a study towards sonnet #399 by FisherKingKQJ
intellectual property of Letica Interactive Movies and Plastic Transistor Screens
Despite the hectic claimants on my time,
Regardless of finances on my mind,
The bigger townhouse in a summer clime,
Our telephone sex fantasies do bind.
To my partner's requests I'm still aligned
And she tells me exactly how she feels
And to astral travel we're both inclined,
Our bodies are one of those cosmic deals.
And later I find making love plainly seals
Our relationship as warmth intimate-
It soothes my deep muscle pain and heals
With grinding slow ecstasy up to sate.
We believe each other honest equals
In an onion skin of sequels and prequels.
We believe each other honest equals.
We believe each other honest matches.
We believe each other honest likes.
[Proof of concept for interactive movies in the rhyme scheme A sharp, B sharp, C sharp, D sharp, E sharp. 5/11/04]