The Ballad of FisherKing
Here's FisherKing's weird tale of sex obtuse,
It's somehow sentimentally profuse,
Since he was not a young, committed girl,
As even immature he would unfurl;
The bloke who took him down the bushy park
And jacked off holding his wrist was a lark,
The bloke who picked him up not far off school
In his Minx dashed remembrance as a rule;
But, sheepishly, FisherKing owes the most
To sterile bald man, local friendly ghost,
Who'd tease him often that he had no dick
In front of his own parents, funny trick,
I have so got a dick he would try plead-
At which then FisherKing was groped indeed:
One day that family friend had cut out
His kidney stones, there was no other bout.
FisherKing's now hetero but kinky,
Likes being ravished by nice girls who're slinky.