muses much on sea things they thrive
Sun touched by torch lit I nod too no jive
Chorus thrive flourish prosper

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Revised sonnet #58

My darling loves to clutch my fine red hair
I did tell him Id dreamt myself a blonde
Our plan out bush to biff all worldly care
Our kisses private cordoned by a frond
Our hollow where unhappy cats abscond
The Urewera treetop tuis are heard
To lone trills past a sunrise chorus bond
The kakas cackle criticism concurred
The holy winds Tawhirimatea incites
A sickly soul revives on verge of death 
The malady identified in breath
The crisp air he inhales off icy heights
The crazy diets Id do Id grow and shrink
The hair and nails Id shed a nod to skink
Chorus shrink dwindle wane

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Revised sonnet #57

My hair heavy hangs so sea spray laden
We view past the promontory narrow
Mapped out myth the maiden next to maiden
Peaks that play third suitor halve to harrow
Mute volcanoes lava like a marrow
Suitors play theyre stuck on maiden mountain
Inching barrow past the others barrow
Skipping suicide show as fiery fountain
She tossed him a wad of mint unmarked cash
She asked him to shoo away the daughters
Wild teens hers and drawn to manly moustache
Nothing stronger served than bottled waters
Every second souls a boy theyre on tap
Bar tsunami strike or lightning ball zap
Chorus tap faucet valve

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Revised sonnet #56

My squeeze and I talked tortuous teenage pain
My baffling bosom size its gain and loss
My blotch of skin and spots and bulge of vein
My period cramps unflinched a carried cross
His random randiness an awkward strain
His brain to consciousness a slave or boss
His clumsy arms and legs the growth quick gain
My squeeze expressed in phrases free of floss
A crafty crab on sand trap crimps its lip
The flax affords my bare calves crisscross cuts
My shins press pimpernel to sway and dip
While we weave way around the sedge tramp ruts
The shifting bars of sand their banking beach
He reckons build and blunt the breakers reach
Chorus beach coast strand

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Revised sonnet #55

Te Auroa whistled high to hoist the mood
The pool reflected back to her her face
The tohitohi surfaced silver hued
A dragonfly asserted silent grace
Though chosen by excitable elite
The brains and beauty led to lonely snare
That demigoddess gifted head to feet
Then worried over girls of lesser ware
Id value him a sweet and simple soul
If low on luck that makes us deuce and deuce
A chance at happiness our common goal
A mythical trope might yet be of use
An inkling him the milk and me the cream
That octopus escapes in cloud of dream
Chorus cream crema creme

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Revised sonnet #54

At Whites Beach wind bends coprosoma strands
The toitoi hold their ground on close exam
The clay track twists till sand there self disbands
Against the bluff the constant breakers slam
Hes fond of fabled felon laugh on lam
George Wilder caper clifftop altitude
In vacant cottage civil giving damn
The note he leaves in large oozed gratitude
The shags and gannets fish in foaming swells
They wriggle kahawai out from the clinging kelp
I board the basking shark and give a yelp
He ushers me off it eyes worried wells
He praises red hair mine I rise in mood
Then praise him back on baby blue eyes viewed
Chorus mood aura feel


Thursday, November 05, 2020

Revised sonnet #53

Pohutakawa encountered looks to flee
The twisted roots exhibited tale tell
Theyre knuckle white at low tide ebbing sea
Around the rocks and stones they cup they dwell
Two kingfishers their foil a solstice frost
Abandon brilliant stonk of cloud of gnats
The flighty crowd of sandhoppers accost
They fear in landing pounce of feral cats
He guesses wrinkling waves an ozone drug
To mermaid might you melt immersed enough
Accepting kiss I so accept the cryptid stuff
As apes aquatic blubber bound we hug
He says that loves a mundane cause yet sweet
He bides the braids of hair I do till neat
Chorus sweet nice pleasant

Tower object taller than it is wide
Tower of babel a tower of words or alphabet blocks
At place
Lant stale urine
Is building
Atlantis place of the stale urine building
Lanted gentry collectors of stale urine
the natural detergent on deforested lant
You couldnt see the lant for the trees
an old pixie lumber jack proverb or see saw sayso 🎲🎲🎲