sonnet #1,614
(Restricted to eighteen years and over.)
My blinking name is blimmin' Cheeky Chick,
I'm your sex robot - fancy four pigtails?
My hands my snigger stifle, mouthy veils,
I snort, you loser, did you call in sick?
My quick ribtickling teases turn the trick-
He'll slip out winded, chuffed, yet chug off rails,
I'll roughly reinsert him, sniff, loser bails,
On poor sad you and you alone they pick.
Are you in yet? Dig that drawstring doll kind?
There's more to me than spring-out-tongue, or snook-
I'll fart as you pump sweet pussy from behind,
I'll blow some bubblegum or browse a book.
Just as you've pinned me with grunts, I'll giggle,
Making you whip out on mounting wriggle.
o giggle
o chortle
o titter
(Editor's note - would've thought Dastardly Bastard
and Bitch, Chirpy Chap and Cheeky Chick, got along