In harmony Ill whimper hurts rehearsed
In seeing an orphan specially abused
In seeing a low laid loyalist never nursed
In seeing a taunting braggarts bile enthused
In seeing all credit hung on workers worst
In seeing strong luck and feeble flunkey fused
In seeing an ignoramus stringing versed
In seeing a stricter censor merely mused
In seeing rites overblown remain unburst
In seeing nicked knuckles after clash excused
In seeing a skill at leisure loosely used
In seeing a nerdishness in knowledge thirst
In middle age stings stiffen numbing cease
As but in death do we propose a peace
Chorus cease end stop
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
sonnet In harmony Ill whimper
Sunday, September 27, 2015
sonnet Our world reads ripened
A baking dish of dough that rises sour
A curdling jar of yoghurt clumps in ooze
A breathing bag of cheese of pungent power
In autumn evergreens least lush leaves lose
And foreign shrubs still stubborn further flower
And boardroom coups can claim an extra hour
And model trophies serially amuse
While seedless table grapes off cuttings fruit
When sack potato eyes sprout shoots in dark
When trees axed down to trunks twigs bud off bark
While mulch of green grass thickens turf at root
See sex is dodged by staple cells of yeast
Yes you could clone your busy self at least
Chorus yeast fermento gist
Friday, September 25, 2015
sonnet Ask Cousin Cupid why
Ask cousin Cupid why youre what you eat
A clone discreet according juicy glands
As bodyclock divides your various demands
As rna exports its nutrients nearly neat
Your feet are big as mine yet not as fleet
Your freckles field as heavier on your hands
Your eyes are bolder thanks to stipple bands
Your pores perspire much more in humid heat
Your hay like hair acquired a hint of gray
As minerals from follicles up reached
As habitat and vectors held a sway
My sun like hair insisted sunshine bleached
Im slightly shorter under hawks eye odd
Were sort of brothers peas in common pod
Chorus odd peculiar weird
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
sonnet Cool boot cut jeans
In denim stiff I might chafe wince or writhe
In work wear faded sold as second hand
Off stringent fast I felt limbs light and lithe
I paid cash satisfied impulse demand
I snaffled jeans chips cheap in tax or tithe
I pondered owner prior gay glum or grand
I squizzed at hospice hand on downs off scythe
One day I see said brand in window pane
On women dummies draped at local mall
Im normal height as male no tiptoe crane
In life Ive found freak few fine girls as tall
I spied on lovers arses found a level pair
He head height taller tallied inches spare
Chorus pair brace couple
Monday, September 21, 2015
sonnet Our cousin Cupid fell
He stumbled into lucid dream and snored
Of all inventions clever which would keep?
And what wild words had ancients blabbed if bored?
A cauldron gurgled coked its bloomer roared
Of previous civilisation a peep
Its fancy filigree unharmed his hoard
Its choke on science hed render rip or reap
In polar cities streets imagined maze
He noticed axis poles at south at north
Haul astral water worldly back and forth
Off tethered satellites a glacial glaze
A lava gas had made his bellows float
A funny skinny voice escaped his throat
Chorus float flotador flotteur
Friday, September 18, 2015
sonnet A theatre villain great
Your turn of character is quite unique
I wish infatuation a forceful fad
I wish I could avoid you no Im weak
Youre just a gentleman youre cruel a cad
You bow ahead you pinch a bum a tweak
You muster me more mad or sad or glad
I could expose you yet in place Im meek
I loathe your vanity its boldly skewed
You reckon pink is red and cream is white
You reckon up is down and left is right
And still I validate you askance viewed
Youre multifaceted a gem judged flawed
I crave you clean cut clearly overawed
Chorus blemished flawed peccable
sonnet I read your double
I read your double kiss or double cross
As portent treacherous you rise to raze
Its simple cipher so I scarcely faze
As from yore young you hankered after dross
Your feeble fling I fret its little loss
I say your pretty pretty eyes amaze
At yin yang dot white black dot do I gaze
On hemisphere waves wake I sea a joss
Ive scoured a sacrificial zinc on hull
Of silver plates it scores off nobles rust
A lesser part of union next to null
Revenge affair in mind Ill fulfill lust
You gurgle clockwise down a steel sink hole
I gurgle anticlockwise down sunk soul
Chorus hole aperture gap
Thursday, September 17, 2015
sonnet You need to make
Your brains and looks are gifts of demigod
Or partial clone then first aid blood and bone
A freezer packet dropped in cryonic pod
Your baby face is little changed its known
Your wise young mind is marveled old and odd
If natures notions needle overflown
Add sensor infra red to cone and rod
Things heal or grow in grace theyd interlace
As if a limb that grows again on skink
Youd grow a part and plug a socket chink
As harbinger to rest of human race
I urge you weightless grow a genial giant
In outer space immortal proud and pliant
Chorus giant behemoth colossus
sonnet I give a care
I give a care as certified dry nurse
Im not a prostitute or parasite
A silver linings clicked in monthly curse
In year round bust aesthetic not right quite
A bitch in heat extends a pinker purse
Its open season morning noon and night
Dog boobs as temporary bags disperse
Milk forward puppies slurp in sweet delight
I lie on beanbags then undo my blouse
I utter oink oink oink a backward code
My nursing cups on hinges then unhouse
My piglet pacifiers my node and node
My sad runts granted scrum I never spritz
I keep a peace I cure a bacon blitz
Chorus spritz issue jet
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
sonnet We scarcely dare address
A lot of light burns eyes its crude in kind
We squizz a pale adjacent moon as soon
Sunset sunrise they softly melt ones mind
When dawn when dusk sun sits in cloud cocoon
It lingers like an orange zest or rind
It crinkles like a party past balloon
It slices like a saw far hills aligned
A hue man holds earth his a proper place
A shine man holds a star a home as real
My second sense insists they interlace
Yours yon a second home a white dwarf star
Your oxygen and carbon quarters gun
A soupspoon dram ends up a teaspoon ton
Chorus gun race zoom
Sunday, September 13, 2015
sonnet A burdens borne you
Your kiddie voice is thin it isnt ick
A broken voice is gristly tracheal thick
And booms afield and boisterously bids
As dna undoes and banks or rids
I calibrate a common country hick
You calibrate a basic city chick
A kid is what you stall at stick on skids
If kissing cousins court you neednt cringe
Youre pure as pedigree or thoroughbred
I guess you greatly overvalue minge
As peace is plied and two tribes wend well wed
A kid if early had they wont exhume
A mongoloid inside a long lost tomb
Chorus exhume disinter unearth
Thursday, September 10, 2015
sonnet My sight and spirit
My sight and spirit are at civil war
One loves a glamour which allieves your looks
One loves a cheekiness your spark at core
Irate at each I wonder which one rooks
In calling pax I play out pretty poor
Temptation tickles me I twist on hooks
I flinch your forward flirty flaw in awe
I palm your gentle curves and prod your nooks
Youve been regraded seven stripped of nine
Its ego beaten off by back of brain
I know you too too well I preempt and deign
Im assinine you latch on like a vine
My eyes resist your eyes my protests pall
I live at large in giggles giddy gall
Chorus pall jade weary
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
sonnet You lie spread out
Off bed edge tawny twisted tresses trail
You flash at me eyes focused upside down
You grin at gravitas you next exhale
I ponder physics my suspected frown
A hint of gravity in head and tail
A brain inverted view its verb and noun
As daily habits double lens avail
Youre monkey modified a munted god
Your guts are jerrybuilt a microbiome
A kilogram of microbes claim it home
Your eyes are rudiments yet cone and rod
If ancient aliens angled accident
Ive loved you loads lined luck looks heavens lent
Chorus accident calamity disaster
Monday, September 07, 2015
sonnet Yes Ive got bushy
Yes Ive got bushy brows which nearly meet
Yes Ive got veiny temples loins and tits
Yes Ive got knobbly knees and pigeon feet
Yes Ive got whiskers wild a chin of zits
Yes Ive got body pong bad breath replete
Yes Ive got mood swings married peak and pits
Yes Ive got tummy turns which eat and eat
Yes Ive got frizzy hair a hat just fits
Yes Ive got tight sweat pants arresting rash
Yes Ive got mighty menstrual muscle cramps
Yes Ive got monthly daggies hidden damps
Yes Ive got dandruff on duds as if ash
No one loves me as me I dont damn them
I ooze sebaceous oil and draw down phlegm
Chorus them dem ze
Friday, September 04, 2015
sonnet I didnt want to
Half pied and she seemed savvy sterling yield
I didnt want to place a bet on field
As lady luck is one expensive dame
I eased in early eager ever lame
Her do up ritual reasoned part concealed
A concertina screen her wardrobe shield
I poured tea strained I sighed her maiden name
I chucked her clips and combs on verbal cue
I praised her shoes as art of great import
I lent her stub of lipstick sustained screw
I crimped her scarf as sensual suitors ought
A beauty blemish barely bids a judge
Id settle on it ours I wouldnt budge
Chorus judge arbiter referee
Wednesday, September 02, 2015
sonnet Your hairs light brown
Your Woippese charms infatuation fulfil
You captivate vast others too they grill
You strike as serious scarcely rid of rut
It hurts I hear you slurred a secret slut
Your rosy cheeks are chattered run of mill
Your nervous character is nattered nil
Your pithiness is pealed a pain in butt
Youd wear offshoulder sleeve a touch of queer?
You might as well exhibit wholly nude
Youd wear acrylic short shorts fabric sheer?
A pantyline and cameltoe ape lewd
I was indignant then I crawl contrite
Your controversial style sense scales such height
Chorus contrite penitent remorseful