One Tree Hill Worry
She sat atop the concrete culvert creek
And smiled a smile too small for passersby,
She spoke in third person, he was at home,
Down her blouse she let him pitch a peek,
The summer rain had raised her nipples high,
She said a cowboy's horny hand might roam
On her silk bra a wet see through streak,
She passed her knuckles near his button fly,
His groin began to firm, his lips to foam,
She slapped his thigh, he gave her tit a tweak,
His British bulldog rainchecked fresh lamb's fry,
A tipsy tui saw a bouncing redfaced gnome.
As she walked the winding tarseal road
She jacked a cowboy by grate judder barred,
And cried out: Sweet boy, your herd you must stop,
Of boor Adonis' gored hams this does bode-
What if a boutique bull charged mad, horns marred,
On scent of steel-capped bobby-calf tanned strop?
Her skirt and panties she shucked, her scratch showed,
Said: Bullocks bollocks tanned alike are tarred,
So cowboy silly cow took in her crop.
She whistled him from wandering jew dew,
Amongst wet lolly wrappers, condoms, butts,
They see-sawed two mouldy concrete blocks,
She shoved him down in tipsy tui full view
Near silly cows and simpering, small mutts,
She straddled him round volcanic grey rocks;
She rolled his fist on her tit as you do,
She rolled his knuckle just where nipple juts,
He gagged on her draped, gorgeous, flaxen locks;
His culled, runt British bulldogs kissed a few
Late born lambs; furious, aback showing guts,
He heaved her off, arrear bounced off her hocks.
I tiptoed on to midlife, slinked see-saw,
I pondered both ways, and walked fro and back,
Might cloned sheep be the feeble early fluff?
A boy is quick to bend a boldface law,
A man is slow to foist a fatal crack,
A boy is poised to win big with one puff,
A man is settled on his subtle draw,
A boy is stripped for summer rain to slack,
A man is dressed in clothes light enough,
A boy is prone to feelings raging raw,
A man is often lost in broods set black,
Yet children cheering are the future's fluff.
I crooked my nurse in for a soy ice cream,
I waffled on how somehow less was more,
She laughed between low calorie fueled licks;
Our desert parlour mirage marriage dream
Odd bactrian-dromedary hybrid bore,
No bull crap paradise out in the sticks;
On eco terror cowfart taxes scheme,
From biofuels breadcrumbs for third worldly poor,
She got up, sweetly said back in three ticks;
I thought her lovely tata touching meme,
By kiwi coked cheap punjab cars set store,
How her touch cured, or ciggies lit her kicks.
Too close, a sunflower seemed the setting sun,
A blackhole whole smack middle of its heart,
Round fringe a superficial, fine gold blaze;
My lashes perched in crosshairs of a pun,
As blindspots, sunspots segued smooth babel art,
Three wise sha men crissed Chinese updown ways,
The sun now seemed a portal safe half done;
The darkness pulled back grey shapes black in part,
My nurse black dot on yond stile grabbed my gaze.
Mynah bird Samoan cuckoo clucked on through
Pidgin touches, parrot inflected sparrow;
And sixty minutes slowly stacked an hour,
In thousands seconds thronged their hour long queue;
I thought through what else I might harrow,
Her playful young singsong voice could empower,
I worried words in ambivalent stew,
I'd kept my chat up lines nice and narrow,
She'd said: See you soon, come sleet, hail or shower.