a study toward sonnet #500 by FisherKingKQJ
You shouldn't be in a rush going south,
She greatly loathes a muff diving foray;
Incur love kissing, licking, nibbling on the mouth,
Oestragen is foreplay, foreplay, foreplay.
The demands of her body can seem fey,
Yet is there a more worthy cause for toil?
With prejudice it's just yourself you flay,
Your amorous engagement you despoil.
She's Venus de Milo, not a gargoyle,
Just lick slow her tummy hips and torso,
Her labia open slow, she won't recoil,
Use eye contact, let her urge you more so.
Girlish cunnilingus orgasm mind boggles...
Are not clitorae such profound toggles?
Girlish cunnilingus orgasm mind boggles.
Girlish cunnilingus orgasm mind flummoxes.
Girlish cunnilingus orgasm mind startles.
[Autocube3 - autocue for 3d interactive movies.]