You begged a dub done on my brilliant bike
In time your thinking geared an eco green
I swore it was a saboteurs smoke screen
A car flat tyre a thing youd never like
I shouldve hollered hey you take a hike
I like my pickup lines quiet cool and clean
I scoped a bridge across a black ravine
Rain hung air borne I pedalled past a pike
My clothes may sprout a fungus on a fold
I scarce recall a spring shower once it ends
I scarce recall you callous as of old
With tolerance my half heart apprehends
Your eyes are steamed with sentimental tears
In blinding blue buff diamonds that endears
Chorus tears larmes suze
In time your thinking geared an eco green
I swore it was a saboteurs smoke screen
A car flat tyre a thing youd never like
I shouldve hollered hey you take a hike
I like my pickup lines quiet cool and clean
I scoped a bridge across a black ravine
Rain hung air borne I pedalled past a pike
My clothes may sprout a fungus on a fold
I scarce recall a spring shower once it ends
I scarce recall you callous as of old
With tolerance my half heart apprehends
Your eyes are steamed with sentimental tears
In blinding blue buff diamonds that endears
Chorus tears larmes suze