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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

sonnet #1,572 by FisherKingKQJ

I wake alarm clock warned annoyed a jot
You click on snooze your fumbling fingers roam
I place a sparkling crystal coffee pot
Beneath thin steaming pipes of steel and chrome
I pour you point blank one espresso shot
I stir beneath my capuccino foam
I bake your bagel and my croissant hot
They sit on plates their home a steel mesh dome
The paper lies in parts its open wide
My tongue flicks foam your crumb lined lips lick
Through commerce pages Ill search flap and flick
You gauge the tips inside a racetrack guide
We check numbers drawn in classic keno
Coolly shadowed by tower flanked casino
Chorus keno bingo lotto

Elocution chart across dice cube y, a, e, i, o, u.

Monday, December 28, 2009

sonnet 1571

sonnet #1571

I've woken now aware and called it quits
The writing deal is all young person's dreams
My psyche badly beaten inward screams
Its hundred times more hard to score the hits
You stand consolation embraced to bits
For blotted leaves the many many reams
I love your vocalised domestic themes
I bask in wisdom when its wed to wits
I tumbled tense at tiny stumbling blocks
You called encouragement past sharp shame
Industrial malady its sweat-in-stocks
All hypochondrias called by name
Stumbling past big spikes in unemployment
Love I yield to you for plain enjoyment
Chorus unemployment disuse idleness

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

sonnet #1,570 by FisherKiingKQJ

I love you mine I don't wince how we met
You draw the plan you designate the deed
You supervise a vice you view and vet
I soon as execute your code unfeed
Your mesmerised and model marionette
Your voice I nod your hectoring I heed
I land my lolling legs a dry dock bet
I canvas cravings on your part I plead
In chaos you tilt the crux you stilt with strings
I sense your favour sits in loops of loom
I flinch at changes fickle fortune rings
Uncertainty lifts off a glorious gloom
Once I was a one night stand line caster
You got past it and made me much faster
Chorus caster pitcher slinger

Thursday, December 17, 2009

(Restricted to eighteen years and over. The characters
are fictional and any resemblance would be coincidental.)
(Mehetelo City, a geothermal coastal metropolis somewhere
in south east Asia.)

Cindy - What do you call this place?
Vujotsu - It's the funeral vault of Cain. Where wiseguys
who died in prison float in amniotic fluid
in crystal glass torts, reside in various states of cloning.
Professor Wakimojo said the best place for such a
basement archive was next to the precinct police
building, somewhere noone would dream of looking.
Mindy - Cain, a vegetarian, killed his brother Abel.
But was he a fraternal?
Nazo - An identical twin of all foetuses. The foetus who
butted his fellow foetus head first out of a caesarean
section, who accepted a breech birth for himself as his
parents were black sheep.
Vujotsu - This one died of hunger strike arrhythmia,
a day before his parole assessment. This one died of
cancer doing time for an armed robbery performed
by a rival gang crew. This one fell down a flight of stairs
or so we're told. This one had a family history of living
to a hundred.
Cindy - But they won't have battle scars or tattoos.
Nazo - Appearances are everything. And ignorance
confessed or otherwise is a fine thing.

a study toward sonnet #1,569 by FisherKingKQJ

The universe endures great endtimes this day,
Our timelords tri-verse wormholes to and fro,
Through parallel worlds linked in disarray
Yet doomed, kneel to shaman row by row.
A few promoted beyond the milky whey
Turn nothing something, halo wring for o,
To shadowy gnomon shaman starman pray,
Apostles file, eyes free, in glance off glow.
Animals are cannibals by nature,
Our gauge skips zero population growth,
Sticks baker's dozen blunder margin oath,
No scientific, typo nomenclature.
A woman sixty years old soon gives birth,
She looks too young, again, or what it's worth.


o birth
o creaton
o spawn
The grail nought's blanket wearing glossy steed
Now dips his neck, industrial park his feed,
His tipples trapped rain from an old bath tub,
He sweats straw out a centripetal hub,
A robot suit of limitless horse power,
And burnished, wild cards therein bud and flower.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Underworld Steamboat of Vujotsu Zalabe

(The following tri-via-logue and tri-verse are restricted
to eighteen years and over. Any resemblance to
characters would be coincidental.)
(The characters names are hashed from a dice cup
loaded with alphabet blocks (babel), and the oriental
dialects of the virtual metropolis Mehetelo are
hashed in the same way. From Takanabe Z I've
generated the names Velepeci Y and Wikiqido X.)

Act 1 Scene 1

(The phone tap basement room of the rotten borough
precinct building.)

Velepeci - I've never had a head for numbers or music,
I tell you.
Wikiqido - It's much simpler than that - fire sale
elevator music. Those idiot wiseguys have concentration
spans of mites on blowflies - sometimes stoned or
drunk, it always gets them in the mood for their dirty
work. Send me in under cover and you'll bust the lot
in under a week.
Velepeci - I can't let you join the yakuza under pretext,
it's a one way ticket. We've lost two officers already,
entrapment doesn't even come into it.
Wikiqido - Afterwards I could burn off the picture
postcard gang tattoos with laser treatments. We need
a beachhead in the wider battle against organised crime.
Velepeci - If the ancestor gods of Ciqqa only offer us
small time scab crooks, so be it. You need to find yourself
a sweet wife, and worry about worthwhile things. All you do
is eat, drink and breathe yakuza, I'd hate to see you burn
out, Wikiqido. I clocked you out last night, you're getting
so tired and forgetful. I order you to clock out.
Wikiqido - Very well, chief. We'll talk some more.

(Wikiqido shuffles out. Velepeci turns up the volume on
the phone tap equipment, croons to the background
instrumental, and dances a jig.)

Velepeci -
Newt's legs are severed through,
Yet seem intact, as new,
Defy deft swordblade stabs,
Regrow, rejoin, no scabs;
A snake leaves his first moult,
A snitch leads past his vault.

Monday, December 14, 2009

a study toward sonnet #1,566 by FisherKingKQJ

Engaged on widow orphan white blue moon,
As quick you cancelled marriage olden lore,
All rash and random too leap day too soon,
You craved your fresh air and wide space to fore.
You'll leave yourself at mercy, me maroon,
Your sports convertible deemed valet pure,
All motion sensors, super status boon,
I'll dare not dent upholstery, leap door.
I never know your nice plots, or nuances next,
I sigh at your gate, courtesy lights off,
Your friends ad lib alibis, simply scoff,
You're time insensitive as net based text.
As you're a which, left is right, up is down,
I'm your wild card, a tri-vial forking clown.


o down
o low
o nether

Friday, December 11, 2009

a study toward sonnet #1,565 by FisherKingKQJ

When she walked past I puffed a cigarette,
Black tresses tidy tied back ponytail,
She made sure no strange eyes by contact met,
I blinked at aloe scent, her breezy trail.
She gossiped out of earshot, girls her set,
I posed against a plaster wall, some male,
Drew smoke, as ever laid the longshot bet,
Chameleon, melding shades, one to one scale.
A shade of former self, all blunt taste buds
To lose the lard waist, my limbs strangely light
And clumsy now, with balance off, feint slight,
Cool peppermint on mouthwash bitter suds.
Back she slinks now, borrows please a lighter,
Skinny, curvy, friendly girl, why fight her?


o lighter
o primer
o starter


Thursday, December 10, 2009

(The following tri-via-logue and medley of tri-verses are
restricted to eighteen years and over. Any resemblance to
characters would be purely coincidental.)
(Mehetelo City. Cindy and Mindy are on the streets of
the rotten borough busking using two midsize Russian Jewish
balalaikas and mixing it with the local low lifes, including

(Cindy and Mindy croon by turn and in unison.)

Cindy - Those people are so gifted for music. I believe
this Vlado is a night club owner in Pov Zusl, with a
sideline in ex army antiques.
Mindy - Maybe we should've waited till the peak
time traffic died down.
Cindy - As long as you prime the pump, put the
first coin in the busker's hat yourself, people will
cough up. Anyway, we're affiliate gangsters, here
to keep an ear to the ground for Vujotsu and practise
throwing sharpened boomerangs round avenue
corners for Stonefish's upcoming death by
Mindy - The set date is a bit far off, I don't know
they trust our throwing abilities. Using shop
front windows as periscopes is dicey, maybe even the
stars have to be in alignment.
Cindy - Isn't that Crybaby who just collapsed in
front of a stalled car?
Mindy - Some people have got no shame. What a
way to make a living, falling in front of cars
in peak hour traffic jams, then accepting hush money.
Cindy - Isn't he afraid of being steamrolled?
Crybaby - I heard that. My dentures are wooden,
as I'm a vegetarian now, and adore sea weed
spirulina gelato.
Mindy - Your wooden teeth are the mark of Cain
the vegetarian who killed his meat eating brother,
which only proves, two wrongs do not make a
Crybaby - Noone wants to kill me, I've asked around.
Instead, I grovel to pay the rent.

Hickory and chicory fired hot plate,
Beef sausages burnt let off gas in state,
Grey suits fined them farmer who last fed it,
Steamboat porkies stacked, due carbon credit.
Vegan quiche, soybean niche,
Freerange flan,
Sundried rare, half baked fare,
Castor caned, brown sugar beat.
Though stiff bolts sex robot,
Who cranks out clap, small fee,
You'll smirk and smarm a jot,
The new quack hammers knee.
"Go back to sleep, go back to sleep",
Roars Eyeballs Deep,
"You naff off now", cries Up-to-Ears,
"Defrost the flan
With sucks on seedless sweet, glazed pears",
Lisps Gummy Gran.
Abacadabra poor lit algebra,
A towering dice cup double cee cc,
Under wicked criss hatched candelabra
Symmetric k's read x's, low key.
Once lived a loaded lawyer, conveyed by land,
Who laundered lolly less than one grand,
Who lent you lapdogs, left off olden swag,
Who lunched on lamb flaps, legal aid should lag.
Midnight sun permafrost,
Sleet, ice, and snow get lost;
Young Maria counts small cost.
So, Larry Larrikin, he licks his knife
Of crackling pork tid greased, a buttered pea,
Snaps fingers fussily, his waitress wife
All sterling service, waives a ten point fee.
Young Jenny Jail dropped her cellphone,
Old Ginny Gaol caught one dial tone,
All back to back, and butt, tailbone,
Shoplifters best left by own.
Shush bub shush, daddy still can shadow box,
While boobs fatten up firm in detox,
My darling baby, roll of rude in dung,
You'll get well soon, yes, give or take a lung.
Thingummy grit, thingummy gob,
Stir hot steamboat, fire up blue hob,
There, lip free, less beard oysters gape
At pearly whites, and people ape.
Boiled La Nina isobars and arrows
Train on Aoteoroa alien sparrows,
Who nest their nook;
Boiled El Nino isobars and arrows
Migrant mynah birds foist, sparrows' harrows,
Who land a look.
"Freelance thug, who'll you snitch?"
"None less than boss's bitch".
"Freelance thug, what's to lose?"
"A cultured ruby ruse".
Sasha stoke the samovar,
Sasha coke the samovar,
Sasha poke the samovar,
Bets off billy tea.
Victor vet the arctic vor,
Victor get the arctic vor,
Victor let the arctic vor
Frappes sip as free.
Puny Perry Peeper,
Daytime doorkeeper,
Lewd as, looks in louvre,
Maids and hair remover.
Handwringing Larry Loot
Would froth at green or fruit,
Account of its springtime sex;
His missus marked her suits,
Drone bees despoiled to boot,
Would hurl at honey hex;
They wore tequila cactus worms,
Initially agave fed squirms.
Gilded eggs, and glitzy goose and gander
Meander rotten borough gerrymander,
Carat kickbacks carry cresting lord mayor;
Filibuster zigzags dingdong his fall,
Who's left to right can rort a flagged stonewall;
Apparently, cheek kiss french kiss au pair,
When pundits punch in laissez savoir faire.
Kate and Chris on sods of surf
Down a dead arm, waive fairway,
Pinch royal putts, from rolled turf,
Nest for shrapnel, none told, ay?
Dirty dimples, little pence,
Keeper Marshy, madcap fence.
Eighty-eight two fat ladies,
Bouncing boulders, hiding Hades;
Pretty pins, legs eleven,
Sticks crossed stacks, hatching heaven.
Butterfly and glassy,
Deadeye thumb flick milky dealt,
Cut loose canon brassy,
Wall eye, glass eye, patch of felt.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

a study toward sonnet #1,562 by FisherKingKQJ

(This tri-via-logue and its attendant sonnet are
restricted to eighteen years and over. Any
resemblance would be coincidental.)
(Occasion of Nazo and Vujotsu's black pearl
wedding anniversary at the Electric Eel
Bar and Dance.)

Nazo - My husband has been a workaholic all
our married life, and there have been lonely times,
but the money has given me opportunities that
most women don't get as far as quality employment,
hobbies, causes and educating the children, the last of
of which has cost a small freehold apartment so far.
At a time of high and often permanent employment
the decision to retire from what attracted me to him
in the first place was all his. It was thirty years ago
that we met at a funeral parlour during an
accidental double booking, I for my sister who was
the victim of a hit and run driver, who was
subsequently written off by the justice system as
a drunken paranoid schizophrenic, and he for his first
death by misadventure, whatever that means. On the
the count of busted three, orchestra.

Nazo - Ya.
Cindy - Ku.
Mindy - Za.

(Triplet crooned by Nazo, Cindy and Mindy.)

Nazo -
Yes, give me necklaces of nice black pearls
Couldn't care less if they're cultured nacre,
Pearl farm, estuary flatlands, atoll acre,
A thought of love counts lots for loving girls.

Cindy -
They must be mother-of-pearl spectrum swirls,
Shade slate black to black, to ink muckraker,
Mussel, clam and oyster nuclei maker,
I treasure beaded grit in tweaks and twirls.

Mindy -
But you're old money? plan b might then do,
As natural black pearls are precious gifts,
The one black pearl as pendant, cleavage true,
Such pleasantry stirs, parallax, too, shifts.

(Unison) -
Natural black pearl so nuanced announces,
Girl who marries nice and never pounces.


o announces
o broadcasts
o declares

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

a study toward sonnet #1,561 by FisherKingKQJ

(The following sonnet and tri-via-logue are
restricted to eighteen years and over. Any
resemblance to characters would be
(The forum of the Electric Eel Bar and Dance
on the occasion of the black pearl wedding
anniversary and renewal of vows. The groom
Vujotsu Zalabe croons.]

Chock full and bossed our ship ships foreign fouls
Port to harbour, hold leaks harry hustles,
Bilge and ballast stuck with squirts and mussels
And floating organisms reek ferment as if bowels.
My wife and I have sunbathed on towels
On hot forecastle planking, copped but rustles
All the while at eye of storm, bypassed bustles,
Buffets, raking raindrops and screwing wind growls.
Old age has stripped out those material things
Which felt important, leaving love so pure
Aboard this utase bune, we click pearl rings,
It is our balm, defence and catch all cure.
Our hull is held together by ship-worms
And barnacles, strange rivets, strong fine terms.


o worms
o pipes
o tubes

Cindy, Mindy - Nazo and Vujotsu forever!

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Tuesday, December 01, 2009

a study toward sonnet #1,560 by FisherKingKQJ

(The following sonnet and trivialogue are restricted
to eighteen years and over. Any resemblance to
characters would be purely coincidental.)
(Mehetelo City, a virtual coastal geothermal metropolis
somewhere in South East Asia hashed by alphabet
blocks in a dice cup; the forum of the Electric Eel Bar
and Dance on the occasion of the black pearl wedding
anniversary and renewal of vows by Nazo and Vujotsu.
Nazo croons.)

Trust Vujotsu, he sticks to stuff for needs,
That Octopus nocturnal twisted feeds,
Slips back again to his own glass lab jar,
Commutes his graveyard shift one mere aisle far.
The scientist scratches his male pattern pate,
Is gob smacked, goldfish gone, and carps at fate,
Shy Octopus awaits him dust coat white...
Aeration tube gaps wide, not water tight.
Dear Vujotsu, who leans out on a limb
And favour fosters, one per cent as skim,
Who tips the taxi driver twenty over odds
For inside tips on undercover clods.
Most of all he's played a patient father,
If teenagers rate their rainchecks rather.


o father
o paternal
o sire

Vujotsu - Adolescence is a difficult time for anybody.
Parents become an embarrassment. Nazo, in time
our children will see how narrow the university campus
life is.
Nazo - Where did the years go?

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]