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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

sonnet #1,606

I, Judas, carped that carpentry workshop,
First spied the medical veneer spruce chest
For amputees and scabbers, splint for lop,
Where repetition randomly does wrest.
As Marcus Crassus' error margin crop
Was decimation, Herod-like assessed,
Insurance via consensus census drop,
His sixteen thousand crucified at best.
If snitches say that one survived the boss,
Well, greed does get done glossed, if ever cheap,
And fasting thinned bones can enlarge the leap
When booze numbed brittle, set on skinflint cross.
I've counted crooks who're crucified by nods,
A toss, my waking dreams aware of odds.


o nods
o bows
o ducks