(This trivia-log is restricted to eighteen years and
over. Any resemblance to characters is purely
(Mehetelo City. The Nudibranch Nudie Bar on the
occasion of Monsieur le Duc Stonefish's cubic
zirconium divorce anniversary.)
Tourist 1. - The last course has been drowned in
seaweed sauces, I can't taste the fish at all.
Stonefish - The chef assured me all the
ingredients were fresh as could be, short of
Tourist 2. - All tastes nicely smoked to me. The
chef has been very adventurous. Some
people, at arm's length, can't be pleased.
Ugu - The culinary reputation of Mehetelo City
is at stake again. Chef!
Uku - Cook!
Chef - Not again.
Tourist 1. You've swamped the smoked fish.
Chef - Of course the last course is tasteless,
they're as yet un-named shrimps and crabs
from an ocean bed volcanic vent. Here's some
colourless and overcooked fish without the
seaweed sauce.
Tourist 1. - Tastes like rubber.
Tourist 2. - You dunce, they were overcooked in
their own juices long before deep sea divers
discovered them.
Uku - We'll name one of the shrimps after you,
if you don't tell.