a study toward sonnet #486 by FisherKingKQJ
I've told him my secrets, plenty else
About me, the deeply instructive tales
And personal bio, how my psych gels
And from where the closet skeleton hails.
I've told him my sibling rivalry travails,
How it killed me to see myself destroy
Or resort to green mails and black mails
Or boost a boy or clotheshorse as decoy.
How he loves me, his sweet hobble-de-hoy:
With or without that fifty cent gee spot
By sharing bathroom sounds loud or coy-
He cooks for me when I'm stricken by bot.
When money is tight or proviso tough,
Our love saps a knot of more than enough.
When money is tight or proviso tough.
When money is tight or proviso hard.
When money is tight or proviso rugged.
[Autocube3, autocue for interactive movies.]