mamey - grapefruit-sized fruit with brown
skin and yellow flesh
mamoncillo - grape-sized fruit with green skin
and reddish, edible flesh which you suck until
you get to the core
nispero - perfectly round, billiard-ball sized,
brown fruit with soft fleshy meat, delicious
in juices
uchuva - chewy, tomato sized, orange coloured
fruit, unique taste
zapote - brown egg-plnt shaped fruit with
orange, fleshy fibred met around several seeds
ron - rum
trago - alcoholic drink
bagre - catfish
calamar - squid
cangrejo - crab
corvina - blue fish
langosta - lobster
langostino - large shrimp or prawn
mariscos - seafood
mejillones - mussels
mero - groper or sea bass
ostra - oyster
pargo - red snapper
pescado - fish that has been caught and is
considered food
pez - live fish
pulpo - octopus
sierra - sawfish, king mackerel
arrecife - coral reef
atarrya - circular fishing net widely used on
cost and rivers
autodefensas - right-wing squads created to
combat guerrillas, also called paramilitares
or just paras
bandolo - similar to mandolin
bandolero - bandit, brigand
baquiano - peasant who hires horses or mules,
accompanies a guide, usually
corriente - ordinary bus
colectivo - shared taxi or minibus
corraleja - dangerous bullfight
danta - tapir
dar papaya - to give somebody the opportunity
to take advantage of you
denuncia - official statement to the police
(los) desechables 'the disposables' underclass
of homeless, beggars, street urchins,
prostitutes, homosexuals, 'cleansed' by
death squads, los limpiadores.
deslizador - high powered boat
ELN - Ejercito de Liberacion Nacionale - the
second largest group after FARC
esquina - street corner
flota - intercity buses
gallera - cockfight ring
gamin - street urchin
gringo-gringa - foreigner
guacamaya - macaw
guacharo - oilbird - species of nocturnal bird
living in caves
guadua - large bamboo
guaquero - robber of pre-Colombian tombs
guayabera - men's embroidered shirt
guayabo - hangover after an arguardiente
Indians - indigena
insult - indio!
lancha - launch, motorboat
ligre - cross between Bengal tiger and African
liqui liqui - such as the Holo Magi wears, men's
traditional costume - white/beige hat, shoes,
trousers, shirt
mafioso - big fish of drug business
malecon - waterfront, promenade
mecha - small, triangular envelope with
gun powder used in 'tejo'.
mestizo/a - person of mixed European/Indian
motorista - boat driver
mirador - lookout, viewpoint
muelle - pier, wharf
mula - literally 'mule'
mulato/a - mulatto; a person of mixed Spanish-
African blood
narcotraficante - drug trafficker
oso hormiguero - ant eater
palanca - lever, person of influence
paramilitares - see autodefensas
pastuso/a - idiot
perica - cocaine
pito - car horn used indiscriminately in the
propina - tip (not a bribe)
requinto - small twelve string guitar used as a
melodic instrument
requisa - police document search, body search
rumba - private/public party
salinas - seaside salt pans on shallow lagoons,
used for extraction of salt
salsa - type of Carribean dance music
sicario - paid killer to eliminate adversary
soborno - bribe
soroche - altitude sickness
tiple - small twelve string guitar used as
accompanying instrument
tombos - police
tonina - freshwater dolphin
totuma - dried fruit carved bowl
trapiche - traditional sugarcane mill
vacuna - payments to guerrillas by farmers
La Violencia - bloody period of civil war
(1948 - 57)
between Conservative and Liberal Party
voladora - highspeed powerboat, sort Fran
likes to ship cocaine in
zambo/a - person of mixed Indian/African