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Friday, January 29, 2010

(The following tri-verse and tri-via-logue are restricted to
eighteen years and over. Any resemblance to characters
would be purely coincidental.)
(Mehetelo City, the cubic zirconium divorce anniversary
of Stonefish and his surprise guest hostage ex-wife, at
the Nudibranch Nudiebar. Ken the resident happy hour
crooner croons.)

The rising sun heats up the bee's cold blood,
Its wings, and wind and passing air flood
With coolness selfsame blood right down again-
Who can know what thoughts cross its tiny brain?
With smaller parts but purer oxygen,
The bee with compound eyes now measures men.

Stonefish - Our killer bees are placid as they come,
when they're smoked out of their hive and drop
their nectar on barbecued pirhana. As the pirhana
is vegetarian during the on season it is no hypocrisy
to exclude it from the list of predators to be given
sanctuary in Neo-Pangea. So, gentlemen, stub
out your stogies in the first course, and amazons
in skimpy one piece bathing suits let the
entertainment begin.
Uku - Up with Monsiuer le Duc's Neo-Pangea, down
with Zalabe's risible New-Gondwanaland.