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Monday, April 30, 2018

Revised sonnet #1425A

The world is viciousness a place Id void
Youve lavished love it wont reciprocate
You cant acknowledge now youre bouyed
Above the pain in chemicals you create
In endorphin and cannabinoid joyed
A factory insensitive to fate
To loop of killers cruel youre but annoyed
You kill your plants they carry little weight
The cheapest cyber game of scant resource
Dystopia simpler frame of story skew
A single figure census chosen crew
And swift disease suspend expensive force
Youre cordoned off far from your paradise
It foists you cancer cells your only vice
Chorus paradise bliss heaven

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Revised sonnet #1425

In cheapest cybergame a moral code
Instinctive animals embracing bad
The choices moot to munt in grief to gad
Theres space to spank in scarcity the mode
The lump of runts appears the lighter load
A happier life amongst the humans had
A lowly stray dog eating scraps once sad
Abandons pack unstricken by a goad
The flies on peak of pyramid of food
They buzz and suck and make the jungle swing
They plant a wink on lion purported king
They copulate on lashes nothing lewd
The emerald roach wasp a parasite
Yet lovely looking hollows ugly shite
Chorus parasite cadger stowaway

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Revised sonnet #1427

The wicked words I wailed Id cancel none
I wish I could take their twist back in wake
They startled plenty they hurt to stun
I saw your face turn white your fingers quake
I panicked feeling lull in mutual fun
I preempted halt of harmony jerks sake
I questioned why you were the feted one
I was a saboteur of self too fake
I feel that lonely lost Id love to die
Tell me you found a fellow more your kind
The fizzling out makes me mad out of mind
Or wreak on me a warning blare end nigh
As ever grab I love you meekly give
Your pardon prompt the only way Id live
Chorus give confer donate

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Revised sonnet #1429

Ive caught this galling case of de ja vue
An earlier life as virtual video game
Your neighbourhood except its sort of same
You itemise in smiles the while I woo
Again the ingenue and ingenue
I miss the sense of chat and stave off blame
At lips yours mine I manifestly aim
Id suffer merely holding hands in lieu
A certain source of dictionary looks
Or spot the similar of beauty crown
Youre harder wising up than dumbing down
To surgeons nips of hooks and nix of nooks
A nano diamonds valve in sun seeds scene
Its pin ball big bang memory machine
Chorus scene panorama vista

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Revised sonnet #1430

Receding hair line black tooth facial wen
A bachelor at fifty seven years
And senile much ahead of married peers
A crossed off candidate to spinster hen
In fact the buttermilk of meeker men
Asexual casual source of lamest leers
Incapable of chauvinistic jeers
A perfect specimen of citizen
I watched and winced as he turned statue stiff
As should your local student necrophile
Or budding artist bent on extra mile
Of death or body odour bore I whiff
On stretcher settled his grey body bag
I helped that driver wheel it single snag
Chorus bag pouch sack

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Revised sonnet #1432

Our great grand parents wouldve worn the woe
Of great depression unemployment blight
They mightve sensed each others souls on sight
They mightve chatted neither friend or foe
You long to journey back to long ago
Your stomach empty feels and largely light
Youre avatar in avatar in flight
Youre ninety nine per cent spin circled o
The potent past is accessed easily
Its full of ambiguities hum and haze
The dodgy doppelgangers who amaze
And sceptics compromising queasily
You yank your hollow matryoshka type doll
In heaven high youre plonked immortal whole
Chorus doll figurine statuette

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Revised sonnet #1426

A break up such as ours is grimmest going
The question rises who will free fall first?
The feelings held off hesitantly showing
In murmur muddled elevated burst
Yes were divided vapid virtue knowing
As right along youve marked me self immersed
Your magnanimity is overflowing
You value me the very best of worst
The slow strolls skips and struts on bending bays
Tide up tide down on scintillating sand
Coarse concrete balustrade us hand in hand
Our sore eyes bathed in healing sunset glaze
Allow the mildest memory a glance
Then darling level love last ebbing chance
Chorus glance peek scan

Monday, April 09, 2018

Revised sonnet #1441

In gratitude youre grand your gab is glib
Your pleasant manners stand as moral code
I sweat your power play poignant episode
Your earnest pledge now seems a flippant fib
Wed do each other favours free we didnt crib
The seams we worked were modest motherlode
Youd offer me a present later just your mode
Id pass on it along that line ad lib
I did a foolish deed that rather rash
Exactly same the lesson loosely learnt
This time though sympathetic soul you werent
Id ever fetch you from the same old crash
You rescued often my erratic arse
I make a modern meme of mental parse
Chorus arse bum derriere

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Revised sonnet #1439

If mum is wealthy work your charm on her
Endorse the charity and social skill
If mum is needy seek to safe side err
Endorse the salutary doctors bill
If sis is brilliant batch of wheels that whirr
Endorse the finely focussed study drill
If sis is stolid set of cogs that burr
Endorse the fantasies via party pill
If she looks lots like your uncles wife
You hit it off as mutely meeting minds
If she emotes that men are just two kinds
Youll neatly narrow down to wedded life
I wish you luck I wish your substance style
Old friend the chemistry thats free of guile
Chorus style flair panache

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Revised sonnet #1428

Jeans hit jeans front to front I couldve flipped
Then her thigh gap I palmed apart as apt
In gist as her knee gashes hiked and dipped
I dry humped her hard she sighed simply rapt
I crested stockstill stranded fully zipped
You might concur I was then handicapped
Yet drained Id last lot longer pleasure gripped
Yes epic social intercourse thus mapped
The smell of deodorant and sweat and sex
The sudden startling change of depth and pace
The stamina and poor techniques that vex
The marathon of face to back or face to face
I humoured her to orgasm best I could
And ground on her engorging bud and hood
Chorus could mogao pourrait