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interactive movies

Friday, September 11, 2009

(Lady Elizabeth, a former lady in waiting
accompanied her singing on a palm sized
balailaka as she sat in a punt in the outer
canals of the rice paddies.)

Eve and Ada, first before and after
Autumn's fall of Man, ambiguous laughter
Led by, seedless fruit those naive two swallowed,
Near abolished blueprints Angles hollowed,
Those timelord Godog punished, couldn't kill,
For whom we pay the price of huge pain still;
They knitted clothes from offcut human hair
Their buttons formed from fingernail horn pare,
From underarm hair they knit shoes and socks,
Those monkey fast track relics clue thick locks. (10)

(And then she improvised over hypnotic
rhythms ingrained from schooldays chanting
multiplication tables and spelling spokes the
following lines, stifling sobs.)

The Whirlwind Wizard left me tick and tock,
An umbrella, an hourglass waterclock;
The first shades flats of time as sundial spoke,
The next a gurgling sinkhole needs evoke,
As yin or yang, wiseclock, anticlockwise,
Which hemisphere tune, finetune, analyse;
All I know - that Kull rules the regions east
While Talon reigns over western lands at least;
In Kull's tyrrany no fauna or flora breeds,
In Talon's negligence, fruit chokes under weeds. (20) 10 lines=$100 pay cheque

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]