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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Revised sonnet #1259

In which world were you whole of previous life?
I puzzle multiverse of parallels
In solid science the simple answer dwells
In sick society someone elses wife
This time though theres a greasy rumour rife
It binds to verses lowliest decibels
It flows on flattest cogs to whirling wells
I sense it speaks of love in scenes of strife
The stem cell science implies a second chance
Why werent we humans who know themselves
The inner avatar jarred deeper delves
Youll bloom again in better circumstance
As silly seems the sense of deja vu
To older humans whove thought nought is new
Chorus vu gezien seen

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Revised sonnet #1260

You whined to me your derriere was way wide
You wore a skirt the size of canvas sail
An awkward ask I shrugged to no avail
To pacify I proffered frills to hide
Your russet locks to raven black you dyed
Your lips you painted chinese crimson kale
Your cheeks you powdered white a deathly pale
Your lids you smudged up pastel smokey eyed
I climbed your pair of laddered pantyhose
You scoffed a punnet while I rode arrear
Your face bore blackberry juice stuck to sneer
A mirrored ruddy river wending chin and nose
You shredded pantyhose you country hick
You picked the berries risked a scratch or prick
Chorus hick bumpkin yokel

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Revised sonnet #1261

The luck I had if looking shows a lack
You could zoom down to subtle casual clues
You could assert I had a canny knack
In crossing paths I didnt use a ruse
To me appeared a simple code to crack
Im not the soul who swoons or one who woos
I fancied first the curvy hips and back
I foisted from arrear innocuous views
One day I fagged a favour nicely asked
And later she thanked me I grew in glee
In savvy sudden smiles of hers unmasked
I fancied flash of nape and back of knee
Youd have to question eyes and ears just why
I like to be a smooth and sneaky guy
Chorus why bakit pourquoi

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Revised sonnet #1262

I bid you byebye beyond the bite of lip
You make me mad and more than little sick
Ive gotten past you elegantly quick
You register on radar but a blip
I couldnt launch a laugh off cuff the quip
I couldnt match your mood to coolly click
I couldnt praise a piece you panned as ick
I couldnt catch your eyes theyd ever dip
Youll meet that someone special meant to stay
You could turn into someone else in quest
A lesson from the fiasco might you wrest
I left it late to boldly disobey
Theres couples now I have to ostracise
The single schedule styled to socialise
Chorus ostracise blank shun

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Revised sonnet #1263

O dear Ive been told my enduring faults
I reckoned wrongly people would abstain
Embarrassed by one basically vain
All ring true several inducing jolts
A fickle fellow who assures then bolts
In loyalty lacking should your fortune wane
In patience lacking should your barrier pain
A furtive fellow who agrees then vaults
A festive fellow who adores then dumps
In candour lacking should your essence irk
In wisdom lacking should your answer work
A flagrant fellow who asserts then clumps
I wasnt judged a jerk or know it all
Im glad to hear they didnt have the gall
Chorus all totally whole

Monday, April 13, 2020

Revised sonnet #1264

In lengthy life theres little left to lose
I hear you huff in horrid muffled rage
I shrug I sympathise you act your age
A sadder situation youll never choose
Theres someone worse off ever nod to news
The spending sprees to ward off woes assuage
In common boundary of weekly wage
You know that easy credit comes as ruse
To Satans glory heros homage made
To ponzi pyramid its cult of death
To fractionally fiscal final breath
To seven decades plus years overstayed
Idolatry a worry whims our way
A small time nanobot of kaolin clay
Chorus way path road

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Revised sonnet #1265

Id like to say you mustnt linger here
Thats hang out where I hang out show your face
Yet were in public place a social space
Id like to say you mustnt peep or peer
Id idly intimate you overbear
In case they weigh up wit or grant you grace
Youre kind of cute Id nod all silk and lace
In case they rouse a rumour claim it queer
The other dolls are far too difficult
Theyre veterans of perfect practised pash
Already read I lips yours raw and rash
Youd home in hard tense energy youve built
Theres something wrong with why you elevate
I fear your kisses kink in ease elate
Chorus elevate hoist raise

Friday, April 10, 2020

Revised sonnet #1266

This month Ive got to feeling mighty sad
I feel invisible I freeze afraid
I measure my inflections worried mad
I mouth old memes Im glib and retrograde
Im prone to follow latest media fad
In his eyes hardly half of me is weighed
Agreeably yes I ought to chuckle glad
I smile small smiles sweet etiquette obeyed
Once he ascribed to me anothers name
And volunteered those sentiments Id score
The slip of sentence shivered me to core
I wondered why I feared a secret flame
I didnt dodge or damn it paralysed
One off or warning sign thing analysed
Chorus paralysed hamstrung immobilised

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Revised sonnet #1267

Yes chubby chick in cosy cushion lard
You know yourself its never winter chic
I shiver stirred to speak you do try hard
Your frilly frock tent like is quite unique
I wonder why I care I question pique
If interstitial waters organs guard
Then fats the same and muscle isnt marred
I mind my manners cancel cold critique
Your sashays show your skeleton to me
Ive studied clavicle and spine and hips
Elastic skin if gauged Id get to grips
I bend to outer being ideology
You waddle ponderous you wayward wend
I wish you luck a lighter weight at end
Chorus wend mosey saunter

Friday, April 03, 2020

Revised sonnet #1268

I was a little saddened by that secret gay
There were the vibes and vital telltale signs
The ruddy cheeks and lack of laughter lines
The self effacing quips to keep at bay
I mulled if charm could cause the boy to stray
Id say that certain pleasure undermines
Inside silk sheets where light little shines
The his and hers a little hazy gray
The little jokes and laughter set the mood
Applied the lightest spice of spliff or booze
Impulsive gender politics eschewed
Emotions barred and pleasures pushed as dues
Theres wriggle room in any artifice
Though put another way in hers and his
Chorus artifice gambit strategem