a study toward #931 by FisherKingKQJ
O sweetheart, I'm so sorry for the pain
I put you both through - I could only see
One side of our Fijian bent coin plain,
Al's World Wide Tattoo set my mind free.
Prosecution accepts my guilty plea,
I'm stuck for good in the old Dark Ages;
Plain jealous of our baby, yessiree,
It explains my feeding time wild rages.
I'm stuck with Paremoremo's cages,
Miss solid Austin chasses British made,
And homegrown weed; paranoia is wages
For meth labs, Yakuza steel thinnest grade.
O love, I'm sorry for the mindless kidnap,
I honored your dirt hole, so let me cap.
o $10,000,000 kidnap
o $10,000,000 abduction
o $10,000,000 hosting
[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]