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Friday, July 10, 2015

sonnet No fracks in fertile

No fracks in fertile frond and forest lands
Just pill abiding babes in burrs and firs
No sea snake sibilants just squawks and whirrs
A cameltoe invites nude walnut glands
A pistol packed just ties up trusty hands
An apex peaceniks palms pin pussy purrs
A toothless moody moa in view avers
Or parrots peaceniks mumbled moans demands
A sense of sadness swats at middle east
If sexual fluids fry pits of arms spice stink
And rarest rains just force awol a beast
And skin unburnt in burqas blinks a drink
Rude rain and fungus flush a peacenik clean
A surly seagull grips hunch macho mean
Chorus clean fresh pure